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Vol. III |
(Born O.) |
Charles C. Morrison |
(Ap'd at Large) |
Born May 6, 1849.a Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1867, to June 12, 1871, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 6th Cavalry, June 12, 1871. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Scott, Kan., Sep. 30 to Oct. 25, 1871, — Ft. Riley, Kan., Oct. 27, 1871, to May 3, 1872, — Camp near Ft. Hays, Kan., May 9 to June 2, 1872, — as Acting Engineer of the District of New Mexico, Jan. 28, 1872, to June 1, 1875, — and on Wheeler's Expedition (First Lieut., 6th Cavalry, Jan. 27, 1875) west of the 100th Meridian, June 1, 1875, to Aug., 1878; at the Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Mathematics, Aug. 28, 1878, to (Transferred to Ordnance, Apr. 24, 1879) Aug. 28, 1879; as Assistant at the Springfield Armory, Mar. to Sep. 28, 1883, — Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., to June 29, 1886, — Watertown Arsenal, (Captain, Ordnance, June 14, 1886) Mas., to July 5, 1887, — and Ordnance Board, to Dec. 7, 1887; as Member of Board on Army Gun Factory, Oct. 1‑30, 1888, and Recorder of Ordnance and Fortification Board, Oct. 27, 1888, to Dec., 1889; and Inspector of the Midvale Steel Works, Philadelphia, Pa., to –––––. Vol. IV (Charles Clifford Morrison) Military History. — Served: At Philadelphia, Pa., to Nov., 1890; on duty at the Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., to Oct., 1892; on duty at Sandy Hook Proving-Ground, N. J. (Recorder Board of Ordnance and Fortifications, April 20, 1892 to May 13, 1894), to May, 1894. — He was also a member of the Board of Ordnance Officers for the preparation of p208 plans for the Army Gun Factory at Watervliet Arsenal. On Jan. 26, 1892, at the request of the Major-General commanding the Army, he was detailed to prepare a circular on "Modern Guns and Mortars; their Carriages, Projectiles, Sights, and Sighting," for use in the course of instruction of artillery gunners, and left this work well advanced but unfinished at the time of his death. Died May 13, 1894, at Governor's Island, N. Y. H.: Aged 45. See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1894, for an obituary notice.º Buried, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC. |
a Capt. Morrison's birthdate is from his tombstone, q.v.
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