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Vol. III |
(Born N. Y.) |
Francis Michler1 |
(Ap'd Pa.) |
Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1866, to June 15, 1870, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 5th Cavalry, June 15, 1870. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., Oct. 9, 1870, to Dec. 12, 1871 (Chug Water Station, Wy., June 13 to Oct. 8, 1871), — Camp Hualapai, Ara., and Scouting, Feb. 15 to Mar. 18, 1872, Prescott, Ara., to June, 1872, — Scouting, to July 10, 1872, and Camp Hualapai, Ara., and on various Scouts, to July 5, 1873, being engaged against hostile Indians, Sep. 22, and Dec. 8, 1872 and Jan. 2, Jan. 22, and Mar. 19, 1873; on leave of absence, July 5, 1873, to Jan. 10, 1874; as Aide-de‑Camp to Major-General Schofield, Jan. 10, 1874, to July 1, 1878; Adjutant (First Lieut., 5th Cavalry, Nov. 12, 1874) of the Military Academy, July 1, 1878, to Mar. 31, 1881; on leave of absence, to Oct. 1, 1881; on frontier duty at Ft. Niobrara, Neb. (making Survey, May 16 to July 16, 1882), to Aug. 10, 1882, — Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to Nov. 25, 1882, — Engineer Office, Department of the Platte, to Dec. 20, 1882, — Ft. Sidney, Neb., Jan. 25 to July 23, 1883, — and Ft. Robinson, Neb., to Sep. 18, 1884; on Recruiting Service, to Aug. 14, 1886; on leave of absence, to Dec. 15, 1886; on frontier duty at Ft. Supply, I. T. (Adjutant, 5th Cavalry, Mar. 11, 1887, to May 23, 1888), to March 22, 1887, — Ft. Riley, Kan., to July 25, 1887, — Ft. Reno, (Captain, 5th Cavalry, May 23, 1888) I. T., to July 16, 1888, — and Ft. Elliott, Tex., to Oct. 26, 1889; and on sick leave of absence, to Jan. 30, 1890. Vol. IV Military History. — (Brevet 1st Lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1890 for gallant services in actions against Indians at Muchos Cañons, Ariz., and at the head of Tonto Creek, Ariz., Jan. 22, 1873.) Served: At Fort Elliot, Tex., Jan. 31 to Oct. 1, 1890; Fort Reno, I. T., and the Cherokee Strip, I. T., Oct. 1, 1890 to Nov. 1, 1892; Headquarters, Department of Missouri, Aide-de‑Camp to Major-General Miles, Nov. 1, 1892 to Nov. 10, 1894; Headquarters, Department of the East, Nov. 10, 1894 to Oct. 4, 1895; Headquarters of the Army, Aide-de‑Camp to Major-General commanding, Oct. 4, 1895 to May 9, 1898, and May 12, 1899 to –––––; Served in the war with Spain, April 25, 1898 (Lieut.‑Colonel and Asst. Adjutant-General, U. S. Volunteers, May 9, 1898) to April 11, 1899; on duty with Headquarters of the army in the field as Assistant Adjutant-General to the Major-General commanding, at Washington and Tampa, Fla., May 11, 1898 to July 7, 1898; in the campaign in Puerto Rico, July 7 to Sept. 8, 1898; Headquarters of the Army, Washington, D. C., Sept. 8, 1898 to May 12, 1899. (Honorably Discharged from Volunteer Service, May 12, 1899)
(Lieutenant-Colonel, 46th U. S. Volunteer Infantry,
Vol. V (In Vol. IV, name is erroneously given as Frank Michler) Military History. — Aide-de‑Camp, with rank of Lieut.‑Colonel, on the Staff of the Commanding General of the Army to May 20, 1901. Died May 29, 1901, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 52. See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1902, for an obituary notice, with a portrait. Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. |
1 Son of Bvt. Brig.‑General N. Michler, Class of 1848.
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Page updated: 28 Feb 16