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Vol. III |
(Born Mo.) |
Henry G. Learnard |
(Ap'd Mich.) |
Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1886, to June 12, 1890, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Second Lieut., 19th Infantry, June 12, 1890. Vol. IV Military History. — Served: At different posts in Michigan, from June 12, 1890 to March 1, 1897. (First Lieut. of Infantry, 14th Infantry, March 1, 1897) — Vancouver Barracks, Wash., March, 1897 to Feb., 1898. — Left Vancouver Barracks, Wash. for duty at Dyea, Alaska, Feb. 23, 1898, and on April 12 sailed from Dyea, Alaska, to Prince William Sound, Alaska, as p501 a member of exploring expedition No. 3. — Returned to Vancouver Barracks, Was., from exploring work, Nov. 10, 1898. — Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to ––––– (Captain of Infantry, 4th Infantry, Nov. 15, 1899) (Transferred to 14th Infantry, Feb. 3, 1900) (Regimental Adjutant, March 15, 1900.) Vol. V Military History. — Served: At Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to April 7, 1899; en route to and in Philippines, from April 7, 1899 to July 15, 1900; participated in engagements of Guadaloupe Ridge and Zapote River, June, 1899; en route to and in China with Relief Expedition, from July 15, 1900 to Oct. 31, 1900; participated in battles of Peit‑Sang, Yang‑Tsun, the relief of the Legations and the capture of the Imperial City; en route to and in the Philippines, from Nov. 1, until July 20, 1901, from Feb. 18, 1903 to March 18, 1905, and from Jan. 5, 1908 until April 15, 1908; Regimental Adjutant, from March 15, 1900, until March 14, 1904, and from July 15, 1907 until April 9, 1908; garrison duty at Fort Snelling, from Aug. 31, 1901 to June 10, 1902; at Fort Wayne until Feb. 18, 1903, and at Vancouver Barracks, from April 24, 1905, until April 1, 1907; at Presidio of Monterey, until July 13, 1907, and at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., until Jan. 2, 1908; member of General Staff since April 4, 1908; on duty at Washington, D. C., Aug. 28, 1908 to –––––. Vol. VI (Henry Grant Learnard, Born Aug. 19, 1867.) Military History. — Captain, 4th Infantry, Nov. 15, 1899. Transferred to 14th Infantry, Feb. 3, 1900. At Washington, D. C., member of General Staff, Aug. 28, 1908, to (Major, 14th Infantry, March 20, 1911) June 30, 1911; (member, General Staff to June 12, 1911; at San Antonio, Texas, on detached service with Maneuver Division, March 6 to June 12, 1911); at Missoula, Mont., Aug. 21, 1911, to Feb. 12, 1913; at Fort George Wright, Wash., to Aug. 8, 1913; at Washington, D. C., student officer at Army War College, to Aug. 31, 1914, when he was graduated; at Helena and at Missoula, Mont., commanding Battalion, in connection with labor troubles at Butte, to p558 (Adjutant-General, by Detail, Feb. 13, 1915) Feb. 15, 1915; in Panama Canal Zone, Adjutant U. S. Troops, April 9, 1915, to (Lieut.‑Colonel of Infantry, July 1, 1916) Aug. 4, 1917; (Colonel, Temporary, of Infantry, Aug. 5, 1917) at Washington, D. C., in office of Adjutant-General, Aug. 14, 1917, to ––––– (Brigadier-General, National Army, Feb. 18, 1918) (Colonel of Infantry, April 2, 1918) (Returned to Grade of Colonel, June 1, 1919) Awarded Distinguished Service Medal Jan. 27, 1919 "for especially meritorious and conspicuous service in the work of reorganization and administration within the Adjutant General's Department." Vol. VII p307 Military History: — Distinguished Service Medal. At Washington, D. C., in office of Adjutant-General, Aug. 14, 1917, to Brigadier-General, National Army, Feb. 18, 1918. Colonel of Infantry, April 2, 1918. Returned to Grade of Colonel, June 1, 1919. to Aug. 31, 1920; at Boston, Mass., 1st Corps Area, Chief of Staff, Sept. 1, 1920, to July 1, 1924; at Boston, Mass., 1st Corps Area, in charge of National Guard affairs, July 1, 1924, to July 28, 1925; at Fort Andrews, Mass., commanding 13th Infantry, July 28, 1925, to March 20, 1926; at Fort Sill, Okla., Field Artillery School, Mar. 4, 1926, to Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Mar. 21, 1926. June 20, 1926; at Fort Hoyle, Md., and Tobyhanna, Pa., July 1, to July 16, 1926; at Philadelphia, Pa., commanding U. S. Troops at Sesqui-Centennial celebration, July 17, 1926, to Dec. 16, 1926; at Fort Hoyle, Md., commanding post and 1st Field Artillery Brigade, Dec. 16, 1926, to Mar. 4, 1927; en route to Philippine Islands, Mar. 4, 1927, to April 25, 1927; at Manila, P. I., commanding 23rd Infantry Brigade, April 25, 1927, to Apr. 10, 1929; en route to United States Apr. 10, 1929, to May 7, 1929; at Fort Lewis, Wash., commanding 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, May 31, 1929, to ––––– Awarded Silver Star and cited "for gallantry in action at Peking, China, Aug. 14, 1900, during the operations of the China Relief Expedition against the Boxers." Vol. VIII Military History: — (Brig.‑Gen., Mar. 21, 1926) At Ft. Lewis, Wash., comdg. 3d F. A. Brig., May 31, 1929 to Aug. 31, 1931. (Brig.‑Gen., Ret., Aug. 31, 1931. By operation of law.) Died, Mar. 7, 1937, at Washington, D. C.: Aged 69. Awarded Purple Heart. Portrait and obituary in Annual Report, Association of Graduates, for 1939.º Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. |
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