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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1882

Vol. III

(Born N. Y.)

William H. Sage​1

(Ap'd at Large)


Born Windsor, NY.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1877, to June 13, 1882, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 5th Infantry, June 13, 1882.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Keogh, Mon., Sep. 30, to Nov. 3, 1882, — Cantonment Bad Lands, Dak., to Mar. 4, 1883, — Ft. Keogh, Mon., to Aug. 16, 1886, — Ft. Totten, Dak., to May 30, 1888, — and Ft. McIntosh, Tex., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: At Fort McIntosh, Tex., to Aug. 16, 1890; at Fort Davis, Tex.,

(First Lieut. of Infantry, 23d Infantry, Jan. 15, 1891)

to April 9, 1891; at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., to Aug. 13, 1892. — Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Central University of Kentucky, Richmond, Ky., Aug. 29, 1892 to Sept. 20, 1893; garrison duty at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., to June 10, 1894; at Fort Clark, Tex. (on leave, June 8 to Dec. 8, 1896), to April 17, 1898;

(Captain of Infantry, 14th Infantry, April 26, 1898)

with regiment at New Orleans, La., to May, 1898. — En route to and in Philippines to Aug. 27, 1898; Aide-de‑camp to General Ovenshine (in Philippines) to Oct. 25, 1899;

(Transferred to 23d Infantry, Nov. 19, 1898)

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Corps, to Dec. 5, 1899; with regiment in Philippines to –––––; (Regimental Adjutant, Jan. 7, 1900 to –––––)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: With 23d Infantry at New Orleans, San Francisco and Philippine Islands until Aug. 27, 1898.

(Transferred to 23d Infantry, Nov. 19, 1898)

— Quartermaster, 23d Infantry, May 21, 1898, until notified of promotion, in Aug., 1898; Quartermaster of Transport Indiana, June 19, 1898 to July 31, 1898; Aide-de‑Camp to General Ovenshine, Aug. 27, 1898 to Sept. 11, 1898; Adjutant-General, 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 8th Army Corps, Sept. 11, 1898 to Oct. 25, 1898; Adjutant-General, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Army Corps, Oct. 25, 1898 to Sept. 3, 1899;

Medal of Honor

for action at Zapote River, June 13, 1899;

duty at Jolo Jolo, P. I., Dec. 5, 1899 to Sept. 26, 1901; Regimental Adjutant, 23d Infantry, Jan. 7, 1900 to Sept. 10, 1903; Adjutant-General, 3d District, Mindanao and Jolo, May 1, 1900 to Sept. 26, 1901; duty at Plattsburg Barracks, Dec. 3, 1901 to April 18, 1903; duty at Malabang, P. I., June 4, 1903 to Sept. 13, 1903; recruiting service, Providence, R. I., and Fort Slocum, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1903 to Nov. 1, 1905; duty at Madison Barracks, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1905 to May 11, 1906.

(Major, 7th Infantry, March 23, 1906)

— Duty at Missoula, Montana, May 16, 1906 to Sept. 19, 1906; duty at War College, Washington, D. C., Nov. 1, 1906 to June 26, 1907; detailed in Adjutant-General's Department, May 31, 1907 and assigned to Department of the Columbia, June 8, 1907; duty, as Adjutant-General, Department of the Columbia, July 7, 1907 –––––.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(William Hampden Sage, Born April 6, 1859.)

Military History. —

Medal of Honor.

Major, 7th Infantry, March 23, 1906,
Adjutant-General, by Detail, May 31, 1907

Adjutant-General, Department of the Columbia, July 7, 1907, to March 23, 1910; on leave of absence and en route to Philippines, March 24 to May 7, 1910; at Manila, Adjutant-General, Department of Luzon, May 8 to Aug. 2, 1910; at Fort William McKinley, P. I., Post Adjutant to March 1, 1911; at Manila, Adjutant-General, Department of Luzon, March 2 to

(Assigned to 11th Infantry, May 31, 1911)

June 14, 1911; en route to U. S., June 15 to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 30th Infantry, June 30, 1911)

July 15, 1911; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., with regiment, July 17, 1911, to May 30, 1912; at Fort W. H. Seward, Alaska, with regiment, June 12, 1912, to January, 1913; at Albany, N. Y., on general recruiting service, Feb. 5, 1913, to Aug. 31, 1914;

(Assigned to 23rd Infantry, Sept. 1, 1914)

on leave of absence to Oct. 31, 1914; at Texas City, Texas, with regiment, Nov. 10, 1914, to

(Colonel, 12th Infantry, Feb. 7, 1915)

March 28, 1918; at Nogales, Arizona, with regiment, March 30, 1915, to April, 1917; at Fort Snelling, Minn., commanding Officers' Training Camp, April 28, 1917, to

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., May 15, 1917)

(Major-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917)

August, 1917; at Camp Shelby, Miss., commanding 38th Division and Camp, Aug. 25 to September, 1917; en route to France, Sept. 26 to October, 1917; on special duty in France to November, 1917; en route to U. S. to December, 1917; at Camp Shelby, Miss., commanding 38th Division and Camp, December, 1917, to

(Honorably Discharged as Major-General, N. A., Only,
March 14, 1918)

April, 1918; at Camp Gordon, Ga., commanding Camp, April 19, 1918, to March 10, 1919; at Camp Funston, Kans., commanding Camp, March 13 to Sept. 1, 1919; at Camp Meade, Md., commanding Provisional Infantry Brigade, Sept. 4 to Oct. 8, 1919; en route to France with Provisional Infantry Brigade, Oct. 9, 1919, to ––––

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Medal of Honor.

Brigadier-General, May 15, 1917.

Major-General, National Army, Aug. 5, 1917.

Returned to Grade of Brigadier-General, Mar. 14, 1918.

En route to Germany and in command of 2nd Brigade, American Forces in Germany, Oct. 9, 1919, to Nov. 19, 1920; en route to U. S. and at Camp Grant, Ill., commanding 12th Infantry Brigade, Nov. 20, 1920, to Sept. 21, 1921; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., commanding post, Oct. 2, 1921, to Feb. 21, 1922; at Denver, Colo., sick in Fitzsimons General Hospital, Feb. 24 to Apr. 15; at Fort D. A. Russell, commanding post, Apr. 16 to May 8; at Denver, Colo., sick in Fitzsimons General Hospital, May 9 to 15; on leave of absence to May 28, 1922.

Died, June 4, 1922, at Omaha, Nebr.: Aged 63.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1923.

Cited posthumously "for gallantry in action against Spanish forces at Manila, Philippine Islands, Aug. 13, 1898."

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

The Author's Notes:

1 Son of Captain William N. Sage, 11th U. S. Infantry.

Thayer's Note:

a Gen. Sage's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 30 Jan 14
