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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1865

Vol. III

(Born D. C.)

James L. Sherman

(Ap'd Ala.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1861, to June 23, 1865, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 19th Infantry, June 23, 1865.

First Lieut., 19th Infantry, June 23, 1865.

Served: as Judge-Advocate of the District of Augusta, Ga., Oct. 2 to Nov. 30, 1865; on sick leave of absence, Dec. 15, 1865, to Feb. 23, 1866; on frontier duty at Little Rock, Ark., Feb. to Apr., 1866, — and at Ft. Gibson, I. T., Apr. to Oct., 1866; as Quartermaster, 1st Artillery, Dec. 28,

(Transferred to 1st Artillery, Oct. 6, 1866)

1866, to Jan. 31, 1869; in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., to Feb. 3, 1869; on leave of absence, Feb. 3 to Sep. 23, 1869; in garrison at Ft. Niagara, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1869, to Oct. 30, 1872, — Ft. Barrancas, Fla., to Nov. 29, 1873, — Charleston, S. C., Dec. 4, 1873, to Oct. 1, 1875, — St. Augustine, Fla., Oct. 7 to Dec. 2, 1875, — Ft. Adams, R. I., Dec. 9, 1875, to Oct., 1876, — Columbia, Summerville, and Charleston, S. C., Oct. 19, 1876, to Feb. 3, 1877, — Washington Arsenal, D. C., Feb. 5 to Apr. 5, 1877, — Ft. Adams, R. I., Apr. 7, 1877, to Mar. 1, 1878, except while engaged in suppressing Railroad Disturbances in Pennsylvania, July 23 to Oct. 24, 1877; on leave of absence, Mar. 1 to May 1, 1878; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), May 1, 1878, to May 1, 1880.

Died, May 15, 1880, at New York city: Aged 35.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1916.

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Page updated: 11 Dec 13
