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Bill Thayer

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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1832

Vol. I

(Born Va.)

Philip St. George Cocke​a

(Ap'd Va.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1828, to July 1, 1832, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut., 2d Artillery, July 1, 1832.

Second Lieut., 2d Artillery, July 1, 1832.

 p509  Served: at Charleston harbor, S. C., 1832‑33, during South Carolina's threatened nullification; and as Adjutant, 2d Artillery, at Regimental headquarters, July 13, 1833, to Apr. 1, 1834.

Resigned, Apr. 1, 1834.

Civil History. — Planter in Virginia and Mississippi, 1834‑61. President of Virginia State Agricultural Society, 1853‑56. Author of "Plantation and Farm Instruction," 1852.

Joined in the Rebellion of 1861‑66 against the United States.​b

Died, Dec. 26, 1861, in Powhatan County, Va.: Aged 53.

Thayer's Notes:

a What are the odds of another man, another West Point graduate from Virginia, only five years earlier, unrelated, yet with so similar a name, as elaborate as this one? but do your best not to confuse this man with Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Philip St. George Cooke.

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b As with other Confederate officers, Cullum's Register omits his war record: he was an unhappy Virginia general in the first few months of the war. The story is well told at Encyclopedia Virginia.

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Page updated: 14 Jul 10
