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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1872

Vol. III

(Born S. C.)

George D. Wallace

(Ap'd S. C.)


George Daniel Wallace: Born June 29, 1849, Yorkville, SC.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1868, to June 14, 1872, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 7th Cavalry, June 14, 1872.

Served: in garrison at Laurens C. H., S. C., Oct. 30 to Nov. 6, 1872, — Newberry, S. C., to Mar. 5, 1873, — and Memphis, Ten., Mar. 10 to Apr. 10, 1873; on frontier duty at Yankton, Dak., to May 7, 1873, — Yellowstone Expedition, to Sep. 21, 1873, — Ft. Abraham Lincoln, Dak., to Sep. 29, 1874 (commanding Indian Scouts on Black Hills Expedition, June‑July, 1874), — Shreveport, La., Oct. 6, 1874, to Apr. 19, 1876 (before Congressional Committee at New Orleans, La., Jan. 28 to Feb. 26, 1875, and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, District of Upper Red River, Mar., 1875, to Mar., 1876); Ft. A. Lincoln, Dak., May 1‑17, 1876, — Sioux

(First Lieut., 7th Cavalry, June 25, 1876)

Expedition, May 17 to Sep. 26, 1876, — Regimental Adjutant, June 25, 1876, to June 6, 1877, — Ft. A. Lincoln, Dak., to May 1, 1877, — Nez Percés Expedition, to Nov. 9, 1877, — Ft. A. Lincoln, Dak., Nov. 9, 1877, to Jan. 10, 1878; on leave of absence, Jan. 10 to July 10, 1878; on frontier duty at Ft. A. Lincoln, July 10, 1878, to June 1, 1879, — Ft. Meade, Dak. (sick leave of absence, and on leave, Aug. 31, 1880, to Apr. 2, 1881), to Nov., 1881, — and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., to July 21, 1885; on Rifle Competition, to Sep. 29, 1885; on frontier duty at Ft. Keogh, Mon., to

(Captain, 7th Cavalry, Sep. 23, 1885)

Oct. 6, 1885, — Ft. Buford, Dak., to Aug. 26, 1887, — Rifle Competition, to Sep. 26, 1887, — Ft. Meade, Dak., to June 1, 1888, — on March to and at Ft. Riley, Kan., to July 26, 1888, — and Rifle Competition, to Aug., 1883; and in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. —

Killed Dec. 29, 1890, in action with hostile Indians,
at Wounded Knee Creek, S. D.: Aged 41.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1891, for an obituary notice.

Buried, Rose Hill Cemetery, York, SC.

Thayer's Note:

a Capt. Wallace's birth data are from his AOG obituary.

His full name is from the Official Register of Officers and Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, 1869, confirmed by Heitman's Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army (1903); some genealogical websites list his middle name as David.

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Page updated: 2 Jul 14
