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Vol. III |
(Born Mo.) |
Enoch H. Crowder |
(Ap'd Mo.) |
Enoch Herbert Crowder, Born April 11, 1859, Edinburg, MO. Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1877, to June 11, 1881, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 8th Cavalry, June 11, 1881. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., Sep. 29 to Oct. 30, 1881, — Santa Maria, Tex., to Dec. 28, 1881, — Ft. Brown, Tex., to Apr. 1, 1882, — Santa Maria, Tex., to June 2, 1882, — and Ft. Brown, Tex., to July 21, 1884; on leave of absence, to Oct. 1, 1884; on duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to June 30, 1885; as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., to July 23, (First Lieut., 8th Cavalry, Jan. 2, 1886) p351 1886; Scouting in New Mexico, to Oct. 7, 1886; as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., Oct. 11, 1886, to Sep. 1, 1889; and on frontier duty at Ft. Yates, N. D., to –––––. Vol. IV Military History. — Served: Fort Yates, N. D. (with 8th Cavalry), till April 19, 1891. — Captain and Acting Judge Advocate, Headquarters Department of Platte, from April 21, 1891 to Jan. 11, 1895. (Major, Staff — Judge Advocate, Jan. 11, 1895) — At Omaha, Judge Advocate, Department of Platte, until March 13, 1898; at same place, Judge Advocate, Department of Missouri, to April 17, 1898. — Judge Advocate, 1st Independent Division, and 4th Army Corps, Mobile, Ala., April 17 to May 22, 1898; — Judge Advocate, expeditionary forces, May 28-June 23, 1898; Judge Advocate, Department of Pacific, and 8th Army Corps, June 23, 1898–June 3, 1899. — Associate Justice Supreme Court, Philippine Islands, May 29, 1899 to –––––; D. S., Iloilo, P. I., with verbal instructions from Corps Commander, Dec. p347 26, 1898 to Jan. 8, 1899; member of commission to determine capitulation of Manila and Spanish army, Aug. 14, 1898; commissioner to treat with commission appointed by General Aguinaldo, Jan. 9 to Feb. 1, 1899; commissioner to receive records of Royal Spanish Court at Manila, April 17 to June 26, 1899; President Board of Claims, Philippine Islands, April 18 to –––––; Special duty, Law Department, Military Governor's Office in Philippines, June 4, 1899 to ––––– (Lieut.‑Colonel and Judge Advocate, U. S. Volunteers, June 22, 1898) (Volunteer Commission vacated, Aug. 18, 1899)
(Lieut.‑Colonel, 39th U. S. Volunteer Infantry,
Vol. V Military History. — (Lieut.‑Colonel, Judge Advocate General's Department, May 21, 1901) (Brigadier-General of Volunteers, June 20, 1901) (Honorably discharged from Volunteers, June 30, 1901) — In the Philippine Islands, from July –––––, 1898 to Nov., 1901; on Commission to receive surrender of Manila, and as Judge Advocate, Department of the Pacific and 8th Army Corps; Judge Advocate, Philippines Division; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (Civil Branch); Legal Adviser and Secretary to the Military Governor; President Board of War Claims; on Board of Officers for conference with Commissioners of Aguinaldo; on Board of Officers for revision of customs, tariff and regulations, Philippine Islands; Counsel for the Government, 1902, in the Deming case in the United States Circuit Court and Circuit Court of Appeals, and on appeal therefrom to the Supreme Court of the United States; assigned to the General (Colonel and Judge Advocate, Judge Advocate General's Department, April 16, 1903) Staff, Aug. 15, 1903; detached for duty, in 1904, as Observer with the Armies of Japan, being with the 1st Army of Kuroki, from May 15, 1904 to April 1, 1905; returned to duty with the General Staff, War Department, and served as Acting Judge Advocate General, from May 16 to Sept. 7, 1906; was assigned as Chief of Staff, Atlantic Division, Sept. 21, 1906, and, shortly thereafter, was detailed for duty with the Provisional Government of Cuba, serving as Legal Adviser to the Provisional Government, since Oct. 2, 1906; Supervisor of the Department of State and Justice, since that date; President of the Advisory Commission, since Jan. 3, 1907; and in charge of the Electoral Administration in Cuba, since April 1, 1908; returned to U. S. from Cuba, Feb. 2, 1909, and thereafter on duty in Office of Judge Advocate General, until June 16, 1909; Judge Advocate, Department p324 of California, from July 23 to Oct. 22, 1909, and on duty, as Assistant to Judge Advocate General, U. S. A.; appointed Delegate to fourth Pan‑American Conference, Buenos-Aires, Argentine, March 5, 1910. Vol. VI (Enoch Herbert Crowder, Born April 11, 1859.) Military History. —
Colonel and Judge Advocate,
At San Francisco, Cal., Judge Advocate, Department of California, July 23 to October 22, 1909; at Washington, D. C., Assistant to Judge Advocate General; Delegate to Fourth Pan‑American Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentine, July-August, 1910; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on special mission to Chili, September, 1910; (Brigadier-General, Judge Advocate General, Feb. 15, 1911) (Reappointed Judge Advocate General, Feb. 15, 1915) (Provost Marshal General, May 22, 1917) (Major-General, Judge Advocate General, Oct. 6, 1917) (Reappointed Judge Advocate General, Feb. 15, 1919) at special request of Cuban Republic, revised the General Election Laws of Cuba, 1919. In 1905, tendered the Order of the Rising Sun, by the Emperor of Japan, in recognition of the high regard of the Army of Japan for the Army of the United States and for General (then Colonel) Crowder, p322 who was attached to the 1st Army of Kuroki as observer during the Russo-Japanese War, which honor was declined on account of the Constitutional inhibition; received from Cuban Congress a special expression of thanks in appreciation of the services rendered by him in revising the General Election Laws of the Republic. Awarded Distinguished Service Medal "for especially meritorious and conspicuous service as Provost Marshal General in the preparation and operation of the draft laws of the Nation during the war." Received degree of Doctor of Laws in 1919 from following Universities: Columbia, Brown, Princeton, Harvard and Havana, action by the University of Havana being taken pursuant to legislation enacted by the Cuban Government enabling, authorizing, and directing the University to confer upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, without which this honor could be conferred only upon a native Cuban; Member Beta Theta Pi. Vol. VII Military History: — Distinguished Service Medal Major-General, Judge Advocate General, Oct. 6, 1917. Reappointed Judge Advocate General, Feb. 15, 1919. At special request of Cuban Republic, revised the General Election Laws of Cuba, 1919; personal representative of Presidents Wilson and Harding in Cuba, 1920 to 1923.
Major-General, U. S. A., Retired, Feb. 14, 1923
Civil History. — Received degree of Doctor of Laws in 1919 from the following Universities, Columbia, Brown, Princeton, Harvard and Havana; in 1920, from University of Missouri and University of Michigan; Ambassador to Cuba, 1923 to 1927; practice of law in service of public utility companies and others in Chicago and New York, 1927 to date. Author of "The Spirit of Selective Service." Honorary Member of University, Glen View, Mid‑Day and Union League Clubs of Chicago; of British and American Clubs, Havana, Cuba; of Union League Club, New York; of Omaha Club, Omaha, of Chicago Bar Association and Law Club of Chicago. Vol. VIII Military History: — Maj.‑Gen., Ret., Feb. 14, 1923. Died, May 7, 1932, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 73. Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. |
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