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Vol. III |
(Born N. H.) |
Herbert E. Tutherly |
(Ap'd N. H.) |
Born Claremont, NH.a Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1868, to June 14, 1872, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 1st Cavalry, June 14, 1872. Served: on graduation leave of absence, and sick at Benicia Barracks, Cal., June 14 to Oct. 18, 1872; conducting recruits to Arizona, to Nov. 20, 1872; on frontier duty at Camp Lowell, Ara., Nov. 20, 1872, to Apr. 24, 1873 (Scouting, Nov., 1872, to Mar., 1873); in garrison at Benicia Barracks, Cal., June 7, 1873, to Oct. 20, 1875, — Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., to Nov. 28, 1876 (leave of absence, June 2 to Oct. 2, 1876), — San Diego Barracks, Cal., Dec. 1, 1876, to May 27, 1877, — and Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., May 30 to July 30, 1877 (sick leave of absence, to June 24, 1878); on frontier duty at Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., to Oct. 26, 1878, — Camp Harney, Or., Nov. 2, 1878, to Jan. 2, 1879, — removing (First Lieut., 1st Cavalry, Apr. 4, 1879) Indians to reservation, to July 26, 1879, — and Ft. Halleck, Nev., to Feb. 21, 1881 (leave of absence, to July 1, 1881); as Professor of Military Science, University of Vermont (at Ft. Custer, Mon., July 10 to p204 Aug. 7, 1884), to July 1, 1885; on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., to July 15, 1886, — Ft. Custer, Mon., to Aug. 15, 1886, — Camp Sheridan, Wy., to July 3, 1889, — and Ft. Custer, Mon., to July 31, 1889; on Rifle Competition, to Sep., 1889; and as Professor of Military Science, Cornell University, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1889, to –––––. Civil History. — Degree of A. M. conferred by University of Vermont, 1885. Vol. IV Military History. — Served: As Professor of Military Science, Cornell University, N. Y., from Oct. 1, 1889 to Oct., 1892. (Captain of Cavalry, 1st Cavalry, Dec. 17, 1890) — At Fort Grant, Ariz., to Feb., 1893. — On duty with National Guard of Vermont, and Professor of Military Science at University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., from Feb., 1893 to Sept., 1897. — Fort Reno, Okla., to April 21, 1888. — Engaged in Spanish-American war in Cuba, from April 21 to Aug., 1898 (commanded squadron of 4 troops of 1st U. S. Cavalry in Battle of San Juan Hill, July 1, and subsequent engagements to surrender of Santiago de Cuba, July 17). — Montauk Point, L. I., to Oct., 1898. — Commanding Fort Yates, N. D., from Oct. 27, 1898 to ––––– Civil History. — Tendered honorary appointment of Colonel on Staff of Governor of Vermont, 1885. — Author of Score Book for Riflemen, 1882; Elementary Treatise on Military Science and the Art of War, 1897; revised edition, 1898. Vol. V Military History. — Commanding Fort Yates, N. D., from Oct. 27, 1898 to –––––. Acting Inspector-General, Departments of Alaska and the Columbia, April, 1900 to July, 1902. (Major of Cavalry, 11th Cavalry, Feb. 2, 1901) p198 — Inspector-General (by detail, Act. 2, Feb., 1901) Department of the Columbia and in Philippine Islands, July, 1902 to June, 1905. (Lieut.‑Colonel of Cavalry, 9th Cavalry, June 22, 1905) — Commanding Post and Cavalry Recruiting Depot at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Aug., 1905 to Aug., 1906.
Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired Oct. 1, 1906,
— On duty with the organized militia of New Hampshire, Jan. 10, 1907 to –––––. Residence, Claremont, N. H. Civil History: — Received degree of A. M., from University of Vermont, 1885. Vol. VI (Herbert Everett Tutherly, Born April 5, 1848.) Military History. — Lieut.‑Colonel, 9th Cavalry, June 22, 1905.
Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Oct. 1, 1906,
On duty with the organized Militia of New Hampshire, Jan. 10, 1907, to Jan. 9, 1911; Brigadier-General, Adjutant-General of New Hampshire, Jan. 11, 1911, to May 1, 1915; placed on officer's retired list, N. H. National Guard, with rank of Brigadier-General, May 1, 1915; elected by N. H. Legislature, 1915, as Commissary-General of New Hampshire, and held this office to Jan. 1, 1917.
Colonel, U. S. A., on Retired List, July 9, 1918,
Vol. VII Military History: —
Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Oct. 1, 1906,
Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, July 9, 1918,
Died, Aug. 14, 1921, at Claremont, N. H.: Aged 73. Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1923. Cited posthumously "for gallantry in action against Spanish forces at Santiago, Cuba, July 1, 1898." Buried, Mountain View Cemetery, Claremont, NH. |
a Col. Tutherly's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.
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Page updated: 5 Jun 16