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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1866

Vol. III

(Born Ct.)

Charles E. L. B. Davis

(Ap'd Ct.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1862, to June 18, 1866, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, June 18, 1866.

Served: as Asst. Engineer in the Construction of Fortifications, Boston Harbor, Mas., and Harbor Improvements in Massachusetts Bay, Oct. 1, 1866, to Oct. 7, 1867; on Engineer Recruiting Service, Oct. 1, 1866, to Oct. 7, 1867; as Recorder to the Special Board of Engineers for Fortifications in the vicinity of Boston, Mas., Oct. 1, 1866, to May 18, 1867; with

(First Lieut., Corps of Engineers, Mar. 7, 1867)

Engineer Battalion, at Willet's Point, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1867, to Aug. 25, 1868; at the Military Academy, as Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Aug. 31, 1868, to June 30, 1870; with Engineer Battalion at Willet's Point, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1870, to Nov. 30, 1872 (Quartermaster, May 1, 1871, to Nov. 30, 1872); and as Assistant Engineer on the Improvement of the Mouth of the Mississippi, Dec. 9, 1872, to May 1, 1876 (leave of absence, June 20 to July 20, 1875), — and of Improvement of Galveston Harbor, Tex., May 1, 1876, to June 11, 1881; in charge of River Improvements

(Captain, Corps of Engineers, Sep. 12, 1877)

and Surveys in S. E. Texas, June 11 to Oct. 25, 1881; as Engineer of Tenth Light-house District, Dec. 11, 1881, and of the Eleventh, Aug. 1, 1882, to May 17, 1886; in charge of various River and Harbor Improvements, Water-level Observations, Surveys, etc., in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois, since May 24, 1886, — and of Supervision

(Major, Corps of Engineers, Apr. 7, 1888)

of Bridge across Menominee River, since Aug. 13, 1889; and as Member of Board to establish Harbor Lines at Marquette, Mich., since Nov. 19, 1888.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — In charge of the defensive works at Forts Foote and Washington, Md., and Forts Wool and Monroe, Va.; the construction of a sewerage system at Fort Monroe; the improvement of the Potomac River and various rivers and harbors in Maryland and Virginia; examination and surveys of rivers and harbors and the removal of wrecks in the navigable waters of the same States; supervision of the construction of bridges over certain rivers, and of the reconstruction of the Washington shore end of the Long Bridge; the construction of street railway and bridge across Mill Creek at Fort Monroe — from Jan. 20, 1892 to Jan. 15, 1896. Between the dates mentioned, member of Board to establish harbor lines in Anacostia River; of a Board to devise regulations for raft-towing on the Great Lakes and connecting waters; of a board to select type of disappearing gun‑carriage for United States service; of a Board on proposed flushing tidal-basin at mouth of Christiana River, Del.; charged with survey, plan, and estimate of cost of bridge over Eastern Branch, Potomac River; with extensive repairs to piers of Aqueduct Bridge; in charge of the Washington Aqueduct and increase of the water supply of Washington, D. C., from Sept. 30, 1895 to Dec. 20, 1895. — In charge of defensive works on north side of San Francisco Harbor, Cal., including Angel and Alcatraz Islands, from Jan. 27, 1896 to Jan. 17, 1898; in charge of defensive works at San Diego, Cal., and of the improvements of rivers and harbors of California, south of San Francisco, from Jan. 27, 1896 to Dec. 31, 1898. — Member of California Débris Commission to regulate hydraulic mining in the State of California, from March 4, 1896 to Nov. 26, 1897. — Member of Board on harbor lines in San Francisco Harbor and adjacent waters, and of Board to examine certain officers for promotion, from Jan. 27, 1896 to –––––; Engineer of the 12th Lighthouse District, from Jan. 31, 1896 to –––––; to make additional examination of site for proposed post-office and court-house in San Francisco, from July 10, 1896 to April 17, 1897; member of Board to select site for Naval Training Station on Yerba Buena Island, Cal., from Dec. 4 to Dec. 24, 1896; member of Board on Sacramento and Feather rivers, from Jan. 27, 1896 to –––––; in charge of improvement of Humboldt Bay, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and other rivers in California, from July 7, 1897 to Oct. 18, 1897; in charge of the defensive works of San Francisco Harbor, Cal., from Dec. 31, 1898 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — In charge of the defensive works of San Francisco Harbor, Cal., from Dec. 31, 1898

 p128  (Lieut.‑Colonel, Corps of Engineers, May 31, 1901)

to Jan. 31, 1902. — March 12, 1902 to Feb. 6, 1904. — Chief Engineer Division of the Philippines; in charge of the work of the port of Manila under the Civil Government; senior member of Board of Officers to devise projects for fortifying the islands.

(Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Oct. 15, 1905)

— March 31, 1904 to Feb. 16, 1908, in charge of the improvement of ship channel connecting waters of the Great Lakes between Chicago, Duluth and Buffalo; St. Mary's River at the falls; operating and care of St. Mary's Falls canal; improvement of Hay Lake channel and Middle and West Neebish channels; improvement, operating and care of St. Clair Flats canal and improvement of the Detroit River. — March 31, 1907 to Feb. 16, 1908, in charge of the improvement of rivers and harbors from Monroe, Mich., to Cheboygan, Mich. — From Nov. 15, 1907 to Feb. 16, 1908, Division Engineer, Central Division. — Between dates first mentioned, member of various boards as follows: Of the N. Y. Board of Engineer Officers whenever it had under consideration subjects relating to the fortification of the Philippine Islands; of board to consider and report upon further improvements of Duluth harbor; to examine Ohio River and report upon plan of improvement; to consider and report upon any matters relating to provisions for improvement of St. Mary's River at the Falls; to supervise the construction of tunnel under the Detroit River, and of bridges across Rouge, Belle and Saginaw Rivers, and canal from Lake Huron to Black River, Mich.

(Brigadier-General, U. S. Army, Jan. 29, 1908)

Brig.‑General U. S. A., Retired Feb. 16, 1908, by operation of law.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Charles Edward Law Baldwin Davis, Born Feb. 16, 1844.)

Military History. —

Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Oct. 15, 1905.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Jan. 29, 1908.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Feb. 16, 1908,
By Operation of Law.

Placed temporarily in charge of Engineering District of San Francisco, Cal., July 9, 1910, to Jan. 10, 1911, while the officer in charge was absent on duty under the Reclamation Bureau of the Department of the Interior.

While in charge of the ship channel connecting the waters of the Great Lakes between Chicago, Duluth and Buffalo, submitted in 1906 a project for a new lock and canal at St. Mary's Falls, Mich., at an estimated cost of $6,200,000 with provision for a fourth lock, should such a lock be needed in the future. The canal and third lock were built and opened to traffic in 1914, and the fourth lock is now (1918) under construction. This lock is 1350 feet long, — longer than the Panama locks — 80 feet wide and has 24½ feet of water upon the miter sills. This canal and lock have been referred to on the floor of Congress as the Davis Lock and Canal.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Oct. 15, 1905.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Jan. 29, 1908.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Feb. 16, 1908,
By Operation of Law.

Died, June 1, 1925, at Atlantic City, N. J.: Aged 81.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1926.

Buried, Hillside Cemetery, Scotch Plains, NJ.

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Page updated: 20 Jan 14
