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Vol. III |
(Born N. Y.) |
John C. F. Tillson |
(Ap'd N. Y.) |
Born Elmira, NY.a Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1874, to June 13, 1878, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Additional Second Lieut., 5th Infantry, June 14, 1878. Second Lieut., 5th Infantry, June 21, 1878. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Keogh, Mon., Oct., 1878, to Jan. 16, 1881, — Ft. A. Lincoln, Dak., to Apr. 15, 1881, — Ft. Keogh, Mon., to (First Lieut., 5th Infantry, Mar. 24, 1883) May 30, 1888, — Ft. Brown, Tex., to Nov. 17, 1889, — Ft. Bliss, Tex., to –––––, — and Regimental Adjutant, Oct. 29, 1889 –––––. Vol. IV Military History. — Served: 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 5th Infantry, at Fort Bliss, Tex., 1890 to May, 1891, and at St. Francis Barracks, St. Augustine, Fla., from May to Dec., 1891. — As 1st Lieutenant at Jackson Barracks, La., from Dec., 1891 to Oct., 1894; and at Fort McPherson, Ga., from Oct., 1894 to March 18, 1897. (Captain of Infantry, 14th Infantry, Mar. 18, 1897) — Attached to 5th Infantry for duty at Fort McPherson, Ga., March 18 to Aug. 26, 1897. — Professor of Military Science and Tactics, North Georgia Agricultural College, Dahlonega, Ga., from Aug. 26, 1897 to April 30, 1898. — On duty as Recruiting Officer, Cleveland, O., May 2, 1898 to ––––– Vol. V Military History. — Served: On duty as Recruiting Officer, Cleveland, O., May 2, 1898 to the fall of 1899; at Fort Slocum, N. Y., to April, 1900; arrived Manila via Suez about May 26, 1900; joined 14th Infantry in Manila and assigned to command of Company F; commanded Company F, 14th Infantry on China Relief Expedition, 1900, and participated in the engagements at Fei Isang and Yang Tsun, and the capture of Pekin and the attack on the Forbidden City; appointed Provost Marshal American District, Chinese City, and continued in this position until the withdrawal of the American forces, in May, 1901, tillº the return of that regiment to the United States in July, 1901; on duty, commanding company at Fort Porter, New York, from Aug., 1901 to March 12, 1902. (Major, 4th Infantry, March 12, 1902)
— Joined regiment at Fort McIntosh, Texas, May 7, 1902;a assigned to station at Camp Eagle Pass, Texas; on leave of absence, from April 18 to May 7, 1902; D. S. commanding post of Fort McIntosh, Texas, from May 10, 1902 to Jan. 24, 1903;º D. S. at North Georgia Agricultural College, Dahlonega, Ga.; on leave for ten days; joined regiment, Sept. 11, 1905º and assigned to 3d Battalion, Sept. 12, 1905; appointed S. C., Sept. 12, 1905; with 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from Sept. 12 to Oct. 10, 1905; D. S. Camp on Licking River, Ky., Oct. 10 to 19, 1905, and commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry; relieved as S. C., Oct. 16, 1905; in charge of Officers School, Fort Thomas, Ky., from Oct. 25, 1905 to April 17, 1906;
p277 on D. S. Porterville, Ind., Nov. 25, 1905; S. C. from Nov. 26 to April, 1906; Fire Marshal, Jan. 25 to Feb. 5, 1906, and from Feb. 6 to April 7, 1906; D. S. at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, from March 6 to 8, 1906; commanding regiment, April 17, 1906 to July 31, 1906; commanding post at Fort Thomas, Ky., from April 7, 1906 to July 6, 1906; commanding 4th Infantry, Camp Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, from July 28 to Sept. 18, 1906; commanding Camp U. S. Troops, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, from July 15 to 27, 1906; commanding Post of Fort Thomas, Ky., from Sept. 16 to 18, 1906, inclusive; commanding 4th Infantry, Camp Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, from Sept. 1 to 7, 1906, inclusive; commanding regiment, from Oct. 26, 1906 to Jan. 7, 1907; commanding post of Fort Thomas, Ky., from Oct. 30, 1906 to Jan. 17, 1907; commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from Oct. 1 to 3, 7 to 11, and 31, 1906, inclusive; A. W. L. three days, Oct. 4 to 6, 1906, inclusive; sick in quarters, from Oct. 8 to 10, 1906, inclusive; D. S. Fort Wayne, Mich., Nov. 16 and 17, 1906; A. W. L., Dec. 23 to 25, 1906 (10 days granted); relieved from command of regiment and post at Fort Thomas, Ky., Jan. 18, 1907; S. C., Jan. 24, 1907, Fort Thomas, Ky.; commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from Feb. 1 to 21, 1907, inclusive; D. S. at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., in command of detachment of enlisted men as guard, and general prisoners; left Fort Thomas, Ky., en route to U. S. Military Prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 22, 1907; rejoined with detachment at Fort Thomas, Ky., Feb. 26, 1907; commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from March 1 to 28, 1907; on D. S. from March 29, 1907 to April 20, and April 22 to 26, 1907, inspecting Organized Militia, State of Kentucky, per S. O. 16, 1907, Northern Division; relieved as S. C., March 29, 1907; commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from April 21 to May 17, 1907; S. C. from April 28 to May 20, 1907; commanding regiment and post, from May 17 to 26, 1907, inclusive; S. C., May 28, 1907 to June 17, 1907; commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from June 1 to 14, 