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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1872

Vol. III

(Born N. C.)

Henry Rowanº Lemly

(Ap'd N. C.)


Born Forsyth County, NC.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1868, to June 14, 1872, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 3d Cavalry, June 14, 1872.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Sanders, Wy. Oct. 1, 1872, to May 17, 1873, — Wood Camp, Wy., to Feb. 14, 1874, — Camp Sheridan, Neb., Feb. 12 to Nov. 16, 1875, — Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to Dec. 6, 1876 (sick leave of absence, to May 16, 1876), — Adjutant of 2d and 3d Cavalry Battalion in Big Horn and Yellowstone Expeditions, May 21 to Nov. 6, 1876, being engaged with the Sioux Indians in the Fight on Tongue River, Mon., Jan. 9, Battle of Rosebud River, Mon., Jan. 17, and Action of Slim Buttes, Dak., Sep. 9‑10, 1876 (leave of absence, to Jan. 20, 1877, — Ft. Laramie, Wy., Jan. 20 to June 4, 1877, — commanding Escort to Boundary Survey of Wyoming and Dakota, to Aug. 16, 1877, and engaged in Fight near Belle Fourche, July 25, 1877, — and Ft. Laramie, Wy., Aug. 16, 1877, to Oct. 18, 1878; in garrison at Ft. Wadsworth,

(Transferred to 3d Artillery, Oct. 7, 1878)

N. Y., Nov. 8 to Dec. 29, 1878; on leave of absence, Dec. 29, 1878, to Feb. 26, 1879; in garrison at Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y., to Oct. 1, 1879, — Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., to Apr. 11, 1880, — and Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y., to

(First Lieut., 3d Artillery, Feb. 23, 1880)

June 22, 1880; on leave of absence, and authorized by Congress to accept the position of Professor of Civil Engineering, Director Chief of Studies, and Commandant of Cadets in the Only Military School of Bogota, Colombia, S. A., to Aug., 1883, the rank of Colonel being conferred upon him, and his services highly commended; in garrison at Atlanta, Ga., to Dec. 11, 1883, — Ft. Barrancas, Fla., to Apr. 21, 1884, — and Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), to Sep. 23, 1885; as Aide-de‑Camp to Major-General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Hancock, Sep. 23, 1885, to Feb. 9, 1886; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., to Mar. 18, 1886, — and Washington Barracks, D. C., to July 11, 1889; as Acting Adjutant-General of the Militia of the District of Columbia, to Sep. 6, 1889; in garrison at Washington Barracks, D. C., to Oct. 1, 1889, and assisting in the Reception and Entertainment of the Delegates to the International American Congress, to –––––.

Civil History. — Author of "Changes wrought in Artillery in the Nineteenth Century, and their Effect upon the Attack and Defense of Fortified Places," 1886.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: As Military Attaché, Pan‑American Congress, to May 31, 1890. — Leave of absence (Director National Military School, Bogotá, Colombia) to Jan. 1, 1893. — Commissioner-General of Colombia to the World's Fair, Chicago, Mar. 1, 1894. — Instructor-General of the Colombian Army, Oct. 1, 1895. — At Key West Barracks, Fla., Sept. 1, 1896. — At Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., April 16, 1898.

(Captain of Artillery, 7th Artillery, March 8, 1898)

— Commanding Light Battery C, 7th Artillery, at Forts Slocum and Columbus, N. Y. H., and at Fort Myer, Va., July 11, 1898. — At Tampa, Fla., July 23, 1898. — With expedition to Puerto Rico, landing at Ponce, P. R., Dec. 12, 1898. — Acting Aide-de‑camp to Major-General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Guy V. Henry, U. S. V., San Juan, P. R., to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Acting Aide-de‑Camp to Major-General Guy V. Henry, U. S. V., San Juan, P. R., to April 20, 1899.

Captain, U. S. A., Retired April 20, 1899
at his own request, over 30 Years' Service.

Civil History. — At Bogota, Colombia, to Nov. 30, 1899. — Revolution breaking out, by request of President and Minister of War, made night march through hostile Andes, 75 miles, with funds to purchase arms and ammunition, to Honda, thence by small steamboat protected by steel rails and armed with ancient brass smooth-bore, descended Magdalena River, 700 miles, to Barranquilla; thence to New York. — Arms and ammunition introduced to interior by Isthmus of Panama and Cauca Valley; contributed to relief of Bogota and close of revolution. — Since, connected with manufacturers of munitions of war in U. S. and Europe,  p188 residing principally abroad: at Paris, 1900; Berlin, 1901‑03; Caracas (Venezuela), 1904; St. Petersburg, 1905‑06; London, 1907; Tokio (Japan), and Peking (China), 1908, completing journey round world via Siberia to St. Petersburg, 1909. — Author of Ejercicios Gimnasticos and Tactica de Infanteria (Appleton), El Heliografo, Manual of Strategy (Chapman) and various magazine articles: Among the Arrapahoes, The Story of Feather-Head, Santa Fe de Bogota, A New Way to Pay Old Debts (Harpers), Who Was El Dorado? (The Century), The Stone Images of San Augustin (Magazine of American History), A Queen's Thoughts and Uncle Man (United Service), A West Point Romance (Outing), Christiania (Cosmopolitan), Padre Anselmo (The Capital), Pepe (Evening Post), etc. — Post-office address: 9 Gorokhovaya 15, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born Jan. 12, 1851.)

Military History. —

Captain, 7th Artillery, March 8, 1898.

Captain, U. S. A., Retired, April 20, 1899,
At His Own Request After Over 30 Years' Service.

Civil History. — At Peking, China, 1910, accompanying Prince Psi‑tao, Chief of Staff, Chinese Army, to U. S.; at Washington, D. C., 1910‑14; at Bogotá, Colombia, 1914; at Washington, D. C., 1915‑1918; author of A Forgotten International Episode (Military Service Inst.); Vasco Nuñez de Balboa (Overland).

 p170  Military History. — Detailed on active duty in Quartermaster General's Office, May 7, 1917.

Major, Quartermaster Corps, National Army, April 22, 1918.

Major, U. S. A., on Retired List, March 11, 1920.

Relieved from further active duty, May 20, 1920.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Captain, U. S. A., Retired, April 20, 1899,
At His Own Request After Over 30 Years' Service.

Major, Quartermaster Corps, U. S. A., Apr. 22, 1918.

Honorably Discharged as Major, U. S. A., Only, Nov. 1, 1919.

Major, U. S. A., Retired, Mar. 11, 1920,
Act of June 3, 1916.

Died, Oct. 12, 1925, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 74.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1929.

Thayer's Note:

a Col. Lemly's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 27 Aug 14
