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Bill Thayer

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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1878

Vol. III

(Born Pa.)

James L. Lusk​1

(Ap'd Pa.)


James Loring Lusk: Born Feb. 19, 1855, Pittsburg, Pa.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1874, to June 13, 1878, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, June 14, 1878.

Served: at the Military Academy as Assistant Instructor of Practical Military Engineering, and of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, July 3 to Aug. 28, 1878; on leave of absence, to Nov. 28, 1878; with Engineer Battalion at Willet's Point, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1878, to Aug. 23, 1880, and June 27, 1883, to June 30, 1886; at the Military Academy, Aug. 28, 1880 (in Department of Tactics, Jan. 22, 1881, and of Mathematics,

(First Lieut., Corps of Engineers, June 14, 1881)

to Sep. 8, 1881, and as Adjutant, to July 18, 1882), to Aug. 28, 1882; as Assistant to Major Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1864: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Damrell, Sep. 30, 1882, to June 22, 1883; as Secretary and Assistant of the Construction Committee of the Mississippi River Commission, Aug. 9, 1886, and Secretary and Disbursing Officer of the Commission, Mar. 17 to May 31, 1888; and as Assistant to the Engineer

(Captain, Corps of Engineers, June 15, 1888)

Commissioner of the District of Columbia, since June 2, 1888.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: At Washington, D. C., as Assistant to Engineer Commissioner, D. C., June 2, 1888 to March 21, 1893; at U. S. M. A., West Point, N. Y., March 31, 1893 to April 30, 1898, as Instructor of Practical Military Engineering, in command of Company E, Battalion of Engineers, in charge of water supply,​b and of the post school for enlisted men; Acting Signal Officer, exercising supervision over construction of new Academic Building, Memorial Hall, and Battle Monument, at West Point, recruiting officer for Company E, Battalion of Engineers, Nov. 7, 1893–Jan. 16, 1894. — Member of Commission of Experts to report on questions relating to the water supply of the city of Washington, Nov. 29, 1895–Jan. 17, 1896. — On D. S. — Left West Point, N. Y., April 30, 1898, in command of Company E, Battalion of Engineers; arrived at Key West, Fla., on May 5, 1898, and at Port Tampa, Fla., on May 7, 1898; at Port Tampa, Fla., May 7‑25, 1898; in command of Battalion of Engineers, 5th Army Corps, May 15‑25, 1898.

(Lieut.‑Colonel and Chief Engineer, U. S. Volunteers, May 9, 1898)

— Relieved from duty with Battalion of Engineers, 5th Army Corps, May 26, 1898, and reported for duty, May 27, 1898, to Major-General W. M. Graham, U. S. Volunteers, commanding 2d Army Corps, Camp Alger, Falls Church, Va. — Chief Engineer, 2d Army Corps, May 27, 1898–

(Major, Corps of Engineers, July 5, 1898)

Sept. 18, 1898. — Assigned to duty as Assistant to Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, Sept. 19, 1898.

(Honorably discharged from Volunteer Service, Dec. 7, 1898)

— Member of Board on Geographic Names, March 21, 1899 to –––––; Assistant to Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., Sept. 19, 1898 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Member of Board on Geographic Names, March 21, 1899; March 14, 1903; Assistant to the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., Sept. 19, 1898; March 10, 1903; Rock Island, Ill., in charge of River and Harbor Works, March 19, 1903; April 26, 1905; on leave, May 1, 1905; April 26, 1906; Detroit, Mich., in charge of survey of Northern and Northwestern Lakes, April 30, 1906; July 31, 1906.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Corps of Engineers, June 27, 1906)

— Member of the Mississippi River Commission, June 30, Aug. 8, 1906; on sick leave, Aug. 10, 1906.

Died Sept. 26, 1906, at Sandy Hook, N. J.:​c Aged 51.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1907, for an obituary notice, with a portrait.

Buried, West Point Cemetery, West Point, NY.

Thayer's Notes:

a Col. Lusk's middle name and birth data are from his AOG obituary.

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b West Point Military Reservation's water supply is named for him: Lusk Reservoir.

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c Col. Lusk died at his daughter's house; she was the wife of Army Lt. Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1904: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.James Dillard, who was stationed at the time at Sandy Hook Proving Ground.

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Page updated: 11 Feb 16
