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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1870

Vol. III

(Born R. I.)

Francis V. Greene​1

(Ap'd D. C.)


Francis Vinton Greene: Born June 27, 1850, Providence, RI.

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1866, to June 15, 1870, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieutenant, 4th Artillery, June 15, 1870.

Served: in garrison at Ft. Foote, Md., Oct. 1 to Nov. 3, 1870 (sick leave of absence, Nov. 3, 1870, to Jan. 15, 1871), — Ft. Monroe, Va., Jan. 15 to May 28, 1871, — various posts in North Carolina, May 28, 1871, to June 10, 1872; as Assistant Astronomer on the Boundary Survey

(Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, June 10, 1872)

of the 49th Parallel of Latitude, June 10, 1872, to June 28, 1876;

(First Lieut., Corps of Engineers, Jan. 13, 1874)

on duty in the office of the Secretary of War, June 28, 1876, to June 20, 1877; on Special duty under the State Department as Military Attaché to the U. S. Legation at St. Petersburg, Russia, June 23, 1877, to Dec. 28, 1878, being attached, during the War in Turkey, to the headquarters of the Russian Army, Aug. 2, 1877, to July 5, 1878, and was present at the Battles of Shipka Pass, Aug. 24‑25, 1877, Plevna, Sep. 11, 1877, Passage of the Balkans and Combat at Taskosen, Dec. 25‑31, 1877, Action at Sophia, Jan. 3, 1878, and Battle of Philippopolis, Jan. 15‑16, 1878, receiving for bravery in the Battle of Shipka Pass the Order of St. Anne (3d Class), and in the Battle of Philippopolis the Order of St. Vladimir (4th Class); on duty preparing report of Russian Campaign of 1877‑78, till Mar. 2, 1879; as Assistant to the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Columbia, May 2, 1879, to June 30, 1885; on leave of

(Captain, Corps of Engineers, Feb. 20, 1883)

absence, July 1 to Aug. 28, 1885; at the Military Academy as Asst. Instructor of Practical Military Engineering, and in command of Engineer Company at West Point, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1885, to Jan. 11, 1886; and on leave of absence, Jan. 11 to Dec. 31, 1886.

Resigned, Dec. 31, 1886.

Civil History. — Major, N. Y. Militia, 1879. Civil Engineer and Vice-President of Barber Asphalt Paving Company, since 1887. Author of "The Russian Army and its Campaigns in Turkey in 1877‑78," 1879; "Army Life in Russia," 1880; "The Mississippi" (Campaign Series of the Civil War), 1882; and various Military and Scientific Papers, 1879‑80.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Civil History. — President Barber Asphalt Paving Company. — President Hudson River Power Transmission Company. — President Niagara Gorge Railway Company. — Director in various other corporations and banks. — Author (since 1890) of Life of Nathanael Greene, Major-General in the Revolutionary Army, D. Appleton & Co., 1893, and of numerous magazine articles. — Colonel 71st Regiment National Guard State of New York, Feb. 2, 1892 to Dec. 24, 1898. — Residence, New York, N. Y.

Military History. —

(Colonel, 71st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, May 2, 1898)

Served: At Camp Black, Hempstead, N. Y., May 2‑12, 1898. — At Lakeland, Fla., May 17‑28, 1898.

(Brig.‑General, U. S. Volunteers, May 27, 1898)

— At Camp Merritt, San Francisco, Cal., June 4‑15, 1898. — In command of second expedition to Manila, June 15‑July 16, 1898. — In command of troops at Camp Dewey, near Manila, July 18‑Aug. 1, including engagement at Malate, July 31‑Aug. 1, and skirmishes, Aug. 2, 3, and 5. — In command 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 8th Army Corps, near Manila, Aug. 1‑30, including assault and capture of Manila, Aug. 13. — Senior member of Commission of American and Spanish officers to draw up terms of capitulation of Spanish army at Manila, Aug. 14, 1898. — Intendente General, in charge of fiscal affairs of Philippine government, Aug. 16‑30. — En route to Washington under orders of the President of the U. S., Aug. 30‑Sept. 27.

(Major-General, U. S. Volunteers, Aug. 13, 1898)

— At Washington, Sept. 27‑Oct. 15. — In command 7th Army Corps, at Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 18‑22, and Savannah, Ga., Oct. 23‑26, and of 2d Division, 7th Army Corps, Oct. 26‑Nov. 13. — On special duty at Havana, in preliminary charge of government of that city and in selecting and laying out adjacent camp sites, Nov. 16‑Dec. 23. — Appointment as Military and Civil Governor of Havana offered by President of United States, Dec. 2, 1898, but declined, as he preferred to return to civil life on the signing of the Treaty of Peace. — At Washington, D. C., Dec. 25‑31. — On waiting orders, Dec. 28, 1898–Feb. 28, 1899.

(Resigned his Commission in the Volunteer Army, Feb. 28, 1899)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Civil History. — Chairman Committee on Canals, appointed by Governor Roosevelt of New York, March, 1899, and author of its report presented to the legislature, Jan., 1900. — Delegate to National Republican Convention at Philadelphia, June, 1900, and to State Convention at Saratoga, Sept., 1900. — Chairman Republican County Committee, New York, June-December, 1900. — Grand Marshal, Inaugural Parade, Washington, March 4, 1901. — Managing Director, New Trinidad Lake Asphalt Company, 1900‑1902. — Police Commissioner of the City of New York, 1903. — President Niagara Construction Company, Limited. — President Iroquois Construction Company. — Vice-President Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Company. — Vice-President The Ontario Power Company of Niagara Falls. — Director in other corporations. — Author of The United States Army, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1901; Lincoln as Commander-in‑Chief, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1909; History of the United States Army, D. Appleton & Co., 1910, and of numerous magazine articles and reviews. — Member of American Historical Association, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers. — Residence, Buffalo, N. Y.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Francis Vinton Greene, Born June 27, 1850.)

Military History. —

Captain, Corps of Engineers, Feb. 20, 1883.

Resigned, Dec. 31, 1886.

Major-General, U. S. Volunteers, Aug. 13, 1898.

Resigned, Feb. 28, 1899.

Civil History. — Since 1910, President Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Co. to June 1, 1915; Vice-President Ontario Power Co. of Niagara Falls to June 1, 1915; President Salmon River Power Co. to June 1, 1915; Consulting Engineer since June 1, 1915. Author of The Revolutionary War and the Military Policy of the United States, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911; The Present Military Situation in the United States, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915; Why Europe is at War, G. P. Putnam Sons, 1915; Our First Year in the Great War, G. P. Putnam Sons, 1918; The Channel Tunnel, Yale Review, 1918; Economic Aid to France, N. Y. Times, 1918.​a

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

The Author's Note:

1 Son of Major-General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.G. S. Greene, U. S. Volunteers, Class of 1823.

Thayer's Note:

a Gen. Greene died on May 13, 1921, shortly after the publication of the 1920 Supplement to the Register.

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Page updated: 2 Jun 14
