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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1865

Vol. III

(Born Ill.)

James M. Marshall

(Ap'd at Large)


James Miles Marshall​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1861, to June 23, 1865, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 13th Infantry, June 23, 1865.

First Lieut., 13th Infantry, June 23, 1865.

Served: in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Oct.‑Nov., 1865, — and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Nov., 1865, to Jan., 1866; as Quartermaster, 3d Battalion, 13th Infantry, Jan. 1, 1866, to Nov. 2, 1866; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Jan. to May, 1866; on frontier duty at Ft. Lexington, Missouri River, May, 1866, — and at Ft. Rice, Dak., June, 1866, to June 11, 1867; as Quartermaster, 31st Infantry, Dec. 28, 1866, to Mar.,

(Transferred to 31st Infantry, Sep. 21, 1866)

1867, and Adjutant, Mar., 1867, to May, 1869; on leave of absence, June 11 to Aug. 21, 1867; on frontier duty at Ft. Stevenson, Dak., to Apr., 1869, — Ft. Sully, Dak., May, 1869; and Ft. Randall, Dak.,

(Transferred to 22d Infantry, May 15, 1869)

June 26 to Aug., 1869; at the Military Academy, as Assistant Instructor of Infantry Tactics, Oct. 1, 1869, to Feb. 2, 1871, — and Treasurer, Dec. 31, 1870, to Sep. 20, 1872, and Sep. 8, 1873, to June 28, 1875, — and

(Transferred to 4th Artillery, Dec. 15, 1870)

(Captain, Staff — Assistant Quartermaster, Apr. 24, 1875)

Quartermaster, Aug. 28, 1872, to July 1, 1875; as Quartermaster at West Las Animas, Col., Aug. 14, 1875, to Feb. 29, 1876, — of Post and Depot at Dodge City, Min., Mar. 20 to Apr. 30, 1876, — of Post of Ft. Ellis, Mon., and District of Montana, May 31, 1876, to Sep. 1, 1877, — and of Post of Baltimore, Md., Oct. 15, 1877, to June 10, 1880, — and Ft. Wayne, Mich., June 23, 1880, to Feb. 13, 1881; as Chief Quartermaster of the Department of Arkansas, and Depot Quartermaster at Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 17 to May 31, 1881; on duty at Detroit, Mich., to July 31, 1881, and in charge of construction of buildings at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 5 to Nov. 30, 1881; as Chief Quartermaster of the District of New Mexico, Dec. 3, 1881, to Oct. 12, 1883; as Assistant to the Chief Quartermaster of the Department of the Missouri, to Nov. 23, 1883; as Depot Quartermaster at St. Paul, Min., Nov. 26, 1883, to July 11, 1885, and in charge of construction of Quartermaster buildings to Nov. 13, 1885; as Assistant to the Officer in charge of the Quartermaster's Depot, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 16, 1885, to Oct. 25, 1887; and as Assistant to the Chief Quartermaster of the Department of the Missouri, Nov. 1, 1887, to June 17, 1889, and of the Depot Quartermaster at St. Louis, Mo., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — At St. Louis, Mo., to Jan. 1, 1891; Disbursing Quartermaster at Helena, Mont., Jan. 10, 1891 to

(Major, Staff — Quartermaster, Sept. 24, 1891)

May 31, 1894; at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., as Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Columbia, June 4, 1894 to Apr. 29, 1897;

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Staff — Deputy Quartermaster-General,
Feb. 18, 1897)

at Omaha, Neb., as Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Platte, May 4, 1897 to April 30, 1898; on leave to Sept. 15, 1898; Chief Quartermaster, 1st Army Corps, at Lexington, Ky., Sept. 16 to Oct. 31, 1898; at San Francisco, Cal., as Chief Quartermaster, Department of California, Nov. 13, 1898 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — At San Francisco, Cal., as Chief Quartermaster, Department of California, Nov. 13, 1898 to Aug. 23, 1901.

(Colonel, Staff — Asst. Quartermaster-General, Feb. 2, 1901)

— At Jeffersonville, Ind., as Depot Quartermaster, Sept. 3, 1901 to April 3, 1903. — At Philadelphia, Pa., as Depot Quartermaster, April 6, 1903 to July 6, 1904. — At Jeffersonville, Ind., July 8, 1904 to January 25, 1908. — On leave to Feb. 25, 1908.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired Feb. 25, 1908, by operation of law.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born May 31, 1844.)

Military History. —

Colonel, Assistant Quartermaster-General, Feb. 2, 1901.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Feb. 25, 1908,
For Disability Contracted in Line of Duty.

Died, Feb. 24, 1912, at Charleston, Ill.: Aged 67.

Obituary notice in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1912.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Col. Marshall's middle name is from his tombstone, q.v.

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Page updated: 19 Jan 15
