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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1881

Vol. III

(Born N. Y.)

Clarence P. Townsley

(Ap'd Io.)


Born DeKalb, NY.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1877, to June 11, 1881, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Add. Second Lieut., 4th Artillery, June 11, 1881.

Served: in garrison at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Sep. 30, 1881 (Scouting in Arizona, Oct. 3‑26, 1881), to Nov. 4, 1881, — Plattsburg

(Second Lieut., 4th Artillery, Oct. 21, 1881)

Barracks, N. Y., to Nov. 30, 1881, — Madison Barracks, N. Y., to Dec. 7, 1881, — Ft. Preble, Me., to Apr. 20, 1882, — Artillery School for Practice, Ft. Monroe, Va., to May 1, 1884, — and Ft. Warren, Mas., to Dec. 26, 1884; under instruction at the Torpedo School, Willet's Point, N. Y., Jan. 1 to July 1, 1885; in garrison at Ft. Warren, Mas., to July 29, 1885; on leave of absence, to Aug. 28, 1885; at the Military Academy as Assistant Professor of Drawing, Aug. 28, 1885, to Oct. 26,

(First Lieut., 4th Artillery, Jan. 16, 1888)

1888; and in garrison at Ft. Trumbull, Ct., to Nov. 2, 1888, — Ft. Warren, Mas., to May 13, 1889, — Jackson Barracks, La., to Oct. 9, 1889, — and Ft. Adams, R. I., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

(Clarence Page Townsley)

Military History. — Served: At Fort Adams, R. I., to Feb. 26, 1891; (Regimental Quartermaster, 4th Artillery, Feb. 12, 1891 to Feb. 12, 1895); at Fort McPherson, Ga., to May 2, 1893; at Washington Barracks, D. C., to April, 1898; at Dupont Powder Works, Del., to May 11, 1898. — Aide-de‑camp to Brigadier-General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.J. I. Rodgers, U. S. Volunteers, May 14 to July 27, 1898. — At Washington, D. C., to May 31, 1898; at Tampa, Fla., to Aug. 21, 1898;

(Major and Chief Ordnance Officer, U. S. Volunteers, July 27, 1898)

at Washington, D. C., to Oct. 21, 1898 (in charge of Ordnance Office, 1st Division, 4th Army Corps), and at Huntsville, Ala., to Jan. 17, 1890. — In charge of Ordnance Office, Department of Havana, Cuba, to March 30, 1899.

(Captain of Artillery, 4th Artillery, March 2, 1899)

— (Quartermaster, 4th Artillery, April 19, 1899.) — Post Quartermaster, Fort Monroe, Va.; at Fort Monroe, Va., to ––––

(Honorably discharged from Volunteer Service, May 12, 1899)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: At Fort Monroe, Va., April 2, 1899 to Sept. 30, 1905.

 p320  (Major, Artillery Corps, June 20, 1905)

— Commanding Fort Strong, Mass., Oct. 9, 1905 to Sept. 10, 1907.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Coast Artillery Corps, Oct. 19, 1908)

— At Fort Barrancas, Fla., Oct. 8, 1907 to –––––; commanding Artillery District of Pensacola.

(Quartermaster, by detail, Jan. 31, 1902)

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Clarence Page Townsley, Born Sept. 24, 1855.)

Military History. —

Major, Artillery Corps, June 20, 1905

At Fort Barrancas, Fla., commanding Artillery District of Pensacola, Oct. 8, 1907 to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Coast Artillery Corps, Oct. 10, 1908)

Feb. 7, 1909; at Fort Monroe, Va., Commandant of Coast Artillery School and commanding Artillery District of Chesapeake Bay, Feb. 9, 1909, to

(Colonel, Coast Artillery Corps, April 1, 1911)

Sept. 6, 1911; (at Galveston, Tex., commanding 2nd Provisional Regiment, Coast Artillery, March 11 to July 11, 1911); at Fort Williams, Me., commanding Artillery District of Portland, Oct. 9, 1911, to Aug. 28, 1912; at West Point, N. Y., Superintendent, U. S. Military Academy and commanding post, Aug. 31, 1912, to June 30, 1916;

(Brigadier-General, U. S. A., July 1, 1916)

on leave of absence, July 1 to October, 1916; at Charleston, S. C., commanding South Atlantic Coast Artillery District, October, 1916, to June 2, 1917; at Corregidor Island, Philippines, commanding Fort Mills and Coast Defenses of Manila and Subig Bays, Aug. 2 to

(Major-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917)

15, 1917; at Camp Sevier, Greeneville, S. C., commanding 30th Division, National Guard, Oct. 14 to Dec. 18, 1917; in France, Jan. 9 to Feb. 26, 1918; at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C., March 21 to Aug. 1, 1918, and on sick leave to Nov. 1, 1918; at Seattle, Wash., commanding North Pacific Coast Artillery District, Nov. 18 to 29, 1918;

(Honorably Discharged as Major-General, N. A., Only
Nov. 29, 1918)

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Nov. 29, 1918,
By Direction of the President, He Being 62 Years of Age

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Nov. 29, 1918,
By Direction of the President, He Being 62 Years of Age

Died, Dec. 28, 1926, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 71.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1930.

Major-General, U. S. A., (Posthumously) Dec. 28, 1926,
Act of June 21, 1930.

Buried, West Point Cemetery, West Point, NY.

Thayer's Note:

a Gen. Townsley's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 1 Jun 24
