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Vol. III |
(Born Ct.) |
James C. Bush |
(Ap'd Ct.) |
James Clark Bush: Born Oct. 31, 1850, Waterbury, CT.a Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1871, to June 16, 1875, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 5th Artillery, June 16, 1875. Served: in garrison at Ft. Trumbull, Ct., Oct. 1 to Dec. 1, 1875, — Key West, Fla., Dec. 9, 1875, to May 13, 1876, — Ft. Brooke, Fla., May 15 to Oct. 13, 1876 (leave of absence, to Nov. 8, 1876), — Key West, to June 16, 1877, — Ft. Brooke, Fla., June 19 to Nov. 1, 1877, — Key West, Fla., Nov. 4, 1877, to Apr. 11, 1878, — and Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), May 1, 1878, to May 1, 1880; on leave of absence in Europe, June 1 to Dec. 8, 1880; in garrison at Ft. Brooke, Fla., to Nov. 30, 1881, — Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to Dec. 31, 1881, — Willet's Point, N. Y. (under Torpedo Instruction), to June 30, 1882, — and Ft. Schuyler, (First Lieut., 5th Artillery, Nov. 1, 1882) p245 N. Y., to Aug. 31, 1884; as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Collegiate and Commercial Institute, New Haven, Ct., to Oct. 1, 1885; on frontier duty at Ft. Omaha, Neb., to Dec. 3, 1886, — and Ft. Douglas, Utah, to Oct. 19, 1887; and in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., to –––––. Vol. IV Military History. — Served: At Fort Columbus, N. Y., to May 1, 1890, being also on duty as Post Commissary and assistant to Chief Commissary at Division and Department Headquarters, at Governor's Island, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1889 to Aug. 27, 1894; Post Commissary at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to July 4, 1898; (Captain of Artillery, 7th Artillery, March 8, 1898) commanding his battery at Tampa, Fla., to Aug. 20, 1898; at Fort Adams, R. I., to ––––– Vol. V Military History. — Commanding his battery at Tampa, Fla., to Aug. 20, 1898; at Fort Adams, R. I., to Feb. 5, 1902; Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., to April 1, 1902; en route to Philippine Islands, to May 1, 1902; commanding company at Manila, to August 13, 1902; commanding Artillery District, Philippine Islands, August 14 to Sept. 14, 1902; commanding company at Manila, P. I., p231 (Major, Artillery Corps, Aug. 10, 1903) to March 4, 1903; commanding Field Artillery Battalion in Philippine Islands, to March 30, 1904; commanding Artillery, District of Manila, to June 15, 1904; en route to U. S., to July 14, 1904; commanding post of Fort Warren, Mass., July 28, 1904 to June 11, 1905. Died, June 11, 1905, at Fort Warren, Mass.: Aged 54. See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1906, for an obituary notice, with a portrait. Buried, West Point Cemetery, West Point, NY. |
a Maj. Bush's full name and birth data are from his AOG obituary.
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Page updated: 11 Dec 14