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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1889

Vol. III

(Born Ill.)

William Wrightº Harts

(Ap'd Ill.)


Born Springfield, IL.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1885, to June 12, 1889, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Add. Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, June 12, 1889.

Served with Battalion of Engineers, at Willet's Point, N. Y., since Sept. 30, 1889.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: At Willets Point, N. Y. H., with Battalion of Engineers, and student at U. S. Engineer School, from Oct., 1889

(Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, Feb. 22, 1891)

to May, 1892; at Newport, R. I., assistant to Captain Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.William H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers, on duty constructing additions and repairing fortifications at Dutch Island (Fort Greble) and Fort Adams, and on various river and harbor works in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, May, 1892

(First Lieut., Corps of Engineers, Feb. 3, 1895)

to May, 1895; in temporary charge of the Newport Engineer District, May to Sept., 1895; assistant to Major Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Lockwood, Corps of Engineers, at Newport, R. I., Sept. to Oct., 1895; assistant to Major Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.J. F. Gregory, Corps of Engineers, at Cincinnati, O., and in local charge of Kentucky River improvement, including construction of Lock No. 7, Oct., 1895 to July, 1897;​b in temporary charge of Major Gregory's district after his death, Aug., 1897; assistant to Captain Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.J. G. Warren, Corps of Engineers, at Louisville, Ky., Sept., 1897 to April, 1898; still in local charge of Kentucky River improvement, including surveying for and designing Lock No. 8, Kentucky River; ordered to Willets Point, N. Y., April, 1898, and attached to the Battalion of Engineers for duty in Cuba during the Spanish war, but detached again the same month and sent to St. Augustine, as assistant on duty in local charge of constructing batteries and planting submarine mines at St. John's River entrance and Tampa Bay; severely wounded, by explosion of submarine mine, June 10, 1898;

(Major, Chief Engineer, U. S. Volunteers, July 13, 1898)

(Captain, Corps of Engineers, Oct. 26, 1898)

on sick report, until Dec. 6, 1898; Portland, Ore., in charge of certain river and harbor improvements in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, Dec., 1898 to ––––

(Honorably Discharged from Volunteer Service, Nov. 30, 1898)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served at Portland, Ore., in charge of certain river and harbor improvements in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, Dec., 1898 to March, 1901; designed project for Canal at Dalles-Celilo on Columbia River, and had charge of important river and harbor works on Pacific Coast, March, 1901 to June, 1901; at Willets Point, N. Y., preparing an engineer company for duty in Philippines, June, 1901 to July, 1903; in Philippines, Chief Engineer Officer of the Department of Luzon, built military roads and bridges in Luzon, and prepared plans and commenced work at Fort McKinley near Manila, including water works, sewerage and road system, July, 1903 to May, 1907; Executive Officer of the California Debris Commission, San Francisco, regulating hydraulic mining; prepared projects for storage of mining debris on Sacramento and Feather Rivers; also Chief Engineer, Pacific Division, May, 1906 to May, 1907; prepared plans for beautification and enlargement of Presidio and Fort Mason, Cal.,

(Major, Corps of Engineers, Sept. 9, 1906)

May, 1907 to –––––; in charge of improvement of Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, Nashville, Tenn.; service medal, Philippine Insurrection; member Sons of Revolution; member American Society Civil Engineers; Associate Institute Civil Engineers (English); member Southern Society Civil Engineers; Technical Society, Pacific Coast.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born Aug. 29, 1866.)

Military History. —

Major, Corps of Engineers, Sept. 9, 1906.

At San Francisco, Cal., Chief Engineer of the Pacific Division, June, 1903, to May, 1907; (prepared plans for the beautification and enlargement of the Presidio and of Fort Mason; Secretary and Executive Officer of the California Debris Commission; prepared plans and put into execution works for control of debris on the Yuba River; prepared and submitted a scheme for controlling floods on the Sacramento River and for increasing its navigable depth, which scheme was later put into effect); at Nashville, Tenn., in charge of improvement of Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, May, 1907, to August, 1911; (prepared a detailed  p512 project for increasing the navigable capacity of the Tennessee River and prepared the project and commenced work on construction of locks and dams on lower Cumberland River); at Washington, D. C., student officer at Army War College, August, 1911, to June, 1912; Instructor at Army War College, September, 1912, to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Aug. 12, 1913)

Oct. 1, 1913; Military Aide-de‑Camp to the President of the United States and in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds in Washington, Oct. 1, 1913, to

(Colonel, Corps of Engineers, June 23, 1917)

Sept. 25, 1917; (in charge of construction of Lincoln Memorial, of Arlington Memorial and of Red Cross Building in Washington; prepared plans for new public buildings, parks, recreation grounds and driveways); assigned to command of 6th U. S. Engineers, Sept. 25, 1917; sailed for France with Regiment Dec. 5, 1917, and was stationed near Chaumont;

(Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Dec. 17, 1917)

at Langres, France, on faculty of Army General Staff College, February, 1918; attached successively to British and to French Armies during February and March; on March 20, 1918, placed in command of Engineer Brigade and of all American Troops fighting with the British, with station at Montreuil; Chief of American Mission with British Expeditionary Forces; made Commander of District of Paris, Aug. 5, 1918; Military Aide to the President of the U. S. during latter's European visit, December, 1918, to February, 1919;


Distinguished Service Medal

"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services. In command of the important district of Paris, by his painstaking efforts and able director­ship he maintained a high standard of discipline and efficiency among his large command. By his tact and keen perception he handled numerous diplomatic affairs with great satisfaction, rendering services of a superior value to the American Expeditionary Forces."

Honorary Degree, Princeton University, January, 1903; Honorary Member of American Institute of Architects, January, 1918.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1920]

Military History. —

Distinguished Service Medal.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Dec. 17, 1917.

Chief of Staff, Army of Occupation on Rhine, assisted in organizing the American Forces in Germany, Aug., 1919, to Mar., 1920; returned to duty in United States, Mar., 1920; at Governor's Island, N. Y., Chief Engineer, 2nd Corps Area, June, 1920, to July, 1920;

Returned to Grade of Colonel, June 30, 1920.

at Cincinnati, Ohio, Division Engineer of Ohio River Engineer Division including 7 Engineer Districts covering watershed of Ohio River, July, 1920, to Sept., 1921;

(Transferred to Field Artillery, Oct. 5, 1921.)

at Washington, D. C., student officer, Army War College, to 1922, when he was graduated; Chief of Staff of the American Army of Occupation on the Rhine, when American troops were withdrawn from Rhine was left in Coblenz in charge of liquidating stocks, the transfer to the United States of all remaining American troops and transfer of the American Area to the French Army in May 1923; at Fort Sill, Okla., student officer, Artillery School of Fire, and commander of the 1st Regiment of Field Artillery, Aug., 1923, to Apr., 1924; at Madison Barracks, N. Y. commanding 7th Regiment, Field Artillery, laid out and built the camp at Pine Plains for National Guard and regular troops, including water-supply, buildings, firing ranges, roads, etc. Later discovered and recommended purchase of Field Artillery firing ranges at Bolton Mountain, near Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., also at present in success­ful operation, Apr., 1924, to

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Sept. 20, 1924.

Nov., 1924; at Fort Monroe, Va., taking short course in Coast Artillery School, Nov., 1924, to Jan., 1925; at Fort Amador, Canal Zone, commanding the Panama Coast Artillery District, located 16″ guns on Atlantic Coast and 155 mm guns on Pacific coast; prepared projects for searchlights and anti-aircraft defenses of Panama Canal, Jan., 1925, to Dec., 1926; at Paris, France, military attaché to the American Embassy, unofficial member of Committee of League of Nations charged with classification of transportation, Dec., 1926, to Aug. 31, 1930; Military Aide to the Special Ambassador sent by the U. S. to the Coronation of the Emperor of Ethiopia.

Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Retired, Aug. 31, 1930,
By Operation of Law.

Awarded the Telford Medal as a prize by the British Institute of Civil Engineers and the Thomas Fitch Rowland prize by the American Society of Civil Engineers for papers on engineering subjects.

Service medals for Spanish War, Philippine Insurrection and World War; awarded the Cross of Commander of Legion d'Honneur by France; made a Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George by England, awarded the order of Leopold by Belgium with Croix de Guerre; made a grand officer of the War Cross of Roumania and grand officer of the Cross of Danilo II by Montenegro. Honorary Master of Arts, Princeton University, and Honorary member of American Institute of Architects.

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: —

Brig.‑Gen., Ret., Aug. 31, 1930.

Civil History: — President, Madison, Conn., Property Owners Association, Aug., 1934; President Madison Country Club, Sept., 1938.

Vol. IX
[Supplement, Vol. IX: 1940‑1950]

Military History: —

Brig Gen Ret 31 Aug 30

Civil History: — Pres Madison Property Owners Assn, 32‑46; Pres Madison Country Club, Sep 38‑41. Madison Conn

Died Apr. 21, 1961, at Madison, CT: Aged 94.​c

Portrait and obituary at West Point Association of Graduates.º

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Notes:

a Gen. Harts' birthplace is from the memorial article and biographical sketch at West Point Association of Graduates.

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b An amusing anecdote involving him at this period is told by Adm. Hugh Rodman in his autobiographical memoir, Yarns of a Kentucky Admiral, p19.

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c Gen. Harts died after the publication of Vol. IX (1950), the most recent volume of the Supplements to Cullum's Register available to me, which may also be the most recent volume in the public domain. The date and place of his death are from the WPAOG memorial article.

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Page updated: 14 Aug 20
