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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1876

Vol. III

(Born O.)

Harry L. Bailey

(Ap'd O.)


Born Dalton, OH.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1872, to June 14, 1876, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 21st Infantry, June 15,º 1876.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., Sep. 28 to Oct. 27, 1876, — Ft. Klamath, Or., Nov. 15, 1876 to Mar. 27, 1877, — Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., Apr. 5 to June 19, 1877, — Nez Percés Expedition, to Aug. 29, 1877, being engaged in the Battle of the Clearwater, July 11‑12, 1877, — Ft. Lapwai, Ida., to Oct. 9, 1877, — Ft. Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 17, 1877, to June 5, 1878, — Depot Quartermaster and Commissary at Umatilla and Baker City, Or., June‑July, 1878, — Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 13 to Sep. 14, 1878, — Ft. Townsend, Wash., Oct., 1878, to July 7,  p265 1879, — Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to July 24, 1879, — Depot Quartermaster and Commissary, White Bluffs, Wash., July‑Aug., 1880, — and Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to Apr. 12, 1881; under instruction in Military Signaling, Ft. Myer, Va., to May 10, 1882; on delay, to June 11, 1882, and leave of absence, to Sep. 11, 1882; on frontier duty at Ft. Townsend, Wash. (leave of absence, Dec. 13, 1883, to Apr. 1, 1884), to

(First Lieut., 21st Infantry, Mar. 25, 1884)

May 21, 1884, — Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to June 25, 1884, — Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to July 11, 1885, — Scouting, to Aug. 6, 1885, — Ft. Fred Steele, Wy., to Sep. 5, 1885, — suppressing Mining Riots, to Oct. 22, 1885, — Ft. Fred Steele, Wy. (leave of absence, Dec. 4, 1885, to Jan. 3, 1886), to Aug. 7, 1886, — Ft. Du Chesne, Utah, and Scouting (leave of absence, May 27 to Sep. 26, 1887), to Jan. 21, 1888, — Ft. Sidney, Neb., Nov. 4, 1889, — Regimental Quartermaster, Feb. 28, 1889, to –––––; and on leave of absence, Nov. 4, 1889, to Feb. 27, 1890.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. —

(Brevet First Lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1890, for gallant services in action against Indians, at the Clearwater, Ida., July 11 and 12, 1877)

Served: (Regimental Quartermaster, to June 30, 1891) Garrison duty at Fort Sidney, Neb., Feb. 27, 1890 to July 30, 1891; on leave to Nov. 30, 1891; on duty at Columbus Barracks, O., to Oct. 16, 1893; garrison duty at Fort Niagara, N. Y., to Oct. 17, 1894; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to Sept. 14, 1895; on leave to Jan. 23, 1896; garrison duty at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y.,

(Captain of Infantry, 21st Infantry, Dec. 2, 1897)

 p271  to April 19, 1898; at Tampa, Fla., to June 14, 1898; with regiment in the campaign against Santiago and in Cuba, to Aug., 1898, being engaged in the battle of San Juan, July 1‑3, and in the siege operations against Santiago to July 17, 1898; with regiment at Montauk Point, N. Y., Aug. to Sept., 1898; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to April 10, 1899. — En route to and in Philippines to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Unknown, no information having been received.

(Transferred to 27th Infantry, June 18, 1902)

(Major, 2d Infantry, June 28, 1902)

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Harry Lee Bailey, Born Oct. 4, 1854.)

Military History. —

Captain, 21st Infantry, Dec. 2, 1897.

