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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1883

Vol. III

(Born La.)

Beverly W. Dunn

(Ap'd La.)


Born Clinton Parish, LA.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1879, to June 13, 1883, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 3d Artillery, June 13, 1883.

Served: in garrison at Jackson Barracks, La., Sep. 30, 1883, to June 5, 1885, — and Washington Barracks, D. C. (Rifle Competition at Creedmoor, L. I., Aug.‑Sep., 1885), to Aug. 26, 1886; on Rifle Competition at Ft. Niagara, N. Y., to Sep. 14, 1886; at the Artillery School for Practice, Ft. Monroe, Va., to Aug. 16, 1888; on Rifle Competition at  p367 Ft. Niagara, N. Y., to Sep. 9, 1888; and as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Pennsylvania Military Academy, Chester, Pa., to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. —

(First Lieut., Ordnance, July 8, 1890)

Served: Inspection duty, Thurlow, Pa., and South Bethlehem, Pa., Sept., 1890 to Feb., 1891. — Assistant to commanding officers, Watertown Arsenal, Mas., Feb., 1891 to May, 1893; San Antonio Arsenal, Tex., May, 1893 to April, 1895. — In temporary command, Fort Monroe Arsenal, Va., April to Oct., 1895. — Assistant to commanding officer, Frankford Arsenal, Pa., Oct., 1895 to ––––

(Captain, Ordnance, June 15, 1898)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: Assistant to Commanding Officer, Frankford Arsenal, Pa., Oct., 1895 to Oct., 1902; Assistant to Commanding Officer, Sandy Hook Proving Ground, Oct., 1902 to July, 1906; on special duty, pertaining to construction of powder factory, from July, 1906 to June, 1907; on special duty, pertaining to the preparation of regulations governing the transportation of explosives and to the establishment by the American Railway Association of a business for the regulation of such transportation, June, 1907 to –––––.

(Major of Ordnance, Jan. 19, 1905)

(Lieut.‑Colonel of Ordnance, March 17, 1908)

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Beverly Wyly Dunn, Born Oct. 12, 1860.)

Military History. —

Major, Ordnance Department, Jan. 19, 1905.

On special duty pertaining to the preparation of regulation governing the transportation of explosives and to the establishment by the American Railway Association of a Bureau for the regulation of such transportation, June, 1907, to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Ordnance Department, March 17, 1908)

Sept. 20, 1911.

Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Sept. 20, 1911,
At His Own Request, After Over 30 Years' Service.

The object of his retirement was to enable him to continue to perform the special duty to which he had been assigned from June, 1907, which was to promote safety in the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles by the railroads of the United States and Canada. As Chief Inspector for the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles, he prepared regulations that were approved and legalized by the Interstate Commerce Commission in the United States and by the Board of Railway Commissioners in Canada, and he directed the work of the chemists and inspectors necessary to promote the enforcement of these rules.

From January, 1916, to January, 1917, he was General Manager of Agency Canadian Car and Foundry Co., a large contractor for the manufacture of ammunition for the Russian Government.

Returned to active duty at his own request, April 9, 1917; assigned to Ordnance Department and to duty of organizing and commanding Inspection Division; at Washington, D. C., on this duty, April 9, 1917, to Sept. 15, 1917; at New York City, Sept. 15, 1917, to Jan. 9, 1918; at Washington, D. C., Jan. 9 to

(Colonel, Ordnance Department, National Army, Jan. 23, 1918)

April 15, 1918; at New York City on special duty, April 15 to June 4, 1918; at Washington, D. C., assistant to Second Assistant Secretary of War, June 4 to July 15, 1918; in France with Second Assistant Secretary of War, July 15 to Sept. 2, 1918; returned to status of

Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., on Retired List, Oct. 24, 1918

Resumed work as Chief Inspector of Bureau.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Sept. 20, 1911,
At His Own Request, After Over 30 Years' Service.

 p197  Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, June 21, 1930,
Act of June 21, 1930.

Resumed civil work as Chief Inspector of Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles.

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: —

Lt‑Col., Ret., Sept. 2, 1911.

Col., Ret., June 21, 1930.

Civil History: — Resumed civil work as Chief Inspector of Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and other Dangerous Articles, which office he organized and administered for nearly 25 years after retirement from the Army.

Died, May 10, 1936, at New York, N. Y.: Aged 75.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1937.º

Buried, West Point Cemetery, West Point, NY.

Thayer's Note:

a Col. Dunn's birthplace is as given in his AOG obituary. There is no "Clinton Parish" in Louisiana today: the modern East Feliciana Parish must be meant, the county seat of which is the town of Clinton.

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Page updated: 22 Feb 17
