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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1821

Vol. I

(Born N. Y.)

Jason Rogers

(Ap'd N. Y.)


Born Feb. 2, 1803, Newburg, NY.​a1

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Mar. 30, 1815, to July 1, 1821, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut., 2d Infantry, July 1, 1821.

Second Lieut., 2d Infantry, July 1, 1821.

Served: in garrison at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., 1821‑22; on frontier duty at Ft. Atkinson, Council Bluffs, Io., 1823‑25; in Missouri Expedition,

(First Lieut., 6th Infantry, July 21, 1823)

1825; on frontier duty at Ft. Atkinson, Io., 1825‑27; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1827; as Adjutant, 6th Infantry, at Regimental headquarters, July 14, 1827, to Sep. 14, 1828; in garrison at Jefferson

(Captain, 6th Infantry, Aug. 30, 1828)

Barracks, Mo., 1829‑31, — Rock Island, Ill., 1831, — and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1831‑32; in the "Black Hawk" War against the Sac Indians, 1832, being engaged in the Battle of Bad Axe River, Aug. 2, 1832; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1832‑34; on Recruiting service, 1834‑36; and on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup, La., 1836, — and Camp Sabine, La., 1836.

Resigned, July 31, 1836.

Civil History. — Unknown.

Military History. — Served in the War with Mexico as

Lieut.‑Colonel, 1st Reg. Kentucky Volunteers (Louisville Legion), May 17, 1846,

until he was

Disbanded, May 17, 1847.

Died, Apr. 4, 1848, at Louisville, Ky.: Aged 47.​a2

Buried, Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, KY.

Thayer's Note:

a1 a2 I've supplied Lt. Col. Rogers' birthdate and the exact date of his death — Cullum just gives the year — from his tombstone (q.v.); but I haven't corrected his age at death accordingly, since the birthdate on his tombstone would have made him barely twelve years old on entering the Academy. Fifteen is plausible, several cadets having entered the Academy at that age; but twelve is not, and this wouldn't be the first time an old soldier was casual about his age.

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Page updated: 10 Dec 13
