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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1867

Vol. III

(Born O.)

Edward Settleº Godfrey​1

(Ap'd O.)


Born Kalida, OH.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1863, to June 17, 1867, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 7th Cavalry, June 17, 1867.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Larned, Kan., Oct., 1867, — Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 18, 1867, to Apr., 1868, — Scouting in Kansas,

(First Lieut., 7th Cavalry, Feb. 1, 1868)

to Nov., 1868, — Camp Supply, I. T., Nov., 1868, — Scouting in Indian Territory and Kansas, to Nov., 1869, — Ft. Harker, Kan., to Feb., 1870, — Scouting in Kansas, to Nov., 1870, — and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., to Mar., 1871; in garrison at Yorkville, S. C., Mar. 29, 1871, to Mar., 1872, — Chester, S. C., to Jan., 1873, — Yorkville, S. C., to Mar. 12, 1873, — and Memphis, Ten., and Yankton, Dak., to May 7, 1873; on frontier duty on Yellowstone Expedition, to Sep., 1873, — Ft. Rice, Dak., to June 30, 1874, — on Black Hills Expedition, to Sep. 2, 1874, — Colfax, La., Oct. 18, 1874, to Jan., 1876, — McComb City, Mis., to Apr., 1876, — and Ft. Lincoln, Dak., May 1, 1876, to Jan. 1, 1877, except while on Sioux

(Captain, 7th Cavalry, Dec. 9, 1876)

Expedition, May 17 to Sep. 16, 1876; on leave of absence, to Mar. 3, 1877; on frontier duty at Ft. Rice, Dak., Mar. 14 to May 1, 1877, — Nez Percés Expedition, May 1 to Sep. 30, 1877, being engaged in the Action at Snake River, Mon., Sep. 30, 1877, where he was wounded, — Standing Rock, Dak., June 24, 1878, to Jan., 1879, — and Ft. Yates, Dak., to July 1, 1879; at the Military Academy as Instructor of Cavalry Tactics, Aug. 27, 1879, to Aug. 28, 1883; on frontier duty at Ft. Yates, Dak., Sep. 30, 1883, to Oct. 18, 1886, — Ft. Meade, Dak., to July 25, 1887, — and Ft. Riley, Kan., to Feb. 2, 1888; and as Member of Tactics Board, Feb. 2, 1888, to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. —

Medal of Honor

for most distinguished gallantry in action against hostile Nez Perce Indians at Bear Paw Mountain, Mont., Sept. 30, 1877, in leading his command into action, where he was severely wounded.

(Brevet Major U. S. A., Feb. 27, 1890, for gallant services in action against Indians at Bear Paw Mountain, Mont., Sept. 30, 1877, where he was wounded)

— Member of Tactical Board till Dec. 1, 1890, when he was relieved at his own request to join his regiment in the field, Pine Ridge, S. D., Dec. 7, 1890 to Jan. 20, 1891. — In actions at Wounded Knee, S. D., Dec. 29 and Drexel Mission, S. D., Dec. 30, 1890, against Sioux Indians. — In hospital at Fort Riley, Kan., and on sick leave, Jan. 24 to Oct. 20, 1891, from injury by railroad wreck, returning from field service with regiment. — At Washington, D. C., publishing Drill Regulations and recruiting, Oct., 1891 to May, 1893. — Member of Board of Officers revising Manual of Guard Duty. — Instructor Officers' School of N. H. N. G., March, 1892. — Inspecting N. H. N. G., June, 1892. — At Cavalry and Light Artillery School, Fort Riley, Kan., June, 1893 to May, 1895. — Member of Board revising Cavalry Drill Regulations, May, 1894 to Feb., 1895. — Commended for "special efficiency" by Inspector-General, 1894. — At Fort Grant, Ariz., May, 1895 to Feb., 1896. — Member of  p175 Board, on emergency ration, June to Aug., 1895. — Ft. Apache, Ariz., Feb., 1896

(Major of Cavalry, 1st Cavalry, Dec. 8, 1896)

(Transferred to 7th Cavalry, Jan. 7, 1897)

to April 26, 1898. — Commanding Fort Du Chesne, Utah, May, 1898 to Oct., 1898. — At Huntsville, Ala., Oct. to Dec., 1898. — Macon, Ga., to Jan., 1899. — Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Jan. 18, 1899 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Jan. 18, 1899 to July, 1900. — Commanding Post and Province of Pinar del Rio, May to August, 1899. — Commanding Target Camp at Guanajay, Cuba, Nov. and Dec., 1899. — On leave July and Aug., 1900. — Columbia Barracks, Marianao, Cuba, Sept., 1900

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 12th Cavalry, Feb. 2, 1901)

to March, 1901. — Commanding Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and 12th Cavalry, March, May, June,

(Colonel, 9th Cavalry, June 26, 1901)

to July 16, 1901. — On leave to Sept. 26, 1901. — Philippine Islands Oct. 26, 1901, to Sept. 15, 1902. — Commanding Regiment and Post Legaspi and Province of Albay, Luzon, November 7 to April 18, 1902. — Sick at Lucena, Luzon, to May 1. — Commanding Fifth Brigade, Iloilo, Panay, June to July, and Regiment and Post of Iloilo to Sept. 2, 1902. — Transport Logan, Sept. 10 to Oct. 13, 1902. — San Francisco, Oct. 13 to 18. — Fort Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 21, 1902 to Oct. 19, 1904. — Commanding Department of the Columbia, June, 1904. — Commanding Brigade, Manoeuver Camp, American Lake, Wash., July and August, 1904. — Commanding Fort Riley and Commandant, School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery, Oct. 23, 1904. — President of Examining Boards and President of the Cavalry Board.

(Brigadier-General, U. S. Army, Jan. 17, 1907)

— Commanding Department of the Missouri, Sept., 1905 to April, 1906 and May 31 to Oct. 9, 1907. — Member of General Staff Board, Washington, D. C., February, 1907.

Brigadier-General, U. S. Army, Retired Oct. 9, 1907,
by operation of law.

Civil History. — Commander Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Kansas Commandery, 1905‑06. — Vice-Commander, Department of Arizona, G. A. R., 1909‑10. — Residence, Phoenix, Ariz.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born Oct. 9, 1843.)

Military History. —

Medal of Honor

Colonel, 9th Cavalry, June 26, 1901.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Jan. 17, 1907.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Oct. 9, 1907,
By Operation of Law.

Civil History. — Commander, Department of Arizona, Grand Army of the Republic, 1910‑11; Senior Vice-Commander, Order of Indian Wars of the U. S., 1912‑13; Commander, 1914‑16; Junior and Senior Vice-Commander in Chief, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S., 1915‑16; Delegate Representative to Quadrennial Congress of the Order for Commandery of the State of Kansas, 1912 and 1916; Chief of Staff to the Commander of the Army and Navy Medal of Honor Legion of the U. S., 1916‑17; member of Board of Officers of this Legion, 1918; the name of which being later changed to Army and Navy Legion of Valor of the U. S.; Delegate Representative of the Commandery of the State of Kansas, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, to Conference of the World's Court League in New York City, 1917; member of Council-in‑Chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion; member of the National Council of Administration of the Grand Army of the Republic; Class President, Class of 1867, since 1912.

Since 1911, resided at Cookstown, Burlington County, N. J.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Medal of Honor

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Jan. 17, 1907.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Oct. 9, 1907,
By Operation of Law.

Civil History. — Historian, Order of Indian Wars, 1924 to 1930; National Council of Administration, G. A. R., for many years, probably 1912 to 1921; Council-in‑Chief Mo. Loyal Legion, since 1919.

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: —

Brig.‑Gen., Ret., Oct. 9, 1907.

Died, Apr. 1, 1932, at Cookstown, N. J.: Aged 88.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1932.º

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

The Author's Note:

1 E. S. Godfrey, before becoming a Cadet, enlisted as Private in 21st Ohio Three Months' Volunteers, 1861.

Thayer's Note:

a Gen. Godfrey's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 12 Jun 16
