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Vol. III |
(Born Md.) |
John F. Guilfoyle |
(Ap'd at Large) |
Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1872, to June 14, 1877, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 9th Cavalry, June 15, 1877. Served: on leave of absence and awaiting orders, June 15, 1877 to Jan. 1, 1878; on frontier duty at Socorro, Tex., to Mar. 13, 1878, — on Ute Expedition and Escorting Boundary Commissioners, Mar. 13 to Nov. 10, 1878, — Camp Lewis, Col., Nov. 10 to Dec. 13, 1878, — Las Animas City, Col., to Feb. 13, 1879, — Ft. Garland, Col., to May 23, 1879, — Escorting the Lieut.‑General, to June 25, 1879, — Scouting and Acting Engineer Officer of District of New Mexico (Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Oct. 7, 1879, to June 10, 1880), to Nov. 10, 1880, — Ft. Stanton, N. M., to Dec. 2, 1880, — Ft. Craig, N. M., to Jan. 13, 1881, — in the field (commanding Indian Scouts, May to Nov., 1881), to Nov., 1881, — (First Lieut., 9th Cavalry, Nov. 1, 1881) Ft. Riley, Kan., and Scouting, to June 1, 1883, — Ft. Lewis, Col., and Scouting, to Oct. 5, 1883, — Ft. Riley, Kan. (Regimental Quartermaster, May 17, 1884, to Jan. 8, 1885, and Adjutant, to May 9, 1888), to June 11, 1885, — Ft. McKinney, Wy., to May 3, 1887, — and Ft. Robinson, Neb., to Sep. 21, 1888; on Recruiting Service, Oct. 6, 1888, to Feb. 28, 1889; and in garrison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., to –––––. Vol. IV Military History. — (Brevet 1st Lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1890, for gallant services in action against Indians at White Sands, N. M., July 19, 1881; in the San Andreas Mountains, N. M., July 25, 1881; and at Monica Springs, N. M., Aug. 3, 1881) Served: At Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Sept., 1890; at Fort Robinson, Neb., to Nov., 1890; Adjutant of Major Henry's battalion in the field in South Dakota during the campaign against Sioux Indians to Jan., 1891, being engaged at Pine Ridge Agency and White Clay Creek, S. D., Dec. 30, 1890; (Captain of Cavalry, 9th Cavalry, Feb. 25, 1891) garrison duty at Fort Robinson, Neb., to July 25, 1895; in the field in Idaho during miner strikes to Aug. 12, 1895; duty at Fort Washakie, Wyo., to Sept. 12, 1895; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 1, 1895 to Oct. 1, 1897; garrison duty at Fort Washakie, Wyo., to April 20, 1898; at Port Tampa, Fla., to Aug., 1898; at Montauk Point, N. Y., to Sept., 1898; at Fort Du Chesne, Utah, to ––––– Vol. V Military History. — Served: At Fort Duchesne, Utah, to July, 1900; in Philippine Islands, Sept. 1, 1900 to May 15, 1901. (Major, 12th Cavalry, Feb. 28, 1901) — At Fort Sam Houston, Texas, June, 1901, to Feb., 1902; at Fort McIntosh, Tex., Feb. to May, 1902; at Fort Clark, Texas, May to Oct., 1902; at Washington, D. C., Nov., 1902 to Aug., 1904. (Lieut.‑Colonel, 7th Cavalry, Oct. 1, 1906) — In Philippine Islands, Sept., 1904 to June, 1907; at Fort Riley, Kansas, July, 1907 to present date; Inspector of Rifle Practice, United States Army, and in charge of the affairs of the Militia of the United States, from 1903 to April 1, 1904; Assistant Adjutant-General by detail, April 1, 1904 to Oct. 1, 1906; at Fort Riley, Kas., from about Aug. 10, 1907 to ––––– Vol. VI (John Francis Guilfoyle, Born Oct. 1, 1853.) Military History. — Lieut.‑Colonel, 7th Cavalry, Oct. 1, 1906. At Fort Riley, Kans., with regiment, June, 1907, to February, 1911; in camp at San Antonio, Texas, with Maneuver Division, February to (Colonel, 9th Cavalry, March 11, 1911) July, 1911; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., with regiment, July, 1911, to September, 1912; at Douglas, Arizona, on border patrol, September, 1912, to October, 1915 (upon his relief was presented by the Chamber of Commerce of Douglas with a Resolution of Appreciation, Oct. 6, 1915); (Transferred to 4th Cavalry, Oct. 1, 1915) at Honolulu, Hawaii, with regiment, October, 1915, to Feb. 1, 1917.
Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Feb. 1, 1917,
Vol. VII Military History: —
Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Feb. 1, 1917,
p143 Died, Oct. 27, 1921, at New Haven, Conn.: Aged 68. Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1922. Cited posthumously "for gallantry in action against hostile Sioux Indians near Catholic Mission at White Clay Creek, South Dakota, Dec. 30, 1890." Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. |
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