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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1878

Vol. III

(Born Me.)

Frank E. Hobbs

(Ap'd Me.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1874, to June 13, 1878, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 2d Artillery, June 14, 1878.

Served: at the Military Academy, as Assistant Instructor of Artillery Tactics, July 3 to Aug. 28, 1878; on leave of absence, to Nov. 28, 1878; in garrison at Washington Arsenal, D. C., Nov. 28, 1878 (on Rifle Competition, 1879 and 1880), to June 9, 1881; as Recorder of Board to examine inventions of heavy ordnance and projectiles, to July 5, 1882; on Special duty in office of Chief of Ordnance, to Nov. 10, 1882; as Acting Signal Officer in the office of the Chief Signal Officer, to Jan. 24,

(First Lieut., Ordnance, Dec. 16, 1882)

1883; on duty in the office of the Chief of Ordnance, to Sep. 19, 1883; as Inspector of Steel for Guns at Midvale Steel Works, Pa. (temporary duty in Ordnance Bureau, Sep. 21 to Nov. 17, 1888, and Special Ordnance duty in Europe, Nov. 23, 1888, to Mar. 25, 1889), to June 1, 1889, and at the Bethlehem Iron Works, Pa., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: At the Bethlehem Iron Works, Pa., to Feb. 15, 1892; at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. (member of Board to test range and position finders, and of several Boards to select sites for range stations, etc.),

(Captain, Ordnance, June 14, 1892)

to Dec. 1, 1896, and at Watertown Arsenal, Mas., to July 9, 1898; as Inspector of Ordnance at various iron works; with station at New Haven, Con., to June 8, 1899; and at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: At Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., to Aug. 15, 1900; Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.,

(Major of Ordnance, Aug. 16, 1903)

to July 1, 1904; commanding Benicia Arsenal, California, Armament Officer, Western District, and Chief Ordnance Officer, Department of California, to April 15, 1905; commanding Watertown Arsenal, Mass., and Armament Officer, Northern District,

(Lieut.‑Colonel of Ordnance, March 26, 1907)

to Aug. 1, 1907; commanding Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., to –––––.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Frank Emery Hobbs, Born April 16, 1855.)

Military History. —

Lieut.‑Colonel, Ordnance Department, March 26, 1907.

Commanding Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Ill., August, 1907, to Feb. 26, 1911 (member of Infantry Equipment Board and of Cavalry Equipment Board, April 28, 1909, to Feb. 26, 1911); sick in Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., Feb. 28 to April 12, 1911.

Died April 12, 1911, at Hot Springs, Ark.: Aged 55.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1911.

Buried, Chippiannock Cemetery, Rock Island, IL.

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Page updated: 11 Feb 16
