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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1876

Vol. III

(Born Mich.)

Charles W. Foster

(Ap'd Mich.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1872, to June 14, 1876, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 4th Infantry, June 15,º 1876.

Served: in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice),

(Transferred to 3d Artillery, Aug. 15, 1876)

Sep. 30 to Oct. 23, 1876, — Blackville, S. C., to Nov. 17, 1876, — Washington Arsenal, D. C., to Feb. 5, 1877, — Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), Feb. 5, 1877, to May 1, 1878 (on delay, to June 3, 1878), — Ft. Schuyler, N. Y., June 3 to Oct. 1, 1878, — and Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1878, to April 20, 1881; on leave of absence, to Apr. 20, 1882; in garrison at Jackson Barracks, La., to June 2, 1883, — Ft. Barrancas,

(First Lieut., 3d Artillery, June 1, 1883)

Fla., to June 25, 1883, — Atlanta, Ga., to Dec. 11, 1883, — and Ft. Barrancas, Fla., to Sep. 18, 1884; as Professor of Military Science and Tactics, St. John College, Md., to Sep. 10, 1887; and in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky. (leave of absence, Dec. 23, 1887, to May 22 1888), to Apr. 30, 1889, — and at Ft. Monroe, Va., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: With Light Battery F, 3d Artillery, at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., from March, 1890 to March, 1892. — Transferred to Battery I, 3d Artillery, on latter date. — At Fort McHenry, Md., from March to Sept., 1892. — On regimental recruiting duty from Sept., 1892 until May, 1893. — At Fort McPherson, Ga., from Oct., 1893 until Feb., 1894. — From latter date, until Oct., 1896, at Key West Barracks, Fla. — At Angel Island, Cal., Oct., 1896 to April, 1898.

(Captain of Artillery, 6th Artillery, March 8, 1898)

— Joined battery at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., May, 1898; at Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, N. J., May 19, 1898. — In command of post from Sept. 1, 1898 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: In command of Fort Hancock, N. J., from Aug. 3, 1898 to April 11, 1899; in command, as captain, of Battery M, 6th Artillery, Manila, P. I., Jan. 1 to Feb. 9, 1900; in temporary command of Light Battery D, 6th Field Artillery, Luzon, P. I., Feb. 9 to June 15, 1900; permanently in command of Light Battery G, 6th Artillery, Island of Panay, P. I., June 15 to Aug. 15; in command of 13th Battery, Field Artillery (formerly Light Battery G, 6th Artillery), principally at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., from Aug. 15, 1901 to June 17, 1903;

(Major, Artillery Corps, July 28, 1903)

— At Fort Banks, Boston Harbor, Sept. 15, 1903 to Jan. 14, 1905, for a portion of that period being in command of the Artillery District of Boston; at Fort Williams, Me., Jan. 14, 1905 to Sept. 4, 1905; on general recruiting duty at San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 1, 1905 to July, 1907; — Assigned to 2d Field Artillery, June 6, 1907; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., July, 1907 to –––––; in command of 13th Battery Field Artillery (formerly Light Battery G, 6th Field Artillery), principally at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., Aug. 15, 1901 to June 17, 1903.​a

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Artillery Corps, Jan. 25, 1907)

— Assigned to 2d Field Artillery, June 6, 1907; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., July 7, 1907 to –––––.

Took part in the following actions against insurgents in the Philippines: Putol Bridge, P. I., Jan. 7, 1900, while acting as volunteer aide to the commanding officer of forces; near Calinog, P. I., Dec. 12, 1900, while in command of mountain guns, Light Battery G, artillery; Mount Putian, P. I., Dec. 16, 1900, while in command of mountain guns, Light Battery G, 6th Artillery; Mount Singit, P. I., Dec. 23, 1900, while in command of mountain guns, Light Battery G, 6th Artillery; near Macato, P. I., Jan. 19, 1901, while in command of detachment Light Battery G, 6th Artillery, with the field guns; Mount Bulabad, P. I., Jan. 24, 1901, while in command of detachment Light Battery G, 6th Artillery, with field guns; Rosario, P. I., Jan. 27, 1901, while in command of detachment Light Battery G, 6th Artillery, with field guns, and detachments Companies A, C and K, 6th Infantry; San Dimas, P. I., Jan. 30, 1901, while in command of same troops as in above action near Rosario. — (The designations of the actions are taken from Heitman's Historical Register and Dictionary of U. S. Army).

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Charles William Foster, Born Dec. 28, 1853.)

Military History. —

Lieut.‑Colonel, Artillery Corps, Jan. 25, 1907.

Assigned to 2d Field Artillery, June 6, 1907.

At Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., July 7, 1907, to Dec. 6, 1909 (commanded Provisional Regiment on practice march, July 20 to Sept. 16, 1909); at Vancouver Bks., Wash., with regiment, Dec. 9, 1909, to

(Colonel, 6th Field Artillery, Nov. 28, 1910)

Dec. 16, 1910 (in charge of office of Inspector-General, Department of the Columbia, March 23 to June 8, 1910; Chief Ordnance Officer of the Department, June 8 to Dec. 16, 1910); on leave of absence to Jan. 16, 1911; at Fort Riley, Kans., commanding regiment and post, Jan. 20 to May 27, 1911 (Commandant of Mounted Service School, Feb. 4 to March 20, 1911); at Chicago, Ill., Inspector of Regular Army and Militia in Department of the Lakes, May 28, 1911, to Feb. 7, 1912.

Died, Feb. 7, 1912, near Chicago, Ill.: Aged 58.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1912.

Thayer's Note:

a Here the Register repeats an earlier bit, and inside that repeat, even also repeats a section, as follows:

— At Fort Banks, Boston Harbor, Sept. 15, 1903 to Jan. 14, 1905, for a portion of that period being in command of the Artillery District of Boston; at Fort Williams, Me., Jan. 14, 1905 to Sept. 4, 1905; on general recruiting duty at San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 1, 1905 to July, 1907. on general recruiting duty at San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 1, 1905 to July, 1907;

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Page updated: 20 Dec 14
