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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1919​*

Vol. VI

(Born D. C.)

Anthony C. McAuliffe

(Ap'd W. Va.)


(Anthony Clement McAuliffe, Born July 2, 1898.)

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, June 14, 1917, to Nov. 1, 1918, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieutenant, Unassigned.

Served: at U. S. Military Academy, as student officer, Dec. 3, 1918, to June 11, 1919, when graduated No. 65 in his class;

(Assigned to Field Artillery, July 21, 1919)

en route to France, July 13 to 20, 1919; on tour of observation of Belgian, French and Italian battle fronts and visited Army of Occupation in Germany, to Sept. 17; en route to U. S. to Sept. 26; at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., student officer at Field Artillery School, Oct. 1, 1919, to –––––.

Vol. VII
[Supplement, Vol. VII: 1920‑1930]

Military History: —

First Lieutenant of Field Artillery, Sept. 29, 1919.

At Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., student officer at Field Artillery School, Oct. 1, 1919, to July 20, 1920; at Camp Lewis, Wash., Battery duty, 16th Field Artillery, Sept., 1920, to Oct., 1921; at Presidio of San Francisco, Calif., Battery duty, Training Battery, No. 9, Oct., 1921, to Aug., 1922; at Presidio of Monterey, Calif., staff duty, 2nd Battalion, 76th Field Artillery, Aug., 1922, to

Returned to Grade of Second Lieutenant, Dec. 15, 1922.

First Lieutenant of Field Artillery, May 20, 1923.

Oct., 1923; at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Battery duty, 11th Field Artillery, Oct., 1923, to Oct., 1926; at Fort Riley, Kans., Battery duty, 9th Field Artillery, Oct., 1926, to Aug., 1927; at Fort Hoyle, Md., Battery duty, 6th Field Artillery, Aug., 1927, to ––––.

[Supplement, Vol. VIII: 1930‑1940]

Military History: —

1st Lt. F. A., May 20, 1923

At Ft. Hoyle, Md., Btry duty, 6th F. A., Aug., 1927 to 1930; Post Staff to 1932; at Schofield Bks., T. H., ADC and Btry Comdr., to

Capt., F. A., May 20, 1928

1936; at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., student off., C. & G. S. School, to 1937; at Ft. Sill, Okla., Instr., F. A. School, to 1939; at Washington, D. C., student off., A. W. C., to 1940.

Vol. IX
[Supplement, Vol. IX: 1940‑1950]

Military History: —

Maj FA, 1 Jul 40

Washington DC, G‑4 Div WDGS,

Lt Col AUS 15 Sep 41

Col AUS 1 Feb 41

Mar 42; ASF (Development),

Brig Gen AUS 8 Aug 42

Aug 42; Ft Bragg NC, Arty Comdr 101 Abn Div,

Lt Col FA 11 Dec 42

Aug 43; England, Arty Comdr 101 Abn Div, Sep 43‑5 Jun 44; ETO, Arty Comdr and Dpty CG, 101 Abn Div, — (Normandy invasion, 6 Jun 44; glider invasion of Holland, 18 Sep 44; commanded 101 Abn Div and atchd tps in defense of Bastogne during Battle of the Bulge, Dec 44)​a

Maj Gen AUS 3 Jan 45


Jan 45; CG 103 Inf Div (which broke Siegfried Line and captured Innsbruck and Brenner Pass) — Aug 45; CG 79 Inf Div, — Sep 45; Ft Bragg NC, CG Abn Ctr, — Jan 46; Bikini, AGF Adviser, Opn Crossroads, 46; Army Sect Jt R and D Bd, Aug 46-Dec 47; Dpty Dir, R and D Log Div, GSUSA,

Brig Gen 24 Jan 48

Mar 49; Japan, Comdr 24 Inf Div, — Oct 49; Washington, DC, C CmlO,

Maj Gen

1 Oct 49 —

Distinguished Service Order (British); Legion of Honor (France); Croix de Guerre (France); Order of Leopold (Belgium); Croix de Guerre and Fourragere (Belgium); Dutch Order of William and Order of the Golden Lion; Order of the Oak Crown (Luxembourg)

Died, Aug. 11, 1975: Aged 77.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

The Author's Note:

* This class, normally the Class of 1921, entered June 14, 1917, was graduated Nov. 1, 1918, returned to the Academy as student officers, Dec. 3, 1918, and was finally graduated June 11, 1919.

Assignments to Arms of the Service were made in accordance with class standing in final year's course.

Thayer's note: better details on this confusing set‑up are given by Waugh, West Point: The Story Of The United States Military Academy. . . ., pp148‑150.

Thayer's Note:

a In this highly abbreviated formal summary of Gen. McAuliffe's career, there can of course be no intimation of what he would become famous for in 1944: to a German commander at the Battle of the Bulge demanding the surrender of the 101st Airborne and the other troops he commanded, his one-word reply — "Nuts!"

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Page updated: 27 Aug 14
