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Bill Thayer

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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1859

Vol. II

(Born Ten.)

Moses H. Wright

(Ap'd Ten.)


Born 1836, Liberty, TN.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1854, to July 1, 1859, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut. of Ordnance, July 1, 1859.

Served as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1859‑60, — and St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., 1860‑61.

Second Lieut., Ordnance, Apr. 3, 1861.

Resigned, May 30, 1861.

Joined in the Rebellion of 1861‑66 against the United States.​b

Civil History. — Agent and Superintendent of Franklin Cotton Factory, Cincinnati, O., 1865‑67. Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant at New York city, 1867‑68; and at Louisville, Ky., 1868‑86.

Accidentally Killed, Jan. 8, 1886, at Louisville, Ky.: Aged 50.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1886, for an obituary notice.º

Buried, Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, KY.

Thayer's Notes:

a Col. Wright's birth data — he was a colonel in the Confederate service — are from his AOG obituary.

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b As with other Confederate officers, Cullum's Register omits his war record. Lt. Wright offered his services to his home State of Tennessee, was commissioned a Captain in the Ordnance in the Confederate Army, and during the course of the war, being in charge of the Atlanta Arsenal, was promoted several times, reaching the rank of Colonel by the time the Confederacy was no more.

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Page updated: 29 Dec 17
