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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1873

Vol. III

(Born Ct.)

Charles A. L. Totten​1

(Ap'd at Large)


Charles Adiel Lewis Totten:
Born Feb. 3, 1851, New London, CT.

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1869, to June 13, 1873, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 4th Artillery, June 13, 1873.

Served: in garrison at Alcatraz Island, Cal., Oct. 16, 1873, to Mar. 28, 1874, — and Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), May 1, 1874, to Mar. 2, 1875; as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at

(First Lieut., 4th Artillery, Nov. 1, 1874)

the Massachusetts Agricultural College,​a Mar. 9, 1875, to July 1, 1878; on Bannock Campaign, Aug. 4 to Sep. 16, 1878; in garrison at Angel Island, Cal., Sep. 16, 1878, to Dec. 11, 1879; on Special duty at West Point, N. Y., Jan. 1 to Feb. 29, 1880; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., Mar. 2 to May 1, 1880 (leave of absence, to Oct. 31, 1880), — Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 8, 1880 to Nov. 4, 1881, except while detached to Wilcox, Ara., and in Chiricahua Campaign, — Plattsburg Barracks,  p209 N. Y., to Dec. 12, 1881, — Madison Barracks, N. Y., to Oct. 1, 1882, — Ft. Warren, Mas., to Nov. 9, 1882, — and Ft. Adams, R. I., to Aug. 1, 1883; as Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Cathedral School of St. Paul, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1883, to Apr. 21, 1886; in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. I., and duty at Militia Encampments, May 30, 1886, to Oct. 1, 1889; and as Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Yale University, Ct., Aug. 1, 1889, to –––––.

Civil History. — Author of "Compensating Powder for Heavy Artillery," etc., 1877; of "Text Books and Tables," of "Strategos" (invented by him), 1880;​b of "An Important Question in Metrology," 1882; of "Instructions in Guard Duty," 1887; and of "The Facts and Fancies, Legends and Lore, of Nativity," 1887. Degree of A. M. conferred by Trinity College, Ct., 1885.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

(Charles Adiel​c Lewis Totten)

Military History. — Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Yale University, New Haven, Ct., 1889‑92. — Leave of absence for one year, 1892‑93.

Resigned, September, 1893.

Civil History. — Residence, Milford, Ct.; place of business, New Haven, Ct. — Publisher, and proprietor of Our Race Publishing Company. — Member of School Board, Milford; Member of International Institute for Preserving Anglo-Saxon Weights and Measures. — Author of many books and articles.

 p231  The major works of Professor Totten, about 365 pages each, are — 1891: The Romance of History; Lost Israel Found in the Anglo-Saxons. — The Voice of History; Joshua's Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz.​dThe Philosophy of History; Tea Tephi, Jeremiah's Ward. — The Secret of History; The King's Daughters — Flight of David's Line. 1892: The Renewal of History; Eochaidh the Heremonn — The "Scarlet Thread." — The Fact of History; The Deluge and the Advent — Proof and Guarantee. — The Hope of History; The Crisis, and the Millennium — At Hand! — The Riddle of History; Saint Paul and Daniel interpreted. 1893: The Answer of History; Reply to objections, companion to Study No. 1. — The Measure of History; A Standard Scale of Chronology. — The Truth of History; Facts of Gold. The Times and Seasons of Babylon. — The Heart of History; Facts of Silver. Medo-Persian Times and Seasons. 1894: The Key of History; Facts of Copper. The Times and Seasons of Greece. — The Focus of History; Facts of Iron. The Times and Seasons of Rome. — The Man of History; Facts of Stone. The Times of Christ. — The Confirmation of History; The Sign of the Prophet Jonah. Hist. 1st Cent. A.D. 1896: The Canon of History; The Times of the Gentiles. — The Seal of History; or, The Great Seal of the United States. Vol. I. — The Seal of History; Its Significance Unto Us. Vol. II. — The Coming Crusade; Relation of Our Race to Israel's Restoration. 1898: "Bethel"; The Stone Kingdom. Colored Lithographic Chart and Explanatory Study. — The Daniel Chart; An extensive ten-colored lithograph, containing the entire Book of Daniel, printed to the Scale of History, with explanatory Brochure.

