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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1865

Vol. III

(Born Me.)

Edward Hunter

(Ap'd Me.)


Born Gardiner, ME.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1860, to June 23, 1865, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 12th Infantry, June 23, 1865.

First Lieut., 12th Infantry, June 23, 1865.

Served: in garrison at Richmond, Va., Sep., 1865, to Mar., 1866, — and at Washington, D. C., Mar., 1866, to Feb., 1867; on Quartermaster duty at Washington, D. C., Feb. 5 to Apr. 3, 1867; as Quartermaster, 3d Battalion, 12th Infantry, Feb. 23, 1866, to Aug. 11, 1866, — and of 12th Infantry, Aug. 11, 1866, to Feb. 28, 1869; as Aide-de‑Camp to General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1840: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Getty at Santa Fé, N. M., May 1, 1867, to Apr. 6, 1869, being engaged in the Action of Dec. 25, 1868, against Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians;

(Transferred to 1st Cavalry, Feb. 19, 1870)

 p53  in garrison at Angel Island, Cal., May 6, 1869, to May, 1870; as Adjutant, 12th Infantry, Oct. 31, 1869, to Feb., 1870; on frontier duty at Camp Warner, Or., June 7 to Oct., 1870; as Quartermaster, 1st Cavalry, Sep. 19, 1870, to May 1, 1873; and in garrison at Benicia, Cal., Nov. 12, 1874, to Oct. 25, 1875, — Camp Halleck, Nev., to Feb., 1876, — Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 19, 1876, to Nov. 12, 1877 (on Nez Percés Expedition, June 22 to Oct. 25, 1877), — and Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 26, 1877, to Sep. 27, 1879 (in the field, June 7 to Sep. 22, 1878, being engaged in a Skirmish on North Fork of John Day River, Or., July 20, 1878), — Regimental Adjutant, Nov. 24, 1877, to Aug. 29, 1879,

(Captain, 1st Cavalry, Aug. 21, 1879)

— Ft. Colville, Wash. (leave of absence, Oct., 1879, to Apr., 1880), to June, 1882, — Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., to June, 1884, — and Ft. Assinniboine, Mt., to Oct. 14, 1886; adjusting State Claims at the War Department, Oct. 26, 1886, to July 22, 1889; and as Judge Advocate of

(Major, Staff — Judge Advocate, Dec. 10, 1888)

the Division of the Pacific and Department of California, Oct. 1, 1889, to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — On duty at San Francisco, Cal., from Oct. 1, 1889, as Judge Advocate, Division of the Pacific and Department of California, until relieved, Aug., 1895.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Staff — Deputy Judge Advocate-General,
Jan. 3, 1895)

— On duty at St. Paul, Min., from Sept. 13, 1895 to May 3, 1898. — Reported to General Brooke, May 7, 1898, at Chickamauga, Ga., and accompanied him as Judge Advocate and Mustering Officer to Puerto Rico. — In charge of civil affairs, District of Guayama, from Aug. 1 to  p155 Sept. 1, 1898. — Secretary and recorder of Commission on Evacuation of Puerto Rico from Aug. 29 to Oct. 18, and Judge Advocate of the Department Puerto Rico from its organization until Oct. 24, 1898. — On duty as Judge Advocate, Department of Dakota, from Jan. 3, 1899 to –––––.

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — On duty as Judge Advocate, Department of Dakota, from Jan. 3, 1899 to May 21, 1901.

(Colonel — Judge Advocate, May 21, 1901)

— Judge Advocate, Department of the East from June, 1901 to Nov. 22, 1903.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired Nov. 22, 1903, by operation of law.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born Nov. 22, 1839.)

Military History. —

Colonel, Judge-Advocate, May 21, 1901.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Nov. 22, 1903,
By Operation of Law.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Colonel, Judge-Advocate, May 21, 1901.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Nov. 22, 1903,
By Operation of Law.

Died, Oct. 12, 1929, at Mount Vernon, N. Y.: Aged 89.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1930.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Col. Hunter's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 20 Feb 14