En route to Philippines April 10 to May 11, 1899; commanding Battalion on Manila line of defense, May 13, 1899; and in Battle of Guadalupe Ridge, June 10, 1899, and in Battle of Zapote River Bridge, June 13, 1899; in trenches about Manila to July 6, 1899; at Morong, Laguna de Bay, Luzon, commanding Company and later the station, July 6 to Aug. 6, 1899; at Calamba, Luzon, Aug. 7 to Dec. 30, 1899, during various attacks by Insurgents who constantly surrounded our lines; at San Pedro Macati, on Pasig River, Dec. 30, 1899, to Feb. 25, 1900; during which time he made a night march in command of a small detachment to  p218 capture a band of Ladrones reported as barricaded in a rocky fastness in the jungle, and captured one Insurgent; on Guadalupe Heights, commanding Battalion and engaged in scouting and outpost duties, Feb. 25 to April 16, 1900; at Pasay, Luzon, commanding Battalion, April 16 to May 16, 1900; at Malate Bks., Manila, commanding troops in South Manila and suburban towns, making daily rounds as Acting Provost Marshal; at Tiaon, Tayabas Province, Luzon, commanding Battalion and District to Jan. 20, 1901; at San Jose, Batangas Province, commanding District, also Quartermaster, Commissary and Exchange Officer, Jan. 25 to May 1, 1901 (commanded native scouts during night attack at Batangas, May, 1901); at Atimonan on Pacific Coast of Luzon, commanding Battalion and District, May to July, 1901; at Corregidor Island, sick in hospital, July 15‑30, 1901; commanding Corregidor and Pulo Caballo Islands, Manila Harbor, July 31 to Nov. 20, 1901; en route to U. S., Nov. 20 to Dec. 19, 1901; on detached service in San Francisco, Cal., to Jan. 18, 1902; on leave of absence to March 18, 1902; on sick leave to

(Transferred to 27th Infantry, June 18, 1902)

June 23, 1902; at Omaha, Neb., undergoing examination for promotion, June 23 to

(Major, 2d Infantry, June 28, 1902)

July 4, 1902; on sick leave to Sept. 19, 1902; en route to Manila to Nov. 2, 1902; at Manila with regiment to Nov. 12, 1902; commanding Battalion and later commanding about 700 troops, Infantry, Cavalry and Scouts, Quarantine Guard, Maraquina River Valley, during Cholera epidemic to May, 1903 (no deaths in command); under direction of Division Commander, General Davis, designed and erected Battle Monument to mark spot where General Lawton fell; superintended dedication ceremonies, Feb. 22, 1903; commanding Malate Bks., Manila, to May 7, 1903; en route to U. S. with regiment to June 6, 1903; at Fort Logan, Col., June 16‑22, 1903; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., commanding post, June 25 to Oct. 22, 1903; at Fort Logan, Col., April 1, 1904, to Oct. 3, 1905; at Columbus Bks., Ohio, for instruction in General Recruiting Service, Nov. 1‑10, 1905; at Boston, Mass., commanding Recruiting District, Nov. 11, 1905, to Dec. 17, 1907; at Fort Thomas, Ky., with regiment, May 5, 1908, to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 5th Infantry, March 12, 1910)

June 28, 1910 (at Camp Perry, Ohio, Assistant to Executive Officer, Rifle Range, July 1 to Aug. 29, 1908; at Camp of Instruction, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Assistant to Inspector-General, Department of the Lakes, Aug. 30 to Sept. 30, 1908; commanding Battalion at Military Tournament, Toledo, Ohio, July 2‑12, 1909; at Camp Perry, Ohio, commanding Battalion at Rifle Matches and instructor of Ohio National Guard organizations, July‑September, 1909); at Plattsburg Bks., N. Y., June 29 to July 31, 1910; on leave to Aug. 27, 1910.

Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Aug. 27, 1910,
At His Own Request, After Over 30 Years' Service.

Member M. S. I. since beginning; Life Member Society of Santiago; of Order of Indian Wars; of Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A.; Honorary member R. A. & N. U. S.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Aug. 27, 1910,
At His Own Request, After Over 30 Years' Service.

Awarded Silver Star and cited "for gallantry in action against Spanish forces at Santiago, Cuba, July 1, 1898."

Civil History: — Endowed a historical section or "case" in the Allen County, Ohio, Memorial Building, Lima, Ohio, 1927, bestowing relics of the Nez Perce and Bannock Indian Wars, Santiago, Cuba, and Philippine Insurrection, and ancient military books, etc.

Member M. S. I. since beginning; Life Member Society of Santiago; of Order of Indian Wars; of Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A.; Honorary member R. A. & N. U. S.

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: —

Lt.‑Col., Ret., Aug. 27, 1910.

Died, Sept. 7, 1934, at Fort Monroe, Va.: Aged 80.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1935.º

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Lt.‑Col. Bailey's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 22 Apr 16