The minor writings of Professor Totten, 16 to 62 pages each. Charts, some of them elaborately colored in lithograph, etc. 1893: Midnight: The Last Hour of the Era.Miscellaneous, Historical, Chronological.More Light on the Crucifixion Date.An Epistle; "The Time is at Hand." — St. Paul's Life and Labors.The Daughter of an Earl; An Idyl of London Town. For the Passover (Easter) Season. — Inspiration, and the Trend of Modern Criticism; Construction or Destruction, — Which? — Answers to Numerous Important Queries, Historical, Chronological, and Otherwise.Saturday versus Sunday; The Present Phase of an Old Piece of Pharisaism! 1894: Further Consideration of the Sabbath Question. A Conclusive Argument.Signs of the Times; A Startling Array! — The Church and State; A Warning. — The One-Year Ministry Demonstrated; Light at Last. — The Restoration of Israel; A Lecture. — Judah, Judea, and Jerusalem; The Latest News. 1895: The Genealogy of Mary, and other Matters.The Dividing of a Time; A Set of Accurate, Colored Chronological Charts, covering Secular and Sacred Chronology between Birth of Herod and Death of John. — The Olympic Scale; Proved from Africanus, Censorinus. and Theron. — The Olivet Discourse; First to Second Advent. — The Savior's Comments. — The Wednesday Theory of the Week-day of the Crucifixion Examined.Jesus Christ and His Contemporaries.Miscellaneous Queries Answered.The Skeleton of History; Explaining the Chart of Daniel. — The Gibraltar of Chronology; Whereon the Secular Dates rest. — The Calendar-Almanac of all Past and all Future Time.Current Events; Signs and Designs. — The Eastern Question; How the United States May Become Involved. — A Glance into our Mail Bag; What we are at, as told by others. 1896: The Manifestation of Christ with His Israel.The Chart of the Siege of Jerusalem.An Open Word with an Opponent."How Readest Thou?" Timely Topics; Latter Day Parables.The Present Situation.The Letters of Senius; Finance.Ye Compact; Its History, Authority, and Seal. 1897: These Times and their Significance. A Few Words in General. An Epistle. — This is the Antichrist. By Eschol. Introduction by C. A. L. Totten. — Odds and Ends; What  p232 We Think about Matters. We Told You So. — The Physical Factors Veiled in Genesis i.1. "Halt! Who goes there?" — The Outlook from our Point of View.Peter the Great's Will, and a Running Commentary on Ezek. xxxviii, xxxix. — "Signs of the End."Give the Lord No Rest as to the Restoration of Israel and the Jews.Fourteen Standard Systems of Chronology, Analyzed. With Chart. 1898: All Past Time, Guinness, Dimbleby, Totten, and others. "Present Truth" for 1898! — "As it Listeth." Here and There. In the World and with the Word. — Israel in America.War Extra. Yale Military Lectures (reprint). — Matters of Present Moment.More Momentous Matters.Further Matters of Moment.Providence. A Duplex Calendar. Maternity. The History of Israel. 1899: Flotsam and Jetsam as to Events now Happening.More as to Things now on Deck.Further Discussion of Current Events.The Conduct of the War.Live Topics; Au Courant. — As to Anglo-Israel; A Sworn Statement from Professor Totten. — New Year Thoughts.The Sabbatic Key. The World's Age. — Dreams, Insignia, Signs.

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Civil History. — Residence, Milford, Ct.; place of business, New Haven, Ct. — Publisher and proprietor of many books and papers relating to almost every subject.

Died April 22, 1908, at Milford, Conn.: Aged 57.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1908, for an obituary notice, with a portrait.

The Author's Note:

1 Son of Bvt. Brig.‑General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.James Totten, Class of 1841.

Thayer's Notes:

a At this institution, now the University of Massachusetts, he was once, not so long ago, warmly remembered as the founder of the fencing program, to judge from an interesting page at UMass Fencing, which included much additional biographical information as well as a photograph of him as a Cadet. With the continued shrinkage of the Web, the page has vanished.

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b See this very thorough article by Robert Mosher (to whom thanks for the heads‑up).

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c His obituary in the Bridgeport (CT) Telegram, as quoted in the AOG Report linked above, spells the name Adelle.

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d Among his voluminous writings, The Voice of History — Joshua's Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz has made him famous in some quarters for the theory of the Missing Day, of which he seems to have been the originator: that chronological calculations show a discrepancy of 23 hours and 20 minutes at a certain point, which can be accounted for by two Biblical passages. The idea was since updated and appropriated by a writer in the 1960s; but for the source, see Donald Simanek's page.

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Page updated: 28 Aug 20
