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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1867

Vol. III

(Born Pa.)

Charles Shaler​1

(Ap'd Fla.)


Born Pittsburg, PA.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1863, to June 17, 1867, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 5th Artillery, June 17, 1867.

Transferred to Ordnance Corps, July 5, 1867.

Served: as Assistant Ordnance Officer at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., Sep. 30, 1867, to July 15, 1868; at the Military Academy, as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, Aug. 31, 1868, to June 30, 1870; as Assistant Ordnance Officer at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., July 5, 1870, to Aug. 26, 1874; at the Military Academy as Assistant

(First Lieut., Ordnance, June 13, 1874)

Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery, Aug. 30, 1874, to Aug. 29, 1877; as Assistant Ordnance Officer at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., Aug. 30 to Nov. 1, 1877, — and at San Antonio Arsenal, Tex., Nov. 6, 1877, to Mar. 5, 1878; as Chief Ordnance Officer, Department of the Gulf, Mar. 5, 1878, to July 1, 1878, — and of the Department of the South, to

(Captain, Ordnance, Mar. 4, 1879)

Dec. 4, 1880; as Assistant to the Constructor of Ordnance at the South Boston Foundry, Mas., Dec., 1880, to Nov. 18, 1881; as Member of the Ordnance Board, to July 16, 1887, — of Board for testing rifle-cannon, July 23, 1884, to July 16, 1887, — and of Board on Guns used in service in 1884‑85; detailed to assist Senate Select Committee to inquire into Steel Manufacturing in the United States, Aug. 6, 1884, to July 16, 1887; as Disbursing Officer at New York Arsenal, July 31, 1886, to July 16, 1887; and as Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: As Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., to Oct. 27, 1890; in command of U. S. Proving Ground, Sandy Hook, N. J., to May 23, 1891; as Principal Assistant of the Ordnance Bureau, Washington, D. C., to Feb. 22, 1897;

(Major, Ordnance, Feb. 22, 1897)

as Assistant to Chief of Ordnance to ––––

(Lieut.‑Colonel and Chief Ordnance Officer, U. S. Volunteers, July 18, 1898 — Declined)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: As assistant to Chief of Ordnance to Feb. 22, 1897. — Ordered to Sandy Hook Proving Ground to inspect gun  p137 carriages Feb. 24, 1897. — Relieved from duty as Principal Assistant in Office of the Chief of Ordnance, to take effect Feb. 22, 1897. — At Frankford and Watertown Arsenals, Springfield Armory and Sandy Hook Proving Ground on official business pertaining to duties of local boards established by the Civil Service Commission, June 11, 1897. — At Sandy Hook Proving Ground in connection with test of disappearing gun carriage, Nov. 10, 1897. — At Watervliet Arsenal, and Springfield Armory on official business pertaining to the manufacture of field material and small arms, May 19, 1898. — Appointed President of Board for examination of officers of Ordnance Department, for promotion, and member of a board for examination of such officers as may be ordered before it to determine their fitness for promotion, May 31, 1898 to Sept. 20, 1898. — At Frankford Arsenal for duty in connection with cartridge loading machinery, Jan. 4, 1899. — Relieved from duty in the office of the Chief of Ordnance at such time as Chief of Ordnance may direct and ordered to assume command of the Indianapolis Arsenal, April 21, 1899. — Assumed command of Indianapolis Arsenal May 10, 1899. — Ordered to proceed to Benicia Arsenal on official business under special instructions of the Chief of Ordnance, May 20, 1899. — Took leave of absence for 30 days, March 22, 1899 to June 5, 1899.º — Visited at different times certain manufacturing establishments on public business pertaining to the manufacture and inspection of sea coast mortar carriages, gun carriages, the Emery gun carriage, etc., Oct. 27, 1899 to Feb. 27, 1902. — On leave of absence for 3 days, May 24, 1900. — Rejoined station May 26, 1900. — On leave of absence for 7 days, May 7, 1901. — Rejoined station May 11, 1901. — On leave of absence Sept. 2 to Sept. 27, 1901. — On leave of absence for 3 days, Marchº 5, 1902. — Rejoined station Mayº 8, 1902. — Detailed by Secretary of War as member of Board of Ordnance and Fortification, April 17, 1902. — Ordered, upon relinquishment of command of the Indianapolis Arsenal, to proceed to Watervliet Arsenal and report to Commanding Officer thereof for assignment to duty, June 27, 1902. — Departed to obey above orders, July 1, 1902. — Arrived at Watervliet Arsenal July 5, 1902. — On leave of absence for 2 days, July 9, 1902. — Rejoined station at Watervliet Arsenal, July 11, 1902. — Appointed a member of Board of Officers to meet at Washington, D. C., July 22, 1902, to conduct certain tests of disappearing gun carriages, under Act of Congress, approved June 6, 1902, etc., July 16, 1902. — On leave of absence from Sept. 3, 1902 to Oct. 3, 1902.

(Lieut.‑Colonel of Ordnance, Feb. 18, 1903)

— On leave of absence March 17 to March 22, 1903. — Detailed as a member of the General Staff, to take effect Aug. 15, 1903. — Relieved from command of the Watervliet Arsenal June 24, 1903. — Left Watervliet Arsenal to assume duties with the General Staff July 16, 1903. — Appointed member of a board to consider the subject of a carriage for the 16‑inch B. L. rifle; also to visit Midvale Steel Works, Philadelphia, Pa., and West Point, N. Y., on official business pertaining to the construction of said carriage, July 22, 1903. — Ordered to Portland, Me., to observe the maneuvers and test of new system of fire control to take place Aug. 17 to 22, 1903. — Assigned to duty with War Department, General Staff, with station at Washington, D. C., Sept. 19, 1903. — Relieved from duty with the Board of Ordnance and Fortifications, Jan. 30, 1904.

(Colonel of Ordnance, Sept. 17, 1904)

— Relieved from duty with the General Staff Sept. 17, 1904. — Ordered to proceed to the Augusta Arsenal to investigate the circumstances attending the suicide and reported defalcations of the late Private James A. Sapp, Sept. 22, 1904. — At Watertown Arsenal on duty in connection with the operation thereof, Sept. 30, 1904. — Appointed a member of an Army Retiring Board, Dec. 7, 1904.

 p138  Brig.‑General, U. S. A., Retired Jan. 19, 1905,
upon his own application, after more than 40 Years' Service.

— Ordered to report to the Governor of Indiana at Indianapolis, Ind., for duty with the organized militia of that state for a period of four years, unless sooner relieved, Jan. 20, 1905. — Relieved at his own request, from duty with the organized militia of Indiana, July 30, 1906.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born May 23, 1843.)

Military History. —

Colonel, Ordnance Department, Sept. 17, 1904.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Jan. 19, 1905,
At His Own Request, After Over 40 Years' Service.

At Indianapolis, Indiana, on duty with organized militia of Indiana, June 20, 1905, to July 30, 1906; resided at Indianapolis.

Died, March 26, 1915, at Indianapolis, Ind.: Aged 72.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1915.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

The Author's Note:

1 Charles Shaler, before becoming a Cadet, served as a Sergeant of 12th Pennsylvania Volunteers.

Thayer's Note:

a Gen. Shaler's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 13 Feb 16
