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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1877

Vol. III

(Born Ky.)

James B. Jackson​1

(Ap'd at Large)


Born June 15, 1852, Hopkinsville, KY.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1873, to June 14, 1877, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Additional Second Lieut., 5th Infantry, June 15, 1877.

Served: on leave of absence and awaiting orders, June 15 to Dec. 21,

(Second Lieut., 7th Infantry, Aug. 9, 1877)

1877; and on frontier duty at Ft. Shaw, Mon., Dec. 21, 1877, to July 1, 1878, — in the field and en route to Ft. Snelling, Min., to Oct., 1878, — at Ft. Snelling, Min., Oct. 3, 1878, to Oct., 1879, — Camp on White River, Col., to June, 1880, — Ft. Snelling, Min., to Nov. 21, 1882, — Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to Apr. 4, 1883, — Ft. Laramie, Wy., to Oct. 19,

(First Lieut., 7th Infantry, Apr. 18, 1884)

1886, — Ft. McKinney, Wy., to Jul. 1888, — and Camp Pilot Butte, Wy., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: In the Sioux campaign, to Jan. 24, 1890; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Oct., 1894; at Chicago and vicinity, during strike, 1894; at Fort Logan, Colo., from Oct., 1894

(Captain of Infantry, 7th Infantry, Dec. 22, 1896)

to April, 1898; at Chickamauga, Ga.,º in April and May, 1898, and then at Tampa, Fla., to June 6, 1898; at Port Tampa, Fla., till expedition sailed for Cuba; with 5th Corps in Cuba (wounded at El Caney, July 1, 1898); rejoined company in trenches in front of Santiago, July 13, 1898; at Montauk Point, L. I., from latter part of Aug. to latter part of Oct., 1898; at Fort Wayne, Mich., to Jan. 15, 1899; at Columbus Barracks, O., to June 7, 1899; at Fort Thomas, Ky., to –––––; (Served continuously with his company, 1890 to Oct., 1899).

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: At Fort Thomas, Ky., to Oct., 1899; at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, to April, 1900; at Fort Liscum, Alaska, to Nov., 1901.

(Major, 11th Infantry, Nov. 11, 1901)

— At Ponce, Porto Rico, to April, 1902; in Philippine Islands, to March, 1904; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to April, 1905; at New York City, to April, 1906; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., (in San Francisco, Cal., May and part of June), to Oct., 1906; in Cuba, from Oct., 1906 to –––––.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 26th Infantry, July 18, 1908)

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(James Berryman Jackson, Born June 15, 1852.)

Military History. —

Major, 11th Infantry, Nov. 11, 1909.

Commanding Holguin, Cuba, Oct. 24, 1907, to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 26th Infantry, July 18, 1908)

Aug. 6, 1908 (commanding regiment, June 8 to Aug. 9, 1907); on leave of absence, Aug. 6 to Oct. 27, 1907; en route to Philippines, to Dec. 2, 1908; at Manila, with regiment, Dec. 3, 1908, to June 15, 1909; en route to U. S. to July 14, 1909; at Fort Wayne, Mich., with regiment, July 22, 1909, to

(Colonel of Infantry, Sept. 6, 1911)

(Assigned to 25th Infantry, Oct. 19, 1911)

Nov. 2, 1911 (at Camp of Instruction, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Aug. 28 to Oct. 2, 1910); on leave of absence, Nov. 3, 1911, to Jan. 1, 1912; at Fort Lawton, Wash., commanding regiment, Jan. 4 to May 23, 1912; on leave of absence, May 24 to Aug. 11, 1912.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Aug. 11, 1912,
At His Own Request, After Over 30 Years' Service.

Since retirement, resided at Washington, D. C.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Aug. 11, 1912,
At His Own Request, After Over 30 Years' Service.

Awarded Silver Star and cited "for gallantry in action against Spanish forces at El Caney, Cuba, July 1, 1898."

Civil History: — Since retirement, resided at Washington, D. C.

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: — Col., Ret., Aug. 11, 1912.

Vol. IX
[Supplement, Vol. IX: 1940‑1950]

Military History: —

Col Ret 11 Aug 12

Died, Feb. 7, 1945, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 92.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

The Author's Note:

1 Son of James S. Jackson, Brigadier-General of Volunteers, in Civil War, killed at the battle of Perryville, Ky, Oct., 1862.

Thayer's Note:

a Col. Jackson's birthplace is from the memorial article and biographical sketch at West Point Association of Graduates.

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Page updated: 17 Jul 24
