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(Born Mas.) |
Charles J. Whiting |
(Ap'd Me.) |
Charles Jarvis Whiting: Born Nov. 28, 1814, Lancaster, MA. Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1831, to July 1, 1835, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bvt. Second Lieut., 2d Artillery, July 1, 1835. Served: on Engineer duty, Oct. 3 to Dec. 15, 1835; in the Florida (Second Lieut., 2d Artillery, Sep. 10, 1835) War, 1836, being engaged against the Seminole Indians in the Skirmishes at Camp Izard, Feb. 27, 28, and 29, and Mar. 5, 1836, — and Action of Oloklikaha, Mar. 31, 1836. Resigned, May 31, 1836. Civil History. — Civil Engineer, 1836, upon projected railroad from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala. Chief Engineer of Tallahassee and St. Mark's Railroad, Florida, 1837. Asst. Engineer, Survey of the Delta of the Mississippi River, 1838. Principal of Ellsworth Academy, Me., 1839‑45. Asst. Engineer on Boundary between the United States and Mexico, 1849. Surveyor and Farmer, San José, Cal., 1849‑55. Surveyor-General of California, Dec. 26, 1849, to Jan. 1, 1852. Asst. Engineer, Sacramento Valley Railroad, Cal., 1854‑55. Military History. — Re-appointed in the United States Army with the rank of Captain, 2d Cavalry, Mar. 3, 1855. Served: in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1855; on frontier duty at Camp Cooper, Tex., 1856, — Ft. Inge, Tex., 1856‑57, — Scouting, 1857, being engaged against Comanche Indians in a Skirmish near Ft. Clark, Tex., Aug., 1857, — Ft. Clark, Tex., 1857‑58, — Ft. Mason, Tex., 1858, — and Scouting, 1858‑59, being engaged in an Action near Washita Village, I. T., Oct. 1, 1858; on leave of absence, 1859‑60; on frontier duty at Camp Wood, Tex., 1860‑61; and in garrison at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861‑63: in the defenses of Washington, D. C., May, 1861, to Mar., 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Mar.‑June, 1862, being engaged in the Capture of Hanover C. H., May 27, 1862, — and Battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, where he was made prisoner of (Major, 2d Cavalry, July 17, 1862) war, and not exchanged till Aug., 1862; in the Maryland Campaign, commanding regiment (Army of the Potomac) on the march to Falmouth, Va., Oct.‑Nov., 1862; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), commanding regiment, Nov., 1862-July 4, 1863, and Reserve Cavalry Brigade, June‑July 4, 1863, being engaged in Stoneman's Raid towards Richmond, Apr. 13-May 2, 1863, skirmishing at Rappahannock and Rapidan Stations, and at Eley's Ford, — and Combat of Beverly Ford, June 9, 1863; and in command of Portland Draft Depot, Me., July 4 to Nov. 5, 1863. p590 Dismissed, Nov. 5, 1863, for "Using Contemptuous and Disrespectful Words against the President of the United States." Ordered by the President of the United States, May 28, 1866, "to be restored to his former rank as Major of Cavalry, to fill the first vacancy that may occur in that arm of the service." Major, 3d Cavalry, July 17, 1862, his former rank. Served: on frontier duty, at Ft. Marcy, N. M., Dec. 1, 1866 to Mar. 4, 1867; Ft. Sumner, N. M., 1867‑68, — Ft. Howard, N. M., 1868, — in removing Navajo Indians to reservation, 1868, — Ft. Wingate, N. M., 1868, — and Ft. Union, N. M., 1868;a on leave of absence and awaiting (Lieut.‑Colonel, 6th Cavalry, May 6, 1869) orders, 1868‑69; and on frontier duty at Greenville, Tex., 1869‑70, — and at Ft. Griffin, Tex., 1870‑71. Mustered out of Service, Jan. 1, 1871. Civil History. — Unknown, no authentic information having been received.º Died, Jan. 1, 1890, at Castine, Me.: Aged 75. Buried, Castine Cemetery, Castine, ME. |
a See (possibly) DeVoto, The Year of Decision, p376.
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