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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1884

Vol. III

(Born N. Y.)

Wendell Leeº Simpson

(Ap'd Mich.)


Born Carlton, NY.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1880, to June 15, 1884, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 3d Cavalry, June 15, 1884.

Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Apache, Ara., Sep. 30 to Oct. 3, 1884, — Ft. Thomas, Ara., to Apr. 7, 1885, — Ft. Davis, Tex., to July 13, 1885, — and on Kansas and Texas borders of the Indian Territory and at Ft. Elliott, Tex., to Aug. 11, 1886; on Rifle Competition and on duty at Ft.

(Transferred to 24th Infantry, Jan. 4, 1887)

Leavenworth, Kan., to Mar., 1887; on frontier duty at Ft. Sill, I. T., and in the field, to Dec., 1887; and as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing, Mich., Dec. 15, 1887, to –––––.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: At Michigan Agricultural College from Dec., 1887 to Dec., 1890.

(First Lieut. of Infantry, 20th Infantry, April 20, 1891)

(Transferred to 9th Infantry, July 20, 1891)

— On leave of absence from Dec., 1890 to April, 1891 (except two weeks at Fort Leavenworth before Examining Board). — Fort Grant, Ariz., from April to Aug., 1891; Fort Bayard, N. M., Aug., 1891; Ft. Huachuca, Ariz., Sept., 1891; Madison Barracks, N. Y., from Oct., 1891 to April, 1892; Ft. Ontario, N. Y., from April, 1892 to Jan., 1893; Madison Barracks, N. Y., from Jan., 1893 to April, 1898; Tampa, Fla., from April to June 8, 1898. — On transport Santiago from June 8 to June 24, 1898. — In Santiago campaign, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, to July 20, 1898. — Specially mentioned for services during campaign in Cuba, and recommended for brevets for gallant and meritorious services in the reports of Major-General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.J. Ford Kent, U. S. Volunteers, and Brigadier-General Ezra P. Ewers, U. S. Volunteers. — Santiago de Cuba from July 20 to Aug. 8, 1898. — On transport Vigilancia from Aug. 8 to Aug. 14, 1898. — Montauk Point, N. Y., from Aug. 14 to Aug. 17, 1898.

(Captain of Infantry, Sept. 17, 1898)

— On sick leave from Aug. 17 to Oct. 17, 1898. — Madison Barracks, N. Y., from Oct. 17 to Nov. 17, 1898; Fort Trumbull, Ct., from Nov. 17, 1898

(Assigned to 6th Infantry, Jan. 1, 1899)

to Apr. 8, 1899; Fort Sam Houston, Tex., from April 8 to May 17, 1899. — En route to Philippine Islands, by rail and transport Sherman, from May 17 to July 3, 1899. — Bacolod, Negros Island, P. I., from July 3 to July 11, 1899; in the field, in the north district of Negros Island. — Station frequently changed, the following pueblos having been his station one or more times each: Silay, Manapla, Cadiz Nuevo, Sagay, and Escalante, from July 11, 1899 to ––––

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: At Silay, Manapla, Cadiz Nuevo, Sagay, and Escalante, from July 11, 1899 to June, 1900; sick in hospital at Iloilo and Manila, P. I., from June, 1900 to July 15, 1900; returned to U. S. and on sick leave until Jan., 1901; on recruiting duty at South Bend, Ind., from June, 1901 to Nov., 1901; with recruits, Columbus Barracks, Ohio, from Nov., 1901 to April, 1902; Camp of Casuals, Angel Island, Cal., from April, 1902 to May, 1902; to Philippines to join regiment, May, 1902; returned to U. S. and joined regiment at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., July, 1902.

(Regimental Quartermaster, 6th Infantry,
from Jan., 1903 to Sept., 1903)

(Adjutant, 6th Infantry, from Sept., 1903 to Feb., 1905)

and Adjutant, Fort Leavenworth, Kas.; on duty at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., with Company I, 6th Infantry, part of July and Aug., 1904, and with Band, 6th Infantry, part of Nov., 1904; detailed for service in Quartermaster Department, in March, 1905; on duty as Quartermaster, Transport Logan, station at San Francisco, Cal., from Feb., 1905 until Nov., 1905; Assistant to Depot Quartermaster, San Francisco, Cal., from Nov., 1905 to June 8, 1907.

 p358  (Major, 19th Infantry, March 7, 1907)

— On leave of absence, from June 8, 1907 to Sept. 8, 1907; with 19th Infantry, Fort Bliss, Texas, to Feb. 20, 1908; under treatment, General Hospital, Washington Barracks, from Feb. 26 to March 7, 1908; on duty, Information Division, General Staff, Washington, D. C., from March 7, 1908 to –––––.

Note. — Exact dates for some of this data are not available.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born Aug. 10, 1859.)

Military History. —

Major, 19th Infantry, March 7, 1907

At Washington, D. C., in Information Division, General Staff, March 7 to May 1, 1908; at Hattiesburg, Miss., on cyclone relief work, May 2 to June 3, 1908; at Washington, D. C., in office of Chief of Coast Artillery, June 4 to July 1, 1907; on detached service in charge of relief of flood sufferers in Mississippi Valley, July 3 to Aug. 8, 1908; at New York, N. Y., Commissary Purchasing Agent, Panama Railroad Co., and Assistant Purchasing Officer, Panama Railroad Co., and Isthmian Canal Commission, Aug. 8, 1908, to

(Transferred to 15th Infantry, Oct. 6, 1911)

(Lieut.‑Colonel of Infantry, Aug. 16, 1912)

Sept. 7, 1912.

Lieut.‑Colonel, U. S. A., Retired, Sept. 7, 1912,
For Disability Contracted in Line of Duty.

Died, April 23, 1913, at Garden City, L. I.: Aged 53.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1914.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Lt.‑Col. Simpson's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 21 Feb 16