1907; D. S., Springfield, Ill., with Illinois National Guard, from June 14 to Aug. 9, 1907; S. C., Aug. 11 to 13, 1907, Fort Thomas, Ky.; commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from Aug. 9 to 12, 1907, inclusive, and Aug. 15 and 16, 1907; sick in quarters, Aug. 13 and 14, 1907, in line of duty; D. S., Camp Perry, Ohio (Ohio State Range), from Aug. 17, 1907; S. C., from Sept. 17, 1907 to Oct. 7, 1907; D. S., Sept. 23 to 25, 1907, inclusive (three days practice march); commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry; D. S., London, Ky., Sept. 15 and 16, 1907; S. C., from Oct. 23, 1907 to Nov. 21, 1907; D. S., Fort Sheridan, Ill., Oct. 7 to 10, 1907; Fire Marshal, from Nov. 15, 1907 to Feb. 25, 1908; sick in quarters, Dec. 5 to 7, 1907; S. C., Dec. 18, 1907; commanding 3d Battalion, 4th Infantry, from Jan. 23, 1908 to Feb. 28, 1908; relieved from S. C., Jan. 19, 1908; D. S., Atlanta, Ga., G. C. M. duty, Jan. 18 to 22, 1908; A. W. L., Feb. 23 and 24, 1908; S. C., April 27, 1908 to May 9, 1908; D. S., Camp Downes, Leyte, P. I., May 18 to 25, 1908, inclusive; S. C., June 23 to Sept. 20, 1908; D. S., Camp Downes, Leyte, P. I., June 18 to 21, 1908; sick in quarters, Sept. 10 and 11, 1908; sick in quarters, Oct. 22 to 26, 1908, inclusive; S. C., Nov. 5 to 20, 1908, and from Nov. 23 to Dec. 21, 1908; commanding regiment and post, Nov. 20 and 21, 1908, during the absence of Colonel (Lieut.‑Colonel, 18th Infantry, Dec. 7, 1908) p278 — Joined from D. S., Feb. 9, 1909; S. C., Camp Keithley; relieved as S. C., March 23, 1909; commanding regiment and post, from March 23, 1909 to June 9, 1909; A. W. L. for one day, May 10; D. S., commanding reconnaissance of the Romain Valley to determine site for semi-permanent camp, from June 19 to 21, 1909, inclusive; sick in quarters from June 25 to 28, 1909. Vol. VI (John Charles Fremont Tillson, Born May 26, 1856.) Military History. — Lieut.‑Colonel, 18th Infantry, Dec. 7, 1908. At Camp Keithley, P. I., Feb. 9 to August, 1909; en route to U. S. to Sept. 10, 1909; at Washington, D. C., student officer at Army War College, Oct. 1, 1909, to Nov. 1, 1910, when he was graduated; on leave of absence to Feb. 1, 1911; at Whipple Bks., Arizona, commanding post, Feb. 1 to March, 1911; at San Antonio, Texas, Mobilization Camp, to August, 1911; at Whipple Bks., Arizona, to (Colonel of Infantry, Nov. 27, 1911) Dec. 10, 1911; at Presidio of Monterey, Cal.. commanding 8th Infantry and post, Dec. 12, 1911, to Feb. 6, 1912; en route to Philippines, to March, 1912; (Assigned to 8th Infantry, March 28, 1912) at Zamboanga, P. I., commanding regiment and post, to May 24, 1912; at Camp Keithley, P. I., commanding regiment and post, May 26, 1912 to Feb. 19, 1913; at Parang, P. I., commanding regiment and post, to (Transferred to 15th Infantry, July 1, 1913) July 13, 1913; at Manila to Aug. 20, 1913; at Tientsin, China, commanding 15th Infantry and China Expedition, to Sept. 8, 1915; en route to U. S. to Oct. 10, 1915; on sick leave to Dec. 16, 1915; at Albany, N. Y., commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dec. 17, 1915, to (Assigned to 22d Infantry, March 4, 1916) Aug. 22, 1916 (inspected Mobilization Camps in Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut, July and August, 1916); at Warren, Ariz., commanding 22d Infantry and Camp, September, 1916; at Camp Harry J. Jones, Douglas, Arizona, commanding regiment, Oct. 1, 1916, to March 25, 1917 (commanding Camp, Nov. 1, 1916, to March 1, 1917); en route to Governor's Island, N. Y., with regiment, to April 1, 1917; at Fort Jay, N. Y., commanding regiment, station and casual camp, April 1, 1917, to May 26, 1920 (in charge of capture of North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American Steamships and internment of their crews, April 6, 1917; commanded escort of President in New York City upon his return from Paris Peace Conference, July 15, 1919; commanded escort of King Albert of Belgium upon his often reception by City of New York, Oct. 3, 1919; addressed many patriotic meetings in New York and Brooklyn, 1917 to 1919).
Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, May 26, 1920,
Vol. VII Military History: —
Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, May 26, 1920,
Civil History: — Commandant, New York State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Bath, New York, Sept. 1, 1920 to May 1, 1929. Vol. VIII Military History: — Col., Ret., May 26, 1920. Civil History: — Residence in retirement May 2, 1929 to ––––– 1152 W. Water St., Elmira, N. Y. Vol. IX Military History: — Col Ret 26 May 20 Civil History: — Residence in retirement 2 May 29–15 Dec 41, 1152 W Water St Elmira NY. Died Dec. 15, 1941, at Elmira, N. Y.: Aged 85. Portrait and obituary at West Point Association of Graduates.º Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. |
a Col. Tillson's birthplace is from the memorial article and biographical sketch at West Point Association of Graduates.
b This curiously detailed account of Col. Tillson's Army career in the early 1900's is a window into the perpetual motion that was the Army of the time; had other entries in the Register been written with as much detail, we would read much the same in them.
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