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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1890

Vol. III

(Born Pa.)

Edgar Jadwin

(Ap'd Pa.)


Born Honesdale, PA.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1886, to June 12, 1890, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Add. Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, June 12, 1890.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Served: In local charge of improvement of Ellis Island, New York Harbor, Sept. 5, 1890 to Feb. 11, 1891. — At Willet's Point, N. Y. H., at U. S. Engineer School, and with battalion, Feb. 11, 1891 (Quartermaster and Commissary, two years, seven months)

(Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, Dec. 14, 1891)

(First Lieut., Corps of Engineers, May 10, 1895)

to Oct. 13, 1895. — At Wilmington, N. C., on river and harbor work, Oct. 15, 1895 to Sept., 1896. — At Southport, N. C., fortification work, Sept., 1896 to Oct. 15, 1897. — At Washington, D. C., in the office of Chief of Engineers, Oct. 15, 1897

(Major, 3d U. S. Volunteer Engineers, June 20, 1898)

to June 29, 1898.

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 3d U. S. Volunteer Engineers, Sept. 15, 1898)

— Examining and recruiting in Texas, Arkansas, and New Mexico, June and July, 1898. — served with regiment, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Lexington, Ky., Macon, Ga., July to Dec. 15, 1898. — Commanding detached battalion of regiment, Matanzas, Cuba, Dec. 22, 1898 to Feb. 28, 1899. — Invalided, Feb. 28, 1899. — Recorder and Disbursing Officer, Board of Engineers, New York City, Aug. 31, 1899 to ––––

(Honorably mustered out of Volunteer Service, May 17, 1899)

(Captain, Corps of Engineers, Jan. 29, 1900)

Vol. V
[Supplement, Vol. V: 1900‑1910]

Military History. — Served: Recorder and Disbursing Officer, Board of Engineers, New York City, Aug. 31, 1899 to March, 1902; in charge Los Angeles Engineer District, including breakwaters at San Pedro and San Luis Obispo improvements of Wilmington and San Diego Harbors, and fortification work at San Diego Harbor, to June, 1903; in charge Galveston Engineer District, including fortification work at Galveston, seawall at Fort Crockett, improvement of harbors at Galveston, Aransas Pass and Brazos, Santiago; report on project for waterway between Mississippi and Rio Grande Rivers, ship channel between Galveston and Houston; also part of time for improvement of Brazos and Trinity Rivers and other work; Engineer's Office, Department of Texas, June, 1903 to Jan., 1904; Engineer's Office, Southwestern Division, Jan. 15, 1904 to Feb. 15, 1904

(Major, Corps of Engineers, Sept. 26, 1906)

to June, 1907; on leave, to July 18, 1907; Panama Canal, Division Engineer, Chagres Division, to July 1, 1908; Resident Engineer, Atlantic Division, Harbor and Channel Section, to –––––.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Born Aug. 7, 1865)

Military History. —

Major, Corps of Engineers, Sept. 26, 1906.

Division Engineer, Chagres Division, Panama Canal, July, 1907, to July 1, 1908; Resident Engineer, Atlantic Division, Harbor and Channel Section, to Aug. 4, 1911; en route to U. S. and on leave of absence to October, 1911; District Engineer, Nashville and Chattanooga, Tenn., Engineer Districts, to Dec. 11, 1911; at Washington, D. C., Assistant to Chief of Engineers, principally handling matters pertaining to permits for bridges and other structures on navigable waters, District of Columbia matters and roads in certain National Parks, to

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Oct. 12, 1913)

June, 1916; District Engineer in charge of Pittsburgh, Pa., District; Member of Ohio River Board and of Flood Board, to July 6, 1917; organized 5th U. S. Reserve Engineers, (name later changed to 15th U. S. Engineers, Railway), May‑June, 1917; regiment ready for overseas duty, June 12;

(Colonel of Engineers, National Army, July 6, 1917)

en route, New York to Liverpool, July 9 to 19; in camp at Camp Borden, Oxney, Hants, England, to July 25; at Le Havre, France, July 26; regiment engaged largely in construction work and selecting sites for depots and other facilities; working force increased by other troops, prisoners and civilians to about 16,000 men;

