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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1872

Vol. III

(Born N. Y.)

Henry H. Landon​a

(Ap'd N. Y.)


Born New York, NY.​b

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1868, to June 14, 1872, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 25th Infantry, June 14, 1872.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Davis, Tex., Oct. 10, 1872, to July 30, 1877 (leave of absence, Dec. 25, 1874, to June 26, 1875, and June 7 to Nov. 9, 1876, and awaiting orders to Jan. 24, 1877), — joining Regiment, Jan. 24 to Mar. 12, 1877, — Ft. Clark, Tex., Aug. 17 to Dec. 3, 1877, — Ft. Duncan, Tex., Dec. 5, 1877, to Mar. 4, 1878, — and Ft. Davis, Tex.,

(First Lieut., 25th Infantry, June 28, 1878)

Mar. 29, 1878, to Jan. 19, 1880; and on leave of absence, to June 1, 1880.

Resigned, June 1, 1880.

Civil History. — Unknown, nothing authentic having been received.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Civil History. — Dealer in Real Estate, New York, N. Y.

Military History. —

(Major, 4th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, June 13, 1898)

Served with regiment at Fredericksburg, Va., Jacksonville, Fla., Manzanillo, Cuba, and Bayamo, Cuba.

Resigned his commission in the Volunteer Army, Dec. 7, 1898.

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Civil History. — Dealer in Real Estate, New York, N. Y. — Member of Sons of Revolution. — Member of Society of Colonial Wars. — Member of Society Foreign Wars. — Member in Perpetuity of Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Henry Hutton Landon, Born March 7, 1850.)

Military History. —

First Lieut., 25th Infantry, June 28, 1878.

Resigned, June 1, 1880.

Appointed Major, 71st Regiment, National Guard, State of New York, Feb. 20, 1882, and served for three years; appointed

 p178  Major, 4th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, June 13, 1898,

served at Fredericksburg, Va., Jacksonville, Fla., Manzanillo, Cuba, and Bayamo, Cuba, at which last place he was in command.

Resigned, Dec. 7, 1898.

Civil History. — In Real Estate and Banking business in New York to 1910, when he retired from active business; member of Sons of Revolution; of Society of Colonial Wars; of Society Foreign Wars; member in Perpetuity of Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Residence, 19 E. 53rd Street, New York, N. Y.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

First Lieutenant, 25th Infantry, June 28, 1878.

Resigned, June 1, 1880.

Died, Nov. 8, 1926, at New York, N. Y.: Aged 76.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1929.

Buried, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY.

Thayer's Notes:

a He is the father of Ensign Henry H. Landon, Jr., an early naval aviator of the First Yale Unit, who fought in World War I. The story of that historic group is told in an excellent book by Ralph Paine (soberly titled The First Yale Unit: onsite in full). In it "Hen" Landon's war in France and Italy is more particularly detailed in chapters 27, 29, 30, 31, and 41; with somewhat more incidental mentions of him passim; and two photographs of him (pp50 and 32) as well.

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b Maj. Landon's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 8 Jul 14
