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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1901

Vol. V

(Born O.)

Frank P. Lahm

(Ap'd O.)


Born Mansfield, OH.​a

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, from June 18, 1897 to Feb. 18, 1901, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 6th Cavalry (to rank from Feb. 2, 1901)

Served: At Columbus Barracks, O., March 10 to May 15, 1901; in the Philippine Islands with regiment, July, 1901 to June 10, 1903; on leave in China, Corea and Japan, June 10, 1903 to July 31, 1903; Instructor in Department of Modern Languages, at the Military Academy, Aug. 20, 1903 to June, 1906; summer of 1904, traveled and studied in Europe; summer of 1905, studied French and Aeronautics in France.

(First Lieut., 6th Cavalry, July 15, 1905)

— In France, Aug., 1906, aeronautical work; won International Balloon Race, Paris, France to Flying Dales, Yorkshire, England, Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, 1906;​b entered French Cavalry School of Application, at Saumur, France, Oct. 10, 1906; pursued course in equitation, to April 20, 1907; in hospital, April 20 to July 20, 1907; on sick leave, to Nov. 6, 1907, in Switzerland and France; detailed to Signal Corps, Sept. 17, 1907; investigating military aeronautics in France, England, Germany and Belgium, Sept. 11, 1907 to Dec. 20, 1907; in Aeronautical Division of Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Dec. 31, 1907 to –––––.

Vol. VI
[Supplement, Vol. VI: 1910‑1920]

(Frank Purdy Lahm, Born Nov. 17, 1877.)

Military History. —

First Lieut., 6th Cavalry, July 15, 1905.

First Lieut., Signal Corps, By Detail, Sept. 17, 1907.

At Washington, D. C., in Aeronautical Division of office of Chief Signal Officer, Dec. 31, 1907, to Nov. 26, 1909; traveling in Cuba, Jamaica and Panama to

(Assigned to 7th Cavalry, Nov. 29, 1909)

February, 1910; at Fort Riley, Kans., with Troop, to October, 1910, and student officer, Mounted Service School, to June 30, 1911, when he was graduated; on leave of absence to Nov. 6, 1911, when he sailed for Philippines; at Fort William McKinley, P. I., with Troop, Dec. 3, 1911, to March, 1912; detailed with Signal Corps, in charge of organizing aviation and conducting school, to July, 1912; with 7th Cavalry to March, 1913; detailed with Signal Corps, in charge of aviation and school, to December, 1913; commanding Troop, 7th Cavalry, to September, 1914;

(Assigned to 6th Cavalry, Oct. 2, 1914)

with 6th Cavalry, at Harlingen, Texas, and on Rio Grande River against Mexican bandits, to January, 1916; Acting Regimental Adjutant, 6th Cavalry, to

(Captain and Junior Military Aviator, April 1, 1916)

April 7, 1916; at North Island, San Diego, Cal., Secretary Aviation School, to

(Captain of Cavalry, June 12, 1916)

May, 1917; at Fort Omaha, Neb., commanding Balloon School, to June 11, 1917; on sick report to

(Major and Junior Military Aviator, June 27, 1917)

(Major, Temporary, of Cavalry, Aug. 5, 1917)

(Lieut.‑Colonel, Temporary, Signal Corps, Aug. 5, 1917)

Aug. 9, 1917; in England, inspecting British Balloon Schools and Service, Sept. 15 to 24, 1917; in vicinity of Ypres, attached to Balloon Wing, 2d Army British Expeditionary Forces, including attack of Sept. 26, to Oct. 1, 1917; inspecting French Balloon School and Service, attached to Balloon Hdqrs., 6th French Army, at Soissons, for five days, including preparation and attack on Chemin des Dames, Oct. 23; at Paris, France, organized Balloon Section, Air Service, A. E. F., Oct. 29 to Nov. 17, 1917; at General Hdqrs., A. E. F., on Balloon duty, to Feb. 24, 1918; at Colombey-les‑Belles, Chief of Staff, Advance Section, Air Service, to June 3; at Toul, Chief of Staff, Air Service, 1st Army, to July 26; at La Ferté-sous‑Jouarre, Neufchateau, Ligny-en‑Barrois and Souilly, Air Service Representative in G‑3, 1st Army, July 26 to

