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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1871

Vol. III

(Born N. Y.)

William B. Wheeler

(Ap'd Io.)


Born Aug. 12, 1847, Chaumont, NY.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1867, to June 12, 1871, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 18th Infantry, June 12, 1871.

Served: in garrison at Charleston, S. C., Oct. 1‑12, 1871, — Yorkville, S. C., to Jan., 1872, — and Charleston, S. C., to Jan. 5, 1877 (leave of absence, June 2 to Aug. 30, 1874); as Aide-de‑Camp to Bvt. Major-General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1854: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Ruger, commanding Department of the South, Jan. 5, 1877, to July 1, 1878 (leave of absence, June 17 to Aug. 5, 1877); in garrison at Atlanta, Ga., July 1, 1878, to Apr. 12, 1879; and on frontier duty at the Coal Banks, Mon., May 7 to Sep., 1879, — Cow Island, Mon., to Nov. 20, 1879, — Ft. Assinniboine, Mon., Nov., 1879 (detached service, Oct. 10, 1881, to Jan. 11, 1882), to May, 1883, — Ft. Maginnis, Mon., to Sep. 30, 1883,

(First Lieut., 18th Infantry, Feb. 6, 1882)

— Ft. Assinniboine, Mon., to May 30, 1885, — Ft. Hays, Kan., to Sep., 1889, — and Ft. Clark, Tex., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

(William Baker Wheeler)

Military History. —

(Captain of Infantry, 18th Infantry, Feb. 20, 1891)

Served: Fort Clark, Tex., Jan. 1 to March, 1890. — In command of Camp San Felipe,º Del Rio, Tex., March, 1890 to May, 1891. — Fort Clark, Tex., May to Sept., 1891; Fort Ringgold, Tex., Sept., 1891 to May, 1894; Fort Sam Houston, Tex., May, 1894 to April, 1898. — In camp at New Orleans, La., April 20 to May 21, 1898; Camp Merritt, at San Francisco, Cal., May 29 to June 14, 1898; Philippine Islands, July 17, 1898 to Sept. 27, 1899. — On recruiting service, New York City, to ––––

(Major of Infantry, 18th Infantry, Sept. 8, 1899)

— Participated in operations against Revolutionists during Garza outbreak, from fall and winter of 1891 to 1893. — Participated in Spanish-American war, commanding Company E; a member of Second Philippine Expedition under Brigadier-General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1870: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Greene; participated in operations in front of Manila, from July 21 to Aug. 13, 1898, and in the battle of Malate and Manila, and capture of Manila, Aug. 13, 1898; commanding Company E, part of the 1st Separate Brigade, and of expedition to Iloilo, Island of Panay, and participated in capture of Iloilo, Feb. 11, 1899, in capture of Jaro, Feb. 12, 1899, and in affair with insurgents near Jaro, on March 1 and March 16, 1899.

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Recruiting service in N. Y. City to Mar. 11, 1901; on sick leave to June 15, 1902; commanding battalion of regiment at Ft. Logan, Colo.

 p184  (Lieut.‑Colonel 10th Infantry, Feb. 4, 1903)

to Feb., 1903, and on duty at post; transferred to 2dº Infantry, May 18, 1903 to Oct. 6, 1904; on leave to Jan. 23, 1905, and on sick leave

(Colonel, 22dº Infantry, Oct. 11, 1905)

to Jan. 22, 1906; before retiring board and awaiting orders to Feb. 17, 1906.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Feb. 17, 1906,
disability in line of duty.

Died Nov. 28, 1908, at Gainesville, Fla.: Aged 61.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1909, for an obituary notice, with portrait.º

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Col. Wheeler's birth data are from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 17 Dec 14
