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Vol. III |
(Born Md.) |
George Bell, Jr.1 |
(Ap'd at Large) |
Born at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD.a Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, June 14, 1876, to June 12, 1880, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 3d Infantry, June 12, 1880. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Maginnis, Mon., Oct. 6, 1880, to Nov. 8, 1881, — Ft. Shaw, Mon., to June, 1882, — Ft. Ellis, Mon., to Sep. 3, 1882, — Ft. Shaw, Mon., to Dec. 29, 1884, — and Ft. Missoula, Mon., to June 9, (First Lieut., 3d Infantry, Apr. 24, 1886) 1888; and in garrison at Ft. Snelling, Min., to –––––. Vol. IV Military History. — Served: At Fort Snelling, Min., until Oct. 5, 1892; as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1892 to Oct. 12, 1896; at Fort Snelling, Min., Nov., 1896 to April 19, 1898; at Mobile, Ala., in command of Company F, 3d Infantry, to June 3, 1898, (Captain of Infantry, 1st Infantry, April 26, 1898) when regiment embarked for Cuba, via Port Tampa, Fla.; landed at Daiquiri, Province of Santiago de Cuba, June 22, 1898; participated in the battle of El Caney, July 1, 1898 (recommended for brevet of Major), and took part in all engagements in the trenches before Santiago until its user, July 17, 1898. — Commanded 1st Battalion, 3d Infantry, July 31 to Sept. 12, 1898. — On leave and sick leave, Sept. 12 to Oct. 15, 1898; joined 1st Infantry at Anniston, Ala., and changed station with it to Huntsville, Ala., Nov. 20, 1898. — In command of battalion, 1st Infantry, Oct. 15 to Dec. 22; on sick leave, Dec. 22, 1898 to Feb. 9, 1899. — Recruiting Service at Detroit, Mich., Feb. 9, 1899 to ––––– Civil History. — Received the degree of LL. B. from Cornell University, June, 1894. — Admitted to the New York Bar, Oct., 1895. Vol. V Military History. — Unknown, no information having been received. (Transferred to 15th Infantry, June 22, 1903) (Major, 12th Infantry, July 26, 1903) (Transferred to 1st Infantry, Feb. 6, 1904) (Inspector-General, by detail, Aug. 14, 1907) Vol. VI (Born Jan. 23, 1859.) Military History. — Captain, 1st Infantry, April 26, 1898 At Detroit, Mich., on recruiting service, Feb. 9 to Oct. 20, 1899; at Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Regimental Quartermaster, Nov. 2, 1899, to Aug. 2, 1900; at San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 19 to 31, 1900; en route to Philippines with regiment, Sept. 1 to Oct. 1, 1900; at Boac, P. I., Oct. 16 to 23, 1900; at Borongan, P. I., Nov. 23, 1900, to March, 1901; at Catbalogan, P. I., March, 1901, to Jan. 4, 1902; at Laguan, P. I., commanding Sub‑District, Jan. 8 to June 25, 1902; at Borongan, commanding company, July 2, 1902, to Jan. 15, 1903; at Camp Connell, commanding company, Feb. 5 to March 25, 1903; en route to U. S., March 26 to April 28,º 1903; on leave of absence and on detached service at Washington, D. C., April 27º to (Transferred to 15th Infantry, June 22, 1903) (Major, 12th Infantry, July 26, 1903) Sept. 17, 1903; Fort Porter, N. Y., commanding Battalion, 1st Infantry, Sept. 18, 1903, to (Transferred to 1st Infantry, Feb. 6, 1904) Jan. 30, 1906 (commanding post from Feb. 7, 1904); en route to Philippines, via Suez, with regiment, Feb. 1 to April 21, 1906; at Manila, commanding Battalion, April 22 to June 6, 1906; at Camp Stotsenburg, P. I., commanding Battalion, June 7 to Sept. 8, 1906; at Camp Connell, commanding Battalion, Sept. 13, 1906, to June 28, 1907; at Manila, in office of Inspector-General, Philippines Division, July 16, 1907, to (Inspector-General, by Detail, Aug. 14, 1907) Sept. 12, 1907; at Iloilo, P. I., Inspector-General, Department of the Visayas, Sept. 18, 1907, to April 10, 1908; en route to U. S., April 15 to May 12, 1908; at Vancouver Bks., Wash., Assistant to Inspector-General, Department of the Columbia, May 8, 1908, to April 20, 1909; at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., member of Infantry Equipment Board, April 24, 1909, to Jan. 20, 1910; at Vancouver Bks., Wash., Assistant to Inspector-General, Department of the Columbia, Jan. 23 to March 10, 1910; at Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., member of Infantry Equipment Board, March 13 to May 14, 1910; en route to Fort Liscum, Alaska, on special duty there, and return to U. S., May 20 to July 20, 1910; at Vancouver Bks., July 21 to Aug. 13, 1910; at San Francisco, Cal., Inspector-General, Department of California, Aug. 15, 1910, to (Lieut.