(Colonel, Air Service, U. S. A., Aug. 14, 1918)

Oct. 14, 1918, including period of St. Mihiel and Argonne Battles; reported at Hdqrs., 2d Army, Toul, on its organization, Oct. 14; appointed Commander Army Air Service and organized 2d Army Air Service; on this duty to April 15, 1919; —

 p949  Awarded

Distinguished Service Medal

"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services. A balloon pilot of marked ability and scientific attainments, he rendered valuable services to the American Expeditionary Forces by his untiring devotion to the innumerable problems which faced the Air Service during its organization in France. His broad experience in aeronautics played an important part in the formulation of policies of the Air Service and was reflected in its successes during the St. Mihiel offensive and subsequently in the operations of the 2d Army."

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1920]

Military History. —

Distinguished Service Medal

Colonel, Temporary, Air Service, Aug. 14, 1918.

 p534  Appointed Commander Army Air Service and organized 2nd Army Air Service, Oct. 14, 1918, on this duty to Apr. 15, 1919; at Washington, D. C., special student officer, Army War College, 1919‑1920; at Washington, D. C., War Department General Staff, to

Returned to Grade of Captain, Sept. 8, 1919.

Major of Cavalry, July 1, 1920.

Lieutenant-Colonel of Cavalry, July 1, 1920.

(Transferred to Air Service, Aug. 6, 1920.)

1924; at Presidio of San Francisco, Calif., 9th Corps Area Air Officer, 1924‑1926; at Duncan Field, San Antonio, Tex., Appointed Assistant to the Chief of Air Corps to organize and command the Air Corps Training Center, 1926 to

Brigadier-General, Assistant Chief of Air Corps, July 17, 1926.

July 17, 1930;

Returned to Grade of Lieutenant-Colonel, July 17, 1930.

at Presidio of San Francisco, Calif., 9th Corps Area Air Officer, 1930, to ––––

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: — At Presidio of San Francisco, Calif., 9th C. A. Air Off., 1930 to Aug. 29, 1931; at Washington, D. C., temp. duty, G‑2, W. D. G. S., Sept. 16, 1931, to

(Col., A. C., Oct. 1, 1931)

Nov. 10, 1931; en route to station to Nov. 19, 1931; at Paris, France, Mil. Attaché for Air for France and Spain, to June 26, 1933; Mil. Attaché to France, appointed Mil. Attaché for Belgium, in addition to France, Mar. 3, 1934 to Sept. 23, 1935; (member, Army Technical Staff of American Delegation to General Disarmament Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, Apr.  p132 26, 1934); en route to New York, N. Y., to Oct. 3, 1935; at Governors Island, N. Y., 2d C. A. Air Off., to ––––

Ordre d'Avis, Portugal; Commander, Legion of Honor, France.

Vol. IX
[Supplement, Vol. IX: 1940‑1950]

Military History: —

(Col AC 1 Oct 31)

Governors Island NY, 2 CA Air Off,

(Air Off First Army, Sep 36–Sep 41)

(Maj Gen temp 15 Sep–29 Nov 41)


30 Nov 41

(Brig Gen Ret, 30 Nov 41, opn law)

Civil History: — Author of numerous articles in various publications: "How Our Army Grew Wings," Ronald Press Co, 43;​c Pres, "Early Birds," 48‑50, 1737 N Whitley Ave Hollywood 28 Calif

Died, Jul. 7, 1963, at Sandusky, O.: Aged 85.​d

Portrait and obituary at West Point Association of Graduates.º

His ashes were scattered over Randolph Air Force Base, TX.

Thayer's Notes:

a Gen. Lahm's birthplace is from his official United States Air Force biographical sketch.

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b He was Maj. Henry B. Hersey's copilot.

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c Despite the impression produced by the Register, this is a book of over three hundred pages, co‑authored with Charles deForest Chandler, his commanding officer in the balloon section of the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I (Ronald Press Company, NY, 1943); the jacket of the 1943 edition adds the subtitle Airmen and Aircraft Before 1914.

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d Gen. Lahm died after the publication of Vol. IX (1950), the most recent volume of the Supplements to Cullum's Register available to me, which may also be the most recent volume in the public domain. The date and place of his death are from the WPAOG memorial article.

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Page updated: 17 Jul 24
