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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1864

Vol. III

(Born Mas.)

Charles B. Phillips

(Ap'd Mas.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1860, to June 13, 1864, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

First Lieut.,º Corps of Engineers, June 13, 1864.

Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1864‑66: in the Richmond Campaign (with the 18th Army Corps till Sep. 24, 1864, and with Engineer Battalion, Sep. 24, 1864, to Jan. 21, 1865), Army of the Potomac, being engaged in the Siege of Petersburg, June 21, 1864, to Jan. 21, 1865; on leave of absence, Jan. 21 to Feb. 20, 1865; and with Engineer Battalion in the Siege of Petersburg, and Pursuit of the Rebel Army under General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1829: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Lee, Mar. 26 to Apr. 9, 1865, being engaged in

Bvt. Captain, Mar. 13, 1865, for Faithful and Meritorious Services
during the Operations Resulting in the Fall of Richmond, Va.,
and the Surrender of the Insurgent Army under General R. E. Lee)

building bridges, making reconnoissances, and repairing roads.

Served: en route to Willet's Point, N. Y., May 1 to June 20, 1865, — and at Willet's Point, N. Y., June 20, 1865, to Nov. 16, 1866; on Engineer Recruiting service, Jan. 23 to Nov. 16, 1866; as Asst. Engineer on the Defenses of Hampton Roads, Va., Nov. 16, 1866, to May 8, 1869; as

(Captain, Corps of Engineers, Mar. 7, 1867)

Engineer on the Staff of the General commanding the Department of the Missouri, May 8, 1869, to Dec. 14, 1870; and Assistant Engineer in the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina, and of the Defenses of Baltimore, Md., and Potomac River, Dec. 17, 1870, to Mar. 26, 1878, and in charge, Mar. 26 to July 5, 1878; and as Superintending Engineer of the Improvement of the Elizabeth and Nansemond Rivers, and Norfolk Harbor, Va., July 11, 1878, to Apr. 8, 1880, — and of Surveys and Improvement of Rivers and Harbors in North and South Carolina, July 17, 1878, to June 14, 1881.

 p21  Civil History. — Member of Advisory Board to State Harbor Commissioners of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., 1875‑81, — and of National Board of Health, Hampton Roads, Va., 1880‑81.

Died, June 14, 1881, at Norfolk, Va.: Aged 41.

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Page updated: 7 Nov 13
