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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1811

Vol. I

(Born Vt.)

James D. Cobb

(Ap'd Vt.)

Military History. — Cadet of the Military Academy, Mar. 8, 1808, to Mar. 1, 1811, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., Light Artillery, Mar. 1, 1811.

Served: on Recruiting service, 1811‑13; and in the War of 1812‑15

(First Lieut., Light Artillery, Apr. 1, 1812)

with Great Britain, in garrison at Greenbush, N. Y., 1813‑14.

Discharged,​1 by order of the President, Mar. 9, 1814.

Civil History. — Superintendent of "Literary, Scientific, and Military Gymnasium," at Georgetown, D. C., 1826‑29. Counselor at Law, Ohio, 1832‑42. Member of the Board of Visitors to the Military Academy, 1850.​a Special Agent of the U. S. Treasury Department to visit Land Offices in Arkansas, 1851. Clerk in Third Auditor's Office of U. S. Treasury Department, 1851‑53. Professor of Mathematics in Franklin  p96 College, Holly Springs, Mis., 1854, and in Andrew College, Trenton, Ten., 1856. President of La Grange College, Ala., 1857.

Died, 18–––.​b

The Author's Note:

1 Congress, Feb. 3, 1829, and again, Feb. 4, 1832, declared this discharge to be illegal, and that Lieut. Cobb was "entitled to all the rights of a First Lieut. of Light Artillery until the time when that regiment was incorporated with the Artillery."

Thayer's Note: This item will have leapt to the eye of even the most casual reader; but, short of a great deal of research, that's about where it stops. See Prof. Rickey's page on James Cobb, which contains other information on him as well.

Thayer's Notes:

a Some of the late 1840's can probably be filled in: a James D. Cobb is mentioned as the Superintendent of a "Washington Male and Female Seminary" in 1847 (The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4, p330).

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b It is tempting to identify Cadet Cobb with the man buried in Andersonville National Cemetery.

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Page updated: 31 Jul 13
