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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1911

Vol. VI

(Born Ill.)

Harold F. Nichols

(Ap'd Ill.)


(Harold Floyd Nichols, Born April 13, 1888.)

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, June 15, 1907 to June 13, 1911, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., Coast Artillery Corps.

Served: At Fort Monroe, Va., to March 10, 1912; en route to Hawaii, March 30 to April 13, 1912; at Fort Ruger, Hawaii, April 13, 1912, to Aug. 5, 1915: at U. S. Military Academy, Instructor in Department of Mathematics, Aug. 22, 1915, to

(First Lieut., Coast Artillery Corps, July 1, 1916)

(Captain, Coast Artillery Corps, May 15, 1917)

June 22, 1917; at Citizens' Training Camp, Fort Sheridan, Ill., June 23 to Aug. 17, 1917; at U. S. Military Academy, Instructor in Department of Mathematics, Aug. 18, 1917 to

(Major, Temporary, Coast Artillery Corps, July 3, 1918)

Sept. 4, 1918; at Fort Hamilton and Camp Mills, N. Y., to Sept. 29; en route to France to Oct. 13; in France with A. E. F., to March 8, 1919; (with Railway Artillery Reserve during Argonne-Meuse Offensive); at Fort Monroe, Va., Instructor at Coast Artillery School, March 19, 1919, to ––––

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

Captain, Coast Artillery Corps, May 15, 1917.

Major, Temporary, Coast Artillery Corps, July 3, 1918.

At Fort Monroe, Va., Instructor at Coast Artillery School, Mar. 19, 1919, to

(Returned to Grade of Captain, Feb. 11, 1920)

(Major, Coast Artillery Corps, July 1, 1920)

July 1, 1920; at U. S. Military Academy, Instructor in Department of English and History, Civil Government and Economics, Aug. 24, 1920, to July 1, 1924; at Fort Monroe, Va., student officer, Advanced Course, Coast Artillery School, Sept. 1, 1924, to July 1, 1925, when he was graduated; at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., student officer, Command and General Staff School, Aug. 22, 1925, to June 21, 1926, when he was graduated; General Staff Corps Eligible List; at Fort Monroe, Va., on staff of commanding general, 3rd Coast Artillery District, July 1, 1926, to July 1, 1928; at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., Instructor at Command and General Staff School, Aug. 1, 1928, to ––––

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: —

(Maj., C. A. C., July 1, 1920.)

At Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., Instr. C. and G. S. School, Aug. 1, 1928, to June 29, 1932; at Washington, D. C., student off., A. W. C., July 1, 1932 to July 1, 1933; at Ft. Barrancas, Fla., 13th C. A. (HD), July 7, 1933 to

(Lt.‑Col. C. A. C., Aug. 1, 1935)

July 3, 1936; at Atlanta, Ga., Hq. 4th C. A. Dist., (C. Umpire, Third Army Maneuvers, DeSoto Natural Forest, Miss., July 9, to Aug. 10, 1938); at Ft. Monroe, Va., Director, Dept. of Tactics, C. A. School, Aug. 14, 1938 to (and Actg. Asst. Comdt., C. A. School, Nov. 8, 1939, to––––

(Col. C. A. C., Mar. 1, 1940.)

Vol. IX
[Supplement, Vol. IX: 1940‑1950]

Military History: — Ft Monroe Va, Dir Dept of Tac CA Sch, 14 Aug 38-

(Col CAC 1 Mar 40)

(and Actg Asst Comdt CA Sch, 8 Nov 39–19 Jun 40) 19 Jun 40; Asst Comdt CA Sch, -23 Nov 40; Ft Eustis Va, comdg CA Repl Ctr,

(Brig Gen AUS 7 Apr 41)

‑8 Nov 41; comdg Haw AA Comd, 21 Dec 41 — (LM) — 7 Apr 44; Cp Haan Calif, comdg AAATC, 27 Apr 44–30 Jan 45; Presidio of San Francisco Calif, w/WDC, 31 Jan 45- (Army-Navy Coordinator UN Conference on International Organization, 28 Feb-10 Jul 45) -28 Feb 46; Arty Off, Hq Sixth Army, 1 Mar-29 Apr 46; AC/S G‑1, Hq Sixth Army, 30 Apr 46-

(Brig Gen AUS terminated 30 Jul 47)

31 Jul 47.

(Col Ret 31 Jul 47, after over 40 years' service)

(Brig Gen Ret 16 Aug 48)

Civil History. — Pres, San Francisco Development Co (Warehouses), 47‑; Pres, West Point Society of San Francisco Bay Area, 49‑50. 276 32 Ave San Francisco 21 Calif

Died, Sep. 10, 1983, at Knoxville, Tenn.: Aged 95.

Buried, San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francisco, CA.

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Page updated: 9 Feb 14
