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Vol. III |
(Born Utah) |
Richard W. Young |
(Ap'd Utah) |
Born Salt Lake City, UT.a Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1878, to June 13, 1882, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Add. Second Lieut., 3d Artillery, June 13, 1882. Second Lieut., 5th Artillery, June 26, 1882. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., Sep. 30, 1882 (leave of absence, July 18 to Sep. 19, 1884, and on detached service at Assistant to the Judge-Advocate of the Division of the Atlantic, Nov. 17, 1884, to Feb. 27, 1885), to Mar. 6, 1885; as Acting Judge-Advocate of the Department of the East, with the rank of Captain, to Aug. 31, 1886; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., to Sep. 18, 1886; on frontier duty at Ft. Douglas, Utah, to Oct. 12, 1888; and on leave of absence, to Apr. 12, 1889. Resigned, Apr. 12, 1889. Vol. IV Civil History. — Lawyer, Salt Lake City, Utah, since resignation. — Member of the City Council, 1890‑92, and member of the Board of Education, 1890‑94, and 1898. — Brigadier-General, commanding Utah National Guard, 1895‑96. — Chairman of the Commission for the Codification and Revision of the Statutes of Utah, 1896‑97. Military History. — (Captain, Battery A, Utah Light Artillery, May 4 to July 14, 1898)
(Major, commanding Battalion, Utah Light Artillery,
Arrived in the Philippines, July 14, 1898; he took part in the capture of Manila, and commanded General MacArthur's divisional artillery on Malolos campaign against Filipino insurgents. — Superior Provost Judge, Manila, Oct., 1898 to March, 1899. — Associate Justice and President of the Criminal Branch of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Philippines, May, 1899 to ––––– (Honorably discharged from Volunteer Service, June 28, 1899) Vol. V (Born April 19, 1858) Military History. — Associate Justice and President Criminal Branch Supreme Court of Justice of the Philippine Islands, May, 1899 to July, 1901. Civil History. — Lawyer, Salt Lake City, Utah, since resignation; LL. B. Columbia, 1884; member City Council, 1890‑92, of Board of Education, 1890‑94 and 1898; Brigadier-General, commanding Utah National Guard, 1895‑96; Chairman Commission for the Codification and Revision of the Statutes of Utah, 1896‑97; Assistant City Attorney, 1898; Democratic Candidate for Supreme Court of Utah, 1895 and 1904; member Board of Visitors to West Point, 1902; appointed in 1905 member Board of Regents, University of Utah. Vol. VI (Richard Whitehead Young, Born April 19, 1858) Military History. — Second Lieut., 5th Artillery, June 26, 1882 Resigned, April 12, 1889 Major, Utah Light Artillery, July 14, 1898 Honorably Discharged, June 28, 1899 Colonel, 1st Utah Field Artillery, June 21, 1917 Colonel, 145th Field Artillery, U. S. A., Aug. 5, 1917. At Fort Douglas, Utah, commanding Regiment, Aug. 5, to Oct. 10, 1917; at Camp Kearny, Cal., commanding Regiment, Oct. 12, 1917, to (Brigadier-General, U. S. A., April 11, 1918) April 30, 1918, and commanding 65th Field Artillery Brigade from April 30, 1918; en route to France, Aug. 2 to Sept. 3, 1918; at Poitiers, Gradignan, Camp de Souge, and Camp Genicourt, France, Sept. 6 to Dec. 9, 1918; en route to U. S., Dec. 9 to 20, 1918; at San Francisco, Cal., and at Salt Lake, Utah, commanding Brigade, to March, 1919. Honorably Mustered Out, March 11, 1919. Civil History. — LL. B., Columbia, 1884; Lawyer, Salt Lake City, Utah, from 1889; member City Council, 1890‑92; member Board of Education, 1890‑94 and 1898; Chairman of Commission for the Codification and Revision of Statutes of Utah, 1896‑97; Assistant City Attorney, 1898; Associate Justice and President Criminal Branch, Supreme Court of Justice of the Philippines, May, 1899, to July, 1901; member Board of Visitors to the U. S. Military Academy, 1902; member Board of Regents, University of Utah, 1905‑1917 and 1919. Died, Dec. 27, 1919, at Salt Lake City, Utah: Aged 61. Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1920.º |
a Gen. Young's birthplace is from his AOG obituary. He was a grandson of Brigham Young.
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