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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1867

Vol. III

(Born England)

Thomas Henryº Barber

(Ap'd N. Y.)


Born London, England, May 6, 1844.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1863, to June 17, 1867, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 1st Artillery, June 17, 1867.

Served: in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1867, to Feb., 1870; at the Military Academy, as Assistant Professor of French, Feb. 28, 1870, to Jan. 17, 1873, — and Principal Assistant Professor, to Aug. 31,

(First Lieut., 1st Artillery, July 10, 1872)

1876; on Signal Duty at Ft. Whipple, Va., Sep. 4, 1876, to June 23, 1878; in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. I., Jun. 28, 1878 (leave of absence, Dec. 13, 1878, to Feb. 4, 1879), to May 1, 1880; on leave of absence in Europe, to May 30, 1881; in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. I., to Sep. 28, 1881; and as Aide-de‑Camp to Maj.‑General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1844: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Hancock, Oct. 22, 1881, to July 1, 1885.

Resigned, July 1, 1885.

Civil History. — Lieut.‑Colonel, Staff — Assistant Adjutant-General, New York Militia, 1886; Colonel, 1889; and Brig.‑General, Staff — Inspector-General of the State of New York, since 1889.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Civil History. — Vice-President of the Society First Aid to the Injured, 1893 to –––––; Vice-President Rogers Memorial Library, Southampton, Long Island, N. Y., 1894 to –––––; Secretary of the Executive Committee Samaritan Home for the Aged, 1894 to –––––; Manager House of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents, Randalls Island, New York City. — Governor and member of the Executive Committee New York Hospital, 1898 to –––––; Manager New York Zoölogical Society. — Member of Executive Committee, Trustee the Greenwich Savings Bank, 1898 to –––––; Trustee New York Hospital, Professional Nurses' Club, 1898 to –––––; Vice-President Southampton Village Improvement Society. — Residence, Southampton, L. I., N. Y.

Military History. —

(Colonel 1st Regiment Infantry, N. Y. Volunteers, April 29, 1898)

— Mustered into the service of the United States, May 20, 1898. — In command of Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, N. Y. H., June 11, 1898. — At Camp Merritt, San Francisco, July 13, 1898. — At camp at Presidio, July 15, 1898. — Arrived at Honolulu, H. I., to take command of U. S. forces. — Established, and in command of, Camp McKinley, Honolulu, Aug. 14, 1898. — Took part in annexation ceremonies of the Sandwich  p169 Islands as the representative of the U. S. Army. — At camp at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 6, 1898.

(Brig.‑General U. S. Volunteers, Jan. 10, 1899)

(Honorably Discharged from Volunteer Service, Feb. 28, 1899)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Civil History. — Unknown.

Died March 10, 1905, at New York, N. Y.: Aged 60.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1905, for an obituary notice, with a portrait.

Thayer's Note:

a Lt. Barber's birth data are from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 25 Mar 14
