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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1874

Vol. III

(Born Tex.)

Frederick W. Sibley​1

(Ap'd Ga.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1869, to June 17, 1874, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 2d Cavalry, June 17, 1874.

Served: on frontier duty at Omaha Barracks, Neb., Oct. 4, 1874, to May 5, 1875, — Camp Sheridan, Neb., May 22 to Aug. 7, 1875, — Scouting, to Nov., 1875, — Ft. Sanders, Wy., Nov. 30, 1875, to Feb. 16, 1876, — Big Horn Expedition, Feb. 16 to Nov. 5, 1876, being engaged in the Combat on Powder River, Mar. 17, Battle of the Rosebud, June 17, and Combat of Slim Buttes, Sep. 9, 1876, — Ft. Sanders, Wy., Nov. 6, 1876, to Sep. 3, 1877, — Ft. Keogh, Mon., Oct. 4, 1877, to Aug. 26, 1878 (leave of absence, to Oct., 1878), and Oct., 1878, to July 6, 1882, — Scouting,

(First Lieut., 2d Cavalry, Oct. 20, 1881)

to Sep. 19, 1882, — Ft. Custer, Mon., to May 12, 1883, — Camp on Medicine Bow Creek, Mon., to Oct. 28, 1883, — Ft. Custer, Mon., to May 24, 1884, — and Ft. Walla Walla (Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Nov. 28, 1884, to Oct. 1, 1886), to –––––; and as Regimental Adjutant, Jan. 17, 1889, to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. —

(Brevet 1st Lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1890, for gallant services in action against Indians on the Little Big Horn River, Mont., July 7, 1876)

Served: (Regimental Adjutant, to Jan. 16, 1893) At Fort Walla Walla, Wash., to June 4, 1890; at Fort Lowell, Ariz., to Jan. 17, 1891; at Fort Wingate, N. M., Jan. 21, 1893;

(Captain of Cavalry, 2d Cavalry, March 7, 1893)

on light duty (on account of ill health) at San Diego Barracks, Cal., to June 4, 1893; at Fort Wingate, N. M., to Aug. 10, 1896; at Fort Riley, Kan., to April 19, 1898; with regiment at Camp Thomas, Ga., Mobile, Ala., and at Tampa, Fla., to Aug., 1898; at Huntsville, Ala., to Feb., 1899; at Matanzas and Cienfuegos, Cuba (Regimental Adjutant, March 5, 1899 to March 8, 1900), to April, 1899; at Santa Clara, Cuba, to Dec. 19, 1900; on sick leave to Feb. 26, 1900; at San Antonio, Tex., as Assistant Inspector-General, Department of Texas, March 12, 1900 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History.Inspector-General, Department of Texas, March 12, 1900 to Aug. 31, 1901; Commissary, 2d Cavalry, Sept. 6, 1901 to July 30, 1902.

(Major, 11th Cavalry, July 30, 1902)

— On temporary duty as additional Aid to Lieut.‑General commanding the army, and member of Board for Revision of Small Arms Firing Regs., Aug. 1, 1902 to Aug. 20, 1903; transferred to 2d Cavalry, Oct.  p221 29, 1903; Assistant to the Adjutant General and Acting Adjutant General, Department of Luzon, P. I., Oct. 5, 1903 to July 30, 1904; commanding Pasay Garrison, July 30, 1904 to Jan. 25, 1905; commanding expedition against Ladrones of Cavite and Batangas Provinces, P. I., Jan. 25 to July 1, 1905; officially complimented by the Governor-General of Philippine Islands and by the Lieutenant-General commanding Philippine Division for practically exterminating these large bands of hostile Ladrones; on sick report, having been invalided to the U. S., July 15 to Dec. 16, 1905; on temporary duty in Washington, pending arrival of regiment from Philippine islands; on duty at and commanding Fort Snelling, Minn., March 23, 1906 to April, 1907; acting Adjutant-General, Northern Division, May 15 to June 30, 1907; on detached service commanding expedition against unruly Ute Indians in South Dakota, Oct. 25 to Dec. 14, 1907; inspecting Organized Militia, State of Iowa, Feb. 17 to April 16, 1908; Adjutant-General, Provisional Division on its march toº Fort Riley, Kan., to St. Joseph, Mo., and during the Military Tournament at the latter place, Sept. 8 to 20, 1908; Commandant of Cadets, U. S. Military Academy, Feb. 1, 1909 to ––––

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Frederick William Sibley, Born Oct. 17, 1852.)

Military History. —

Major, 11th Cavalry, July 30, 1902.

Transferred to 2d Cavalry, Oct. 29, 1903.

Transferred to 13th Cavalry, Feb. 1, 1909.

At U. S. Military Academy, Commandant of Cadets, Feb. 1, 1909, to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 4th Cavalry, April 18, 1909)

Jan. 20, 1911;

(Inspector-General, by Detail, Jan. 19, 1911)

(Colonel, 14th Cavalry, March 3, 1911)

at Denver, Col., Inspector-General, Department of the Colorado, March 3 to May 20, 1911; en route to Philippine Islands, June 1 to July 6, 1911; at Camp Stotsenburg, P. I., commanding regiment, July 7, 1911, to April 14, 1912; en route to U. S., to May, 1912; at Fort Clark, Texas, commanding regiment, May, 1912, to May 12, 1916; with Mexican Punitive Expedition, May 13 to 21, 1916; at Del Rio, Texas, with regiment, May 30 to

(Brigadier-General, U. S. A., July 27, 1916)

Aug. 24, 1916; at Eagle Pass, Texas, commanding Eagle Pass District, Aug. 25 to Oct. 17, 1916.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Oct. 17, 1916,
By Operation of Law.

Died, Feb. 17, 1918, at Rockford, Ill.: Aged 65.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1918.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

The Author's Note:

1 Son of Bvt. Brig.‑General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1829: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.C. C. Sibley, Class of 1829.º

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Page updated: 12 Jun 16
