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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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Register of Officers and Graduates
of the United States Military Academy
Class of May 6, 1861

For a few words about Cullum's Register and the organization of the entries on this site, see the orientation page to the Register. The links below, to the individual entries, open in another window.

Henry A. Du Pont: Engineer and Artilleryman, fought for the Union in the War between the States (Medal of Honor); after the war, ran the family gunpowder business and served two terms in the United States Senate.

Charles E. Cross: Engineer, fought for the Union in the War between the States, building bridges in Virginia; killed at Fredericksburg three years after graduating.

Orville E. Babcock: Engineer, fought for the Union in the War between the States, and later a key aide to President Grant.

Henry W. Kingsbury: Killed fighting for the Union at Antietam a year and a half after graduating.

Adelbert Ames: Artilleryman, fought for the Union in the War between the States; after the war, a Reconstruction governor of Mississippi and senator from that State, and a manufacturing executive.

Llewellyn G. Hoxton: Fought for the Confederacy in the War between the States; after the war, a quarter-century as a school teacher. [+ AOG]

Adelbert R. Buffington: Forty years in Ordnance; fought for the Union in the War between the States, then rose to Chief of Ordnance of the Army.

Emory Upton: Fought for the Union in the War between the States; student of tactics and the author of several books on the art of war; Commandant of Cadets at the Military Academy.

Nathaniel R. Chambliss: Fought for the Confederacy in the War between the States; after the war, an Alabama planter.

Edmund Kirby: Killed fighting for the Union in the War between the States, two years after graduating.

John I. Rodgers: Forty years in the Artillery; fought for the Union in the War between the States; after the war, an inspector and logistics man.

Samuel N. Benjamin: Fought for the Union in the War between the States; taught at Artillery School and served in the Adjutant-General's Department.

John Adair: Deserted almost immediately, and went back to his home State of Oregon, to mine gold, pack salmon, and farm.

John W. Barlow: Forty years in the Army, almost all as an engineer; fought for the Union in the War between the States, taught at the Military Academy, directed or superintended many major river and harbor improvements and defensive works; retired as Chief of Engineers.

Charles E. Hazlett: Union artilleryman, fought in the War between the States from Bull Run to Gettysburg, where he was killed, two years after graduating.

Charles E. Patterson: Fought for the Confederacy in War between the States, and was killed in action a year after graduating.

Judson Kilpatrick: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, leaving the Army at the end of the war; ambassador to Chili and Republican political figure.

Franklin Harwood: Twenty years in the Army as an Engineer; fought for the Union in the War between the States, then after the war worked on river and harbor improvements in the Northeast and on the Great Lakes.

George W. Dresser: Artilleryman, fought for the Union in the War between the States, then resigned four years after graduating; railroad engineer and gas light industry executive.

Charles McK. Leoser: Cavalry­man, fought for the Union in the War between the States, then resigned four years after graduating; merchant and publisher.

Henry C. Hasbrouck: Artilleryman, fought for the Union in the War between the States, and against Indians after the war; Commandant of Cadets at the Military Academy for five years.

William A. Elderkin: In the War between the States, fought for the Union then taught two years at the Military Academy; after the war, thirty-two years as a Commissary nearly all on the western frontier.

Francis A. Davies: Fought for the Union in the War between the States; resigned seven years after graduating, and made a career in insurance and the post office.

Charles C. Campbell: Fought for the Confederacy in the War between the States; after the war, worked for the Federal government as an engineer.

Malbone F. Watson: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, in which the loss of a leg in battle sidetracked his military career.

John B. Williams: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, but dismissed during the war; the Register knows nothing of the forty remaining years of his life.

Guy V. Henry: For most of his nearly forty years in the Army, he was a cavalry­man; fought for the Union in the War between the States (Medal of Honor), and after the war fought Indians on the western frontier; fought in the Spanish-American War.

Jacob H. Smyser: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, serving in the Artillery and Ordnance; resigned eight years after graduating, after which the Register loses track of him.

Jacob B. Rawles: Forty years in the Artillery; fought for the Union in the War between the States; at the end of his career, rose to regimental command.

Erskine Gittings: Fought for the Union in the War between the States; taught at the Military Academy and was posted to various mostly eastern garrisons.

J. Ford Kent: Forty years in the Infantry; fought for the Union in the War between the States; most of his remaining career on the western frontier; fought in the Spanish-American War.

Eugene B. Beaumont: Thirty years in the Army; fought for the Union in the War between the States (Medal of Honor); fought Indians on the western frontier.

Leonard Martin: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, and resigned at the end of the war, five years after graduating; in civilian life, a Federal government employee.

John S. Poland: Thirty-seven years in the Infantry; fought for the Union in the War between the States, taught several years at the Military Academy, and served on the western frontier.

Robert L. Eastman: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, but for most of the war taught at the Military Academy, and died four years after graduating.

Henry B. Noble: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, but for most of the war taught at the Military Academy, and was retired from the Army for disability eight years after graduating; the Register says nothing of the remaining thirty years of his life.

Leroy L. Janes: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, but for half of the war taught at the Military Academy, and resigned six years after graduating; the Register says nothing of the remaining forty years of his life.

Campbell D. Emory: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, and served on the western frontier; during much of his career he was attached to General Meade.

James F. McQuesten: Fought for the Union in War between the States, and was killed in action three years after graduating.

George O. Sokalski: Fought for the Union in the War between the States; died shortly after the war, six years after graduating.

Olin F. Rice: Killed fighting for the Confederacy in the War between the States, three years after graduating.

Wright Rives: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, and retired for disability five years after the war, to the life of a Maryland farmer.

Charles H. Gibson: Fought for the Union in the War between the States, but resigned three years after graduating, before the end of the war, apparently due to illness; Cullum has very little information on his life after the Army.

Mathias W. Henry: Cullum records him as having fought for the Confederacy in the War between the States; after the war, he was an engineer for a while, and died relatively young.

Sheldon Sturgeon: Fought for the Union in the War between the States; after the war, served in occupied Louisiana and in the Midwest.

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Page updated: 30 Oct 13
