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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1870

Vol. III

(Born N. Y.)

Alexander O. Brodie​a

(Ap'd N. Y.)


Born Edwards, NY.​b

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1866, to June 15, 1870, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 1st Cavalry, June 15, 1870.

Served: joining regiment, Oct., 1870, to Jan. 20, 1871; on frontier duty at Camps Mogollon and Apache, Ara., to Apr. 4, 1872, — on Escort duty, to June 10, 1872, — Camp Apache, Ara., to Nov. 26, 1872, — pursuing deserters, to Jan., 1873, — Scouting, to Apr. 29, 1873, — and Ft. p154 Walla Walla, Wash., to Aug. 25, 1874; in garrison at Benicia Barracks, Cal., to Mar. 12, 1875; on leave of absence, to Mar. 1, 1876; on frontier

(First Lieut., 1st Cavalry, May 25, 1875)

duty at Ft. Colville, Wash., to June 19, 1877 (leave of absence, Apr. 5 to May 2, 1877), — and conducting prisoners to Ft. Canby, Wash., to July 9, 1877; and awaiting orders and leave of absence, to Sep. 30, 1877.

Resigned, Sep. 30, 1877.

Civil History. — Cattle trade in Kan., 1878‑82. Mining Operations in Dakota and Arizona, 1882‑87. Employed by Water Storage Company, Walnut Grove, Ara., 1887‑90, and its Chief Engineer and Superintendent, 1889‑90.

Drowned, Feb. 22, 1890,
in the Bursting of the Walnut Grove Dam, Ara.: Aged 40.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Civil History. — Civil and Mining Engineer, Prescott, Ariz. — Reported by error in 3d edition of Register as "drowned, Feb. 22, 1890." — Count Recorder, Yavapai County, Ariz., 1893‑94. — Member of Technical Society, Pacific Coast. — Member of Association of Civil Engineers of California. — Vice-President Association Civil Engineers, Arizona. Vice-President Historical Society Arizona Pioneers. — Candidate of the Republican Party of Arizona for Delegate to Congress, 1898 (defeated). — Chief Engineer and Superintendent Walnut Grove Water Storage Co., Aug., 1889 to ––––

Military History. —

(Major, 1st U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, May 4, 1898)

Served: Organized Arizona quota, 1st U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, at Whipple Barracks, Ariz., April 29 to May 4, 1898. — En route to San Antonio, Tex., May 4, 1898. — San Antonio, Tex., May 7, 1898. — Organized, equipped, and drilled 1st squadron of regiment at San Antonio, Tex., until June 2. — En route to Tampa, Fla., and in camp there to June 8. — Moved to Port Tampa, Fla., and on board transport Yucatan, about June 8; on transport to June 22, 1898. — Landed at Daiquiri, Cuba, June 22, 1898. — Marched to Siboney, Cuba, June 23, 1898. — Marched to Las Guasimas, June 24, 1898. — Engaged, in command of left flank, in action at Las Guasimas, Cuba, June 24, 1898. — Wounded in this engagement. On board hospital ship Olivette, June 24, 1898 to July 17, 1898. — In hospital at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., July 17 to July 23, 1898. — On sick leave July 23 to Aug. 23, 1898.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 1st U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, Aug. 11, 1898)

— Rejoined regiment at Camp Wikoff, L. I., Aug. 23, 1898. — In command of regiment at Camp Wikoff, Aug. 23, 1898 till muster out of same, Sept. 15, 1898.

(Honorably Mustered out of Volunteer Service with Regiment, Sept. 15, 1898)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. —

(Major and Chief of Record and Pension Office, Feb. 15, 1905)

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Military Secretary, June 10, 1905)

— Adjutant-General, March 15, 1907. — Served in Philippine Islands, June 1, 1905 to June 14, 1907, as Military Secretary and Adjutant-General, Department of the Visayas, and as Member Board on Church Claims. — On leave of absence, traveling in China and Japan, March 14 to June 4, 1907. — En route to United States from June 14 to July 17, 1907. — Adjutant-General, Department of Dakota, from July 23, 1907 to ––––

Civil History. — Chief Engineer and Superintendent, Walnut Grove Water Storage Co., Aug., 1899 to 1905; Mine Operator, 1900 to 1902. — Governor of Arizona from July 1, 1902 to Feb. 15, 1905. — Delegate to the National Republican Convention at Chicago, 1904; was chairman of the Arizona delegation.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Alexander Oswald Brodie, Born Nov. 13, 1849.)

