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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1870

Vol. III

(Born D. C.)

Otto L. Hein

(Ap'd at Large)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1866, to June 15, 1870, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 1st Cavalry, June 15, 1870.

Served: on frontier duty at Camp Winfield Scott, Nev., Sep. 28, 1870, to Feb., 1871, — and Camp McDermitt, Nev., Feb. 21 to May 26, 1871; in garrison at Benicia Barracks, Cal., to June 30, 1871; on frontier duty at Camp McDowell, Ara., to Jan., 1872, — Camp Verde, Ara., to Dec. 23, 1872, — and Scouting, to May 11, 1873; in garrison at Benicia Barracks, Cal., June 7 to Aug. 20, 1873 (leave of absence, to Dec. 7, 1873), — St. Louis Barracks, Mo., to Feb. 28, 1874, — and Camp Halleck, Nev., to Nov. 29, 1874; at the Military Academy, as Assistant Instructor of Infantry Tactics, Dec. 5, 1874, to Aug. 28, 1879; on frontier duty at Ft.

(First Lieut., 1st Cavalry, Sep. 30, 1877)

Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 17, 1879, to Apr. 11, 1881; under instruction in Military Signaling at Ft. Myer, Va., May 13, 1881, to Feb. 2, 1882; in garrison at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 5, 1882, to June 20, 1884, — Ft. Custer, Mon., to July 9, 1886, — and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., as Secretary of the Infantry and Cavalry School of Application, to Dec. 9, 1888; on leave of absence, to Mar. 2, 1889; as Military

 p162  (Captain, 1st Cavalry, Jan. 23, 1889)

Attaché to the U. S. Legation at Vienna, Austria, Mar. 21, 1889, to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Military Attaché to the U. S. Legation at Vienna, Austria, from March 21, 1889 to Jan. 31, 1894; on temporary duty in Military Information Division, War Department, to Dec., 1894; on frontier duty at Fort Grant, Ariz., till May, 1895; in garrison at Fort Riley, Kan., to Aug., 1896; Fort Sheridan, Ill., to May 31, 1897; Commandant of Cadets at the U. S. Military Academy, June 15, 1897 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Commandant of Cadets at the U. S. Military Academy, June 15, 1897 to June 15, 1901. — Acting Superintendent June 10 to Aug. 28, 1898. — On leave of absence to Sept. 15, 1901.

(Major, 3rd Cavalry, Feb. 2, 1901)

— Commanding squadron at Vigan, Philippine Islands, to April, 1902. — With regiment at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., to May 30, 1902. — Acting superintendent Yosemite National Park, Cal., to Sept. 15, 1902. — In command of Boise Barracks, Idaho to Aug. 31, 1903.

 p175  (Lieut.‑Colonel, 10th Cavalry, Aug. 5, 1903)

— On duty with regiment at Fort Robinson, Neb., till Dec., 1903. — On sick leave to March, 1904.

Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired July 28, 1904,
for disability in line of duty.

— Residence, Washington, D. C.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born May 1, 1847.)

Military History. —

Lieut.‑Colonel, 10th Cavalry, Aug. 5, 1903.

Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, July 28, 1904,
For Disability Contracted in Line of Duty.

Since retirement, resided at Washington, D. C.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Cavalry, Aug. 5, 1903.

Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, July 28, 1904,
For Disability Contracted in Line of Duty.

Civil History: — Since retirement, resided at Washington, D. C., and Los Angeles, Calif. Author of "Memories of Long Ago, by Old Army Officer"; "Instructions for outposts, advance guards and reconnaissance," Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1887. Original Companion of the Military Order of the Carabao, 1902; Member of the Order of Indian Wars of the United States, 1922.

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: —

Lt.‑Col., Ret., July 28, 1904.

Died, July 26, 1933, at Salt Lake City, Utah: Aged 86.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1934.º

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

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Page updated: 5 Jun 16
