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Vol. III |
(Born N. C.) |
George W. Baxter |
(Ap'd Tenn.) |
Born Hendersonville, NC.a Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1873, to June 14, 1877, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Additional Second Lieut., 5th Cavalry, June 15, 1877. Served: on leave of absence and awaiting orders, June 15 to Dec. 18, (Second Lieut., 3d Cavalry, Sep. 16, 1877) 1877; on frontier duty at Spotted Tail Agency, Dak., Dec. 18, 1877, to Aug. 22, 1878, — Camp Rains, Dak., Sep. 1 to Dec. 1, 1878, — and Camp Robinson, Neb., and Scouting, Dec. 4, 1878, to July 18, 1879, being engaged against Cheyenne Indians, Jan. 22, 1879; on leave of absence, to Nov., 1879, and on sick leave, to Jan. 16, 1880; on frontier duty at Ft. Laramie, Wy., to Apr. 23, 1880, — Ft. Washakie, Wy., to Nov. 1, 1880, — and Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to Dec. 26, 1880; and on leave of absence, to July 1, 1881. Resigned, July 1, 1881. Civil History. — Stock Farmer, Cheyenne, Wy., since 1881. Governor of Wyoming Territory, Nov. 11, 1886, to Jan. 22, 1887. President and General Manager of the North American Cattle Company, and the Frontier Land and Cattle Company, since 1887. Vol. IV Civil History. — Mining and stock growing, Denver, Colo. — Governor of Wyoming Territory in Nov., 1886, and served until Feb., 1887. — On the admission of the Territory as a State in 1890, was the Democratic candidate for governor at first state election and was defeated. — President of the Western Union Beef Company, 1889 to ––––– Vol. V Civil History. — Unknown. Vol. VI (George White Baxter, Born Jan. 7, 1855.) Military History. — Second Lieut., 3d Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1877. Resigned, July 1, 1881. Civil History. — Engaged in cattle ranching on Grass Creek, a tributary of the Big Horn River in Western Wyoming, 1881 to 1903; appointed Governor of Wyoming territory by President Cleveland, November, 1886; resigned after three months' service; member of Constitutional Convention which in 1889 framed the constitution under which Wyoming was admitted to the Union in July, 1890; Democratic nominee for Governor of the new State in its first state election, September, 1890, but was defeated by Francis E. Warren, for many years past State Senator from Wyoming; removed to Colorado in 1895 and made his home in Denver until 1903; during greater part of this period was a member of the Capitol Building Commission which built the present State Capitol building; retired from active business in 1903 and returned to his former home at Knoxville, Tenn. Present address, Easthampton, Long Island, N. Y. Vol. VII Military History: — Second Lieutenant, 3rd Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1877. Resigned, July 1, 1881. Died, Dec. 18, 1929, at New York, N. Y.: Aged 74. Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1930. Buried, Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville, TN. |
a Lt. Baxter's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.
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Page updated: 28 Feb 16