Military History. —

Lieut.‑Colonel, Military Secretary, June 10, 1905.

Adjutant-General, Department of Dakota, July 23, 1907, to June 24, 1911; Adjutant-General, Western Division and Western Department, July 1, 1911, to

 p151  (Colonel, Adjutant-General, Aug. 24, 1912)

Nov. 13, 1913.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Nov. 13, 1913,
By Operation of Law.

Died, May 10, 1918, at Haddonfield, N. J.: Aged 68.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1918.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Notes:

a According to the Army Register — I am indebted for the heads‑up to Steven Maes — Alexander Brodie, before becoming a Cadet, served as a Private in the 6th Cavalry Regiment from August 6, 1863 to February 4, 1864.

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b Col. Brodie's birthplace is from the following biographical sketch of him in Twenty-Third Legislature of Arizona (published immediately after his governor­ship in 1905), p7.

[A head-and‑shoulders photograph of a youthful-appearing man of middle age, with a brush-style moustache; he wears a military uniform with a slightly rising collar bearing the letters 'USV' on each side. He is American army officer Alexander O. Brodie, the subject of this webpage.]

Alexander O. Brodie
of the
of Arizona

Alexander O. Brodie, Governor of the Territory of Arizona from July 1, 1902, to February 15, 1905

On February 15th, Alexander O. Brodie resigned as Governor of Arizona in order that he might proceed to Washington to take up his new duties there as Assistant Chief of the Records and Pension Bureau, with the rank of Major in the regular army, to which office he had been appointed a few days before by President Roosevelt. In the going of Governor Brodie, the people of Arizona lost a most beloved Governor. He had come to this Territory in 1870, when but twenty-one years of age, as a lieutenant of cavalry, having graduated from West Point that year. From the first he has been Arizona's staunch friend, and her supporter, becoming one of her most distinguished citizens. A broad, fair-minded man, a scholar and a gentleman; a man who has known and seen every side of life, he became at once the ideal Governor and a friend who was always ready to listen to the low as well as to the high. Alexander O. Brodie was born at Edwards, New York, in 1849, his parents being of Scottish descent. From St. Lawrence University, New York, he was appointed a cadet at West Point. After his graduation he was immediately sent to Arizona, where for four years he took part in numerous Indian fights. In 1875, he was promoted for bravery, and removed from Arizona to Washington Territory where he served until 1877, when he resigned from the army on account of his mother's ill health. After her death, the next year, he went to Kansas and there engaged in cattle raising for four years at the end of which time he sold out and came to Arizona as a civil engineer. He soon after became the superintendent and manager of the Walnut Grove Storage Reservoir Company, which company also owned the Crown Point mine, which is a good gold producer. Upon receipt of the news of the blowing up of the Maine, and after the declaration of war was declared, Governor Brodie's martial spirit returned. He at once went to Prescott and began raising a cavalry regiment to be composed of Arizona cowboys and rangers. This, however, was not to be, for the war department ordered that only 200 men should be taken from Arizona. These were the first to be enlisted that became a part of Colonel Roosevelt's famous Rough Rider regiment, Governor Brodie being appointed Major, and later, by the promotion of Colonel Roosevelt, was raised to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, serving with distinction through the war, being wounded once at the important battle of Las Guasimas. After the war Governor Brodie ran for delegate to Congress on the Republican ticket, but, like so many other good Arizona Republicans, was defeated. He resumed, for some time after this, active charge of the mine at Crown Point. On July 1st, 1902, he was appointed Governor of Arizona by President Roosevelt, which office he has filled with such good judgment and rare ability that he has won the support of every Arizonian. Governor Brodie was united in marriage with Miss Mary Louise Hanlon of Brooklyn, New York, from which union has come one son, Alexander, or "Sandy," as he is better known. Mrs. Brodie, by her goodness and her grace of manners, has endeared herself to all who know her, and, as she goes with Governor Brodie to take up those other duties, she takes with her the love and respect of every true Arizona heart.

Published in 1905:
text and photograph are in the public domain.

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