‑Colonel of Infantry, March 3, 1911) March 8, 1911; at San Antonio, Texas, Inspector-General, Maneuver Division, March 12 to (Inspector-General, by Detail, April 22, 1911) July 21, 1911; en route to Switzerland, observer at the Swiss Maneuvers and return to U. S., July 22 to Oct. 29, 1911; at San Francisco, Cal., Assistant to Inspector-General, Western Division, Nov. 7, 1911, to Sept. 15, 1912, and Inspector-General, Western Division, Sept. 16, 1912, to (Relieved from Detail as Inspector-General, March 9, 1913) (Colonel of Infantry, March 9, 1913) April 2, 1913; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., commanding 16th Infantry, April 3, 1913, to (Assigned to 16th Infantry, May 4, 1913) p303 April 24, 1914; at El Paso, Texas, on border patrol, April 30 to (Brigadier-General, U. S. A., July 17, 1914) July 28, 1914; at Vancouver Bks., Wash., commanding 7th Brigade, Aug. 6 to Dec. 21, 1914; at Galveston, Texas, commanding 5th Brigade, Jan. 1 to March 26, 1915; at Texas City, Texas, commanding 2nd Division, March 27 to April 27, 1915; at Galveston, commanding 2nd Brigade, April 28 to Nov. 7, 1915; at Douglas, Arizona commanding Provisional Brigade, Nov. 13 to 25, 1915; at Nogales, Arizona, commanding Provisional Brigade, Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, 1915; at San Antonio, Texas, commanding 5th Brigade, Dec. 13, 1915, to March 14, 1916; at El Paso, Texas, commanding post, March 15, 1916, to March 20, 1917; commanding 2nd Provisional Infantry Division, March 21 to May 31, 1917, and commanding El Paso District, June 1, 1917, to (Major-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917) Aug. 23, 1917; en route to and on special duty in France, and return to U. S., Sept. 15 to Dec. 1, 1917; at Camp Logan, Texas, commanding 33rd Division, Dec. 7, 1917, to April 30, 1918; at Camp Upton, N. Y., commanding 33rd Division, May 7 to 14, 1918; en route to France and on duty there with 33rd Division, May 15 to 24, 1918; arrived at Brest and reached British Area May 26; served in five Armies and twelve Corps; May 30, Second American Corps (Administrative); May 31, Fourth British Army (tactical and supply); June 4, Nineteenth British Corps; Division entered trenches before Albert and Amiens on June 22, and fought with British before Albert to Aug. 20; June 30, Third British Corps and Australian Corps; fought with Australians at Hamel, July 4; fought with British and Australians at Gressaire Woods and Chipilly Ridge on the Somme, Aug. 8 to 19; relieved from Fourth British Army, Aug. 19; joined Fifth American Corps, First American Army, Aug. 26; with Seventeenth French Corps, Second French Army, Sept. 5; entered French Sector on west bank of Meuse, north of Verdun, Sept. 8, and relieved 120th French Division; with Third American Corps, First American Army, Sept. 14; participated in Argonne-Meuse Offensive, Sept. 26 to Oct. 21; fought with Third American Corps to Oct. 6; with Seventeenth French Corps, First American Army, Oct. 6; fought with this Corps; captured Bois de Forges, Drillancourt and Gercourt, Sept. 26, and held Sector to Oct. 21; also fought with Seventeenth French Corps, Oct. 8 to 19, crossing the Meuse on Oct. 8, capturing the Bois de Chaume and Bois de Plat Chêne; with Second French Colonial Corps, Second American Army, Oct. 22; with Seventeenth French Corps, Second American Army, Nov. 5; fought in Troyon Sector, south of Verdun, Oct. 23 to Nov. 11, capturing Château d'Aulnois, Riaville, Marchéville, St. Hilaire, Bois de Warville, Bois des Hautes Epines, and Bois d'Harville; with Fourth American Corps, Second American Army, Nov. 14; with Second American Army Reserve, Nov. 17; with Ninth American Corps, Second American Army, Dec. 12; with Second American Army Reserve, Dec. 17; with Sixth American Corps, Second American Army, Dec. 18; with Third American Army, April 1, 1919; transferred to Service of Supply, en route to U. S., April 12; commanded 33rd Division during its entire period of existence, except for the two months on tour of observation in England and France, and for two weeks while in command of Sixth American Corps; arrived in New York, May 17; assumed command of Camp Grant, Ill., May 29; assumed command of 6th Division, Sept. 29, 1919; Knight Commander, Order of St. Michael and St. George, British; Commander of the Legion of Honor, French; Croix-de‑Guerre, with palm, French. Awarded Distinguished Service Medal "For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services. He led his command, with distinction, in the offensive operations with the British which resulted in the capture of Hamel and Hamel Woods, and in the fighting on the Meuse that gained the villages of Marchéville, St. Hilaire, and a portion of Bois d'Harville. He displayed a high order of leadership in the Argonne-Meuse offensive, when his division attacked and p304 captured the strongly fortified Bois de Forges. The successful operations of the division which he trained and commanded in combat were greatly influenced by his energy and abilities as a commander." Vol. VII Military History: — Brigadier-General, U. S. A., July 17, 1914. At Galveston, Tex., commanding 5th Brigade, Apr. 28 to Nov. 7, 1915; at Douglas, Ariz., commanding Provisional Brigade, Nov. 13 to 25; at Nogales, Ariz., commanding Provisional Brigade, Nov. 27 to Dec. 11; at San Antonio, Tex., commanding 5th Brigade, Dec. 13, 1915, to Mar. 14, 1916; at El Paso, Tex., commanding El Paso District, Mar. 15, 1916, to Mar. 20, 1917; commanding 11th Provisional Infantry Division, Mar. 21 to May 31, and commanding El Paso District, June 1 to (Major-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917.) Aug. 23; assumed command of 33rd Division Aug. 25; en route to and on special duty in France and return to U. S., Sept. 15 to Dec. 1; at Camp Logan, Tex., commanding 33rd Division, Dec. 7, 1917, to April 30, 1918; at Camp Upton, N. Y., commanding Division, May 7 to 14; en route to France and on duty there with 33rd Division, May 15 to 24; arrived at Brest and reached British Area May 26; served in five Armies and twelve Corps; May 30, Second American Corps (Administrative); May 31, Fourth British Army (tactical and supply); June 4, Nineteenth British Corps; Division entered trenches before Albert and Amiens on June 22 and fought with British before Albert to Aug. 20; June 30, Third British Corps and Australian Corps; fought with Australians at Hamel July 4; fought with British and Australians at Gressaire Woods and Chipilly Ridge on the Somme, Aug. 8 to 19; relieved from Fourth British Army Aug. 19; joined Fifth American Corps, First American Army, Aug. 26; with Seventeenth French Corps, Second French Army, Sept. 5; entered French Sector on west bank of Meuse, north of Verdun, Sept. 8, and relieved 120th French Division; with Third American Corps, First American p172 Army, Sept. 14; participated in Argonne-Meuse Offensive, Sept. 26 to Oct. 21; fought with Third American Corps to Oct. 6; captured Bois de Forges, Drillancourt and Gercourt, Sept. 26, and held Sector to Oct. 21; transferred to Seventeenth French Corps, First American Army, and fought with Seventeenth French Corps, Oct. 8 to 19, crossing the Meuse on Oct. 8, capturing the Bois de Chaume and Bois de Plat Chêne; with Second French Colonial Corps, Second American Army, Oct. 22; with Seventeenth French Corps, Second American Army, Nov. 5; fought in Troyon Sector, south of Verdun, Oct. 23 to Nov. 11, capturing Château d'Aulnois, Riaville, Marchéville, St. Hilaire, Bois de Warville, Bois des Hautes Epines, and Bois d'Harville; with Fourth American Corps, Second American Army, Nov. 14; with Second American Army Reserve, Nov. 17; with Ninth American Corps, Second American Army, Dec. 12; with Second American Army Reserve, Dec. 17; with Sixth American Corps, Second American Army, Dec. 18; with Third American Army, April 1, 1919; transferred to Service of Supply, en route to U. S., April 12; commanded 33rd Division during its entire period of existence, except for two months on tour of observation in England and France, and for two weeks while in command of Sixth American Corps; arrived in New York May 17; assumed command of Camp Grant, Ill., May 29; assumed command of 6th Division Sept. 29, 1919, and remained in command until Division was broken up on Returned to Grade of Brigadier-General, June 30, 1920. Major-General, U. S. A., Mar. 22, 1921. Sept. 30, 1921; at Chicago, Ill., commanding Central Department, Mar. 25, 1920, to June 14, 1920; at Fort Sheridan, Ill., and at Chicago, commanding 6th Corps Area, Apr. 2, 1921, to Oct. 1, 1922; on leave of absence to Nov. 30, 1922.
Major-General, U. S. A., Retired, Nov. 30, 1922,
Civil History: — After retirement resided at Chicago, Ill., where he was President of the Hill State Bank. On May 15, 1923, in recognition of his military services, he was presented with $30,000 in securities by prominent Chicago citizens. Died Oct. 28, 1926, at Chicago, Ill.: Aged 67. Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1930. Buried, Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, IL. |
Son of Bvt. Brig.‑Gen. George Bell, Class of 1853.
a Gen. Bell's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.
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