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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1869

Vol. III

(Born Pa.)

Martin B. Hughes​1

(Ap'd Pa.)


Martin Briggs Hughes: Born May 16, 1847, Franklin, PA.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1865, to June 15, 1869, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 9th Cavalry, June 15, 1869.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Stockton, Tex., Oct. 14, 1869, to Apr. 16, 1872 (Scouting, Jan. 8 to Feb. 5, Apr. 4 to Jun. 15, and Oct. 28 to Nov. 15, 1870, being engaged against Apaches in the Guadalupe Mountains, Jan. 20, 1870), — Ft. Clark, Tex., and Scouting, to Mar., 1873 (leave of absence, July 6 to Dec. 1, 1872), — San Felipe, Tex., Mar.‑Apr., 1873, — as Member of Board, purchasing horses at Ringgold Barracks, Tex., May 18 to Aug. 9, 1873, — Ft. Stockton, Tex., Aug. 27 to

(First Lieut., 9th Cavalry, Jan. 24, 1873)

Nov., 1873, — on Escort Duty, to Jan. 20, 1874, — Ft. Concho, Tex., Feb. 1, 1874, to Jan. 31, 1875 (Scouting, Feb. 13‑28, Mar. 27 to Apr. 3, Apr. 17 to June 10, and July 14 to Nov. 8, 1874), — Ft. Sill, I. T., to Dec. 4, 1874 (sick leave of absence, to Jan. 15, 1875), — Ft. Clark, Tex., Feb. 17, 1875 (Scouting, June 8‑26, 1875, and Jan. 3‑18, 1876), to Feb. 15, 1876, — Ft. Union, N. M., to Aug. 31, 1876, — Ft. Wallace, Kan., to June 28, 1877, — Ft. Union, N. M., July 14 to Sep. 26, 1877, — Ojo Caliente, N. M., to Mar. 18, 1877, — Socorro, Tex., Dec., 1877, to Jan., 1878, — Ft. Union, N. M., to Mar. 18, 1878, — and Scouting, to Oct. 27, 1878; on leave of absence, Oct. 27, 1878, to Jan. 23, 1879; conducting recruits and at Ft. Lewis, Col., and Scouting in New Mexico and Colorado, to Dec., 1880, — Ft. Craig and Ojo Caliente, and Scouting, to Dec. 4, 1881, — Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. (Infantry and Cavalry School for  p142 Practice), Dec. 17, 1881, to July 10, 1883, — Ft. Hays, Kan., Aug. 29, 1883, to Jan. 3, 1885, — quelling disturbances in the Oklahoma country, to

(Captain, 9th Cavalry, June 6, 1885)

Aug. 1, 1885, — Ft. Niobrara, Neb., to Oct. 17, 1887, — and at Ft. Robinson, Neb., Oct. 26, 1887, to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. —

(Brevet Captain, Feb. 27, 1890, for gallant services in action against Indians in the San Andreas Mountains, N. M., April 7, 1880)

Served: On recruiting service, New York City, Oct., 1889 to May, 1890. — At Fort Myer, Va., from May, 1890 to Oct., 1893. — At Fort Robinson, Neb., Oct., 1893 to April, 1898. — At Chickamauga and Port Tampa, April, 1898 to June 13, 1898. — Santiago de Cuba, June 23, 1898 to Aug. 14, 1898. — At Montauk, L. I., and on sick leave, from Aug. 22, 1898 to Sept. 27, 1898. — At Fort Huachuca, Ara., Sept. 6, 1898 to –––––; commanded a troop and squadron, 9th Cavalry, nearly all the time, from Oct., 1893 to ––––

(Major of Cavalry, 9th Cavalry, March 29, 1899)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: Commanded a troop and squadron, 9th Cavalry, nearly all the time, from Oct., 1893 to July 30, 1900. — Commanding home squadron of regiment at Fort Du Chesne, Utah,º to April 9, 1901. — En route to Philippine Islands to May 14, 1901. — Commanding squadron in Samar, P. I., to Aug., 1901. — Legaspi, P. I., (commanding regiment, Oct. 12 to Nov. 9, 1901), to Dec. 9, 1901.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 10th Cavalry, Dec. 6, 1901)

— Acting Judge Advocate, 4th Separate Brigade, Division North Philippines, from Dec. 10, 1901 to June 10, 1902. — En route to U. S. to Aug. 1, 1902. — Sick in General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 1 to Sept. 26, 1902. — On sick leave from Sept. 27, 1902 to Jan. 20, 1903. — On leave to March 2, 1903. — On duty at Fort Robinson, Neb., to Aug., 1903.

(Colonel, 1st Cavalry, Aug. 5, 1903)

 p164  — Commanding regiment and post of Fort Clark, Texas, Sept. 6, 1903 to Jan. 10, 1904. — Commanding Department of Texas from Jan. 13 to Feb. 28, 1904 and from March 3 to April 20, 1904. — Commanding regiment and post of Fort Clark, Texas, April 22 to July 18, 1904. — On leave from July 18 to Oct. 17, 1904. — Commanding regiment and post of Fort Clark, Texas, from Oct. 18, 1904 (sick in Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., Jan. 7 to Feb. 28, 1905), to Sept. 9, 1905. — Commanding Department of Texas, Sept. 10 to 23, 1905. — Commanding regiment and post of Fort Clark, Texas, Sept. 24 to Nov. 30, 1905. — Commanding Department of Texas, Dec. 1 to 10, 1905. — Commanding regiment and post of Fort Clark, Texas, Dec. 11, 1905 to Feb. 21, 1906. — Commanding Department of Texas from Feb. 23 to April 18, 1906. — Commanding regiment and post of Fort Clark, Texas, April 24 to July 11, 1906. — Awaiting regiment at Bell Port, Long Island, July 12 to Aug. 31, 1906.

Colonel, U. S. R.,º Retired Aug. 31, 1906, disability in line of duty.

Died Nov. 15, 1908, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 62.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1909, for an obituary notice, with a portrait.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Col. Hughes's full name and birth data are from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 22 Apr 16
