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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1877

Vol. III

(Born Ga.)

Daniel A. Frederick

(Ap'd Ga.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1873, to June 14, 1877, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Additional Second Lieut., 10th Infantry, June 15, 1877.

Served: on leave of absence and awaiting orders, June 15 to Dec. 25,

(Second Lieut., 7th Infantry, Aug. 9, 1877)

1877; and on frontier duty at Ft. Shaw, Mon., Dec. 25, 1877, to Sep. 20, 1878 (Camp on Marias River, July 26 to Aug. 25, 1878), — en route to and at Ft. Snelling, Min., Oct. 12, 1878, to Oct. 1, 1879, — Camp on White River, Col., to June, 1880, — Ft. Snelling, Min., to June 5, 1882, — Ft. Stevenson, Dak., to Nov. 9, 1882, — Ft. Laramie, Wy., to May 1,

(First Lieut., 7th Infantry, Nov. 14, 1885)

1889, — and Ft. Logan, Col., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: At Fort Logan, Colo., to Nov. 1, 1891. — On leave of absence, July 8 to 16, 1890. — (Post Q. M. and Commissary, Fort Logan, Colo., Oct. 4 to 13, 1890.) — On D. S. at Fort Crawford, Aug. 24 to 30, 1891; Camp Pilot Butte, Wy.,º Nov., 1891 to Sept. 1, 1893 (Post Q. M., Commissary, and in charge post schools, Camp Pilot Butte, Nov. 11, 1891 to Aug. 26, 1893); at Fort Logan, Colo., Aug. 31, 1893 to April 20, 1898 (Adjutant, 7th Infantry, Sept. 1, 1893 to Jan. 29, 1897).

(Captain of Infantry, 7th Infantry, Jan. 28, 1897)

— In command of Company A, 7th Infantry, during Spanish-American war, until Sept. 23, 1898; Chickamauga, Ga., to May 12; Tampa, Fla., to June 7; in front of Santiago de Cuba, to Aug. 19; Montauk, N. Y., to Sept. 23, 1898; Atlanta, Ga., to July 15, 1899; Walker, Min., to Aug. 22; Fort Snelling, Min., to –––––; Chief Mustering Officer, State of Georgia, Sept. 23, 1898 to July 31, 1899.

(Major, 45th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, Aug. 17, 1899)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: On campaigns in Province of Cavite, Jan., 1900, and in Province of Camarines Sur, in Jan. and Feb., 1900; mustering Officer, Division of the Philippines, Dec. 17, 1900 to June 28, 1901; mustered out as Major, 45th U. S. Volunteers,  p269 June 3, 1901; in engagement at Montelon, Dec. 27, 1899; in combat at Angdangan, Feb., 1900, and in seven small engagements between Legaspi and Ligao, Albay Province, South Luzon, July 6 to 10, 1900; detailed for recruiting duty, Sept. 30, 1901.

(Major, 21st Infantry, Jan. 31, 1902)

— Relieved from recruiting duty and detailed as Assistant Adjutant-General, July 15, 1902; remained on duty in the office of the Adjutant-General until May 20, 1903, when ordered to Manila, P. I.; arrived in Manila, June 26, 1903, and was assigned to station at Headquarters, 2nd Brigade, Angeles, Pampanga, Luzon, P. I., as Adjutant-General, 2d Brigade. Upon discontinuance of 2d Brigade, took station at Manila, Oct. 5, 1903, as Adjutant-General, 1st Brigade and post of Manila; relieved from this duty Feb. 15, 1904, and assigned to duty as Adjutant-General, Department of the Visayas, Iloilo, Panay; arrived in Iloilo, March 4, 1904; Military Secretary, Department of the Visayas since June 30, 1905; relieved from duty in the Philippines Division, Aug. 3, 1905; left Iloilo, Panay, Sept. 24, 1905; left Philippines for the U. S., Oct. 1, 1905; relieved from duty in the Military Secretary's Department, Oct. 31, 1905; assigned to duty at Headquarters, Department of California, Nov. 2, 1905; assigned to the 22d Infantry, Jan. 25, 1906; reported for duty at station, Depot of Recruits and Casuals, Angel Island, California, March 31, 1906, and assigned to 3d Battalion; on detached service at San Francisco, Cal., from April 17 to 22, 1906, in connection with the disaster in San Francisco, due to earthquake and fire; at Goldfield, Nevada, Dec. 7, 1907, in connection with miner's strike at that place; left San Francisco, Cal., June 20, 1908, en route for station in Alaska with regiment; arrived at Fort Liscum, Alaska, July 1, 1908, and assumed command of the post, July 2, 1908.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 19th Infantry, Oct. 28, 1908)

— Left Fort Liscum, Alaska, Dec. 27, 1908, and reported for duty at Fort Bliss, Texas, Jan. 6, 1909; commanding regiment and post, from July 2 to 17, and July 30 to Aug. 30, 1909; detached service, inspecting Oklahoma Militia, from July 18 to 29, 1909; commanding 1st Battalion since Sept. 30, 1909; relieved from command of 1st Battalion, Dec. 16, 1909; on duty in the General Staff, from Dec. 1, 1909, to –––––.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Daniel Alfred Frederick, Born June 10, 1855.)

Military History. —

Lieut.‑Colonel, 19th Infantry, Oct. 28, 1908.

On duty in General Staff, Dec. 1, 1909, to Dec. 31, 1910; at San Antonio, Texas, at Hdqrs. Department of Texas, Jan. 2 to March 1, 1911; on sick leave, March 2 to May 31, 1911; attached to 13th Infantry, June 1, 1911; at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, June 1, 1911, to

(Assigned to 17th Infantry, Sept. 12, 1911)

(Colonel of Infantry, Sept. 27, 1911)

to Feb. 25, 1912 (with 13th Infantry, June 1 to July 5; with 17th Infantry, Aug. 11 to Oct. 9, and commanding 22d Infantry, Oct. 10, 1911, to Feb. 25, 1912); at Fort Bliss, Texas, commanding regiment, Feb. 27, 1912, to

(Assigned to 22d Infantry, March 5, 1912)

Feb. 25, 1913; at Texas City, Texas, commanding 6th Brigade, 2nd Division, Feb. 26, 1913, to April 27, 1914; at San Antonio, Texas, on detached service at Hdqrs. Southern Department, April 28 to May 5, 1914; on leave of absence and sick in Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., May 6 to June 27, 1914; at San Antonio, Texas, on detached service at Hdqrs. Southern Department, June 28 to Aug. 12, 1914; at Chicago, Ill., commanding Central Department and in charge of Militia Affairs, Aug. 17, 1914, to June 18, 1917.

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, June 18, 1917,
At His Own Request, After Over 40 Years' Service.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History. —

Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, June 18, 1917,
At His Own Request, After Over 40 Years' Service.

Awarded Silver Star and cited "for gallantry in action against Spanish forces at the battle of Santiago, Cuba, July 2, 1898."

Died, Oct. 9, 1926, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 71.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

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Page updated: 2 Apr 21