(Brigadier-General, National Army, Dec. 17, 1917)

at Langres, France, Chief Engineer, Advance Lines of Communication, Feb. 17, 1918; at General Hdqrs., American Expeditionary Forces, Chaumont, Chief of Division of Light Railway and Roads, (title later changed to Director), March 19, 1918; at Hdqrs. Service of Supply, A. E. F., Tours, France, Director of Construction and Forestry, from May 23, 1918; work included construction of docks, railroads, depots, shelters for troops, hospitals, water supply, sewerage, cold storage plants, bakeries, machine shops, power plants, aviation fields, oil and gasoline storage, roads and forestry.


Distinguished Service Medal

"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services. As commanding officer of the 15th Engineers, he inaugurated the important project at Gièvres. Later, in charge of the Division of Construction and Forestry, he brought to this important task a splendidly trained mind and exceptionally high skill. His breadth of vision and sound judgment influenced greatly the success­ful completion of many vast construction projects undertaken by the American Expeditionary Forces."

Made Commander of the Legion of Honor, French; awarded decoration of Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, English.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Distinguished Service Medal.

Brigadier-General, National Army, Dec. 17, 1917.

At Headquarters, Service of Supply, American Expeditionary Forces, Tours, France, Director of Construction and Forestry, May 23, 1918, to July, 1919; Member Commission to investigate certain conditions in Poland, appointed by President Wilson at request of Polish government, July, 1919, to

Returned to Grade of Colonel, Nov. 1, 1919.

Jan., 1920; at San Antonio, Tex., Engineer Officer, 8th Corps Area, Jan., 1920 to June, 1922; at Charleston, S. C., Division Engineer, Southeast Division and District Engineer, June, 1922, to June, 1924; Consulting Engineer and Chairman American Section Joint Canadian-American International Board for Development St. Lawrence River for Navigation and Power, 1924‑1929;

Brigadier-General, U. S. A.,
Assistant Chief of Engineers, June 19, 1924.

Chairman, Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, June, 1924, to June, 1926; Member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Federal Oil Conservation Board, 1926 to 1929; Member Advisory Committee to American Delegation to the International Conference on Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters; Chairman, Technical Advisory Committee to the Joint Congressional Committee on leasing Muscle Shoals, 1926;

Major-General, U. S. A., Chief of Engineers, June 27, 1926.

Member Board of Commissioners, U. S. Soldiers Home, 1926, to 1929; Sponsor for Army Engineer Plan for Mississippi Flood Control adopted by Congress, Mar., 1929; Chairman, National Capitol Park and Planning Commission, 1926, to 1929; Chairman, Interoceanic Canal Board, 1929 to ––––

Lieutenant-General, U. S. A., Retired, Aug. 7, 1929,
By Operation of Law.

1931 Commander of the Legion of Honor, French; Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, British.

Civil History: — Consulting Engineer, licensed Professional Engineer, State of New York, author General Plan, for development and reclamation meadows in vicinity of Newark Bay for Port Industrial and Residential purposes, 1929, to 1931; Honorary member Society of Terminal Engineers; President American Society of Military Engineers, 1929; Member, and past Chairman Waterways Division American Society of Civil Engineers, Honorary Member American Association of Port Authorities; Delegate to the World Engineers Conference at Tokio, 1929, for United States and for Society of Terminal Engineers; Delegate, World Power Conference, Tokio, Japan, 1929; Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering, La­fayette, 1925; Member for the United States Permanent Commission International Navigation Congress, Aug., 1929; also Member Permanent Council of the Commission, Aug., 1929; Chairman, Board of Advisory Engineers to New York State. St. Lawrence Power Commission, 1930.

Died, Mar. 2, 1931, at Panama City, Panama: Aged 65.

Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1931.º

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Lt. Col. Bromwell's birthplace is from his AOG obituary.

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Page updated: 24 Nov